Green Hope Farm Flower Essences from 2020

Hello dear Friends! Welcome! We’re so happy to share these New Flower Essences from the Green Hope Gardens of 2020. Their focus is to support you to shift from the 3D illusion of separation to 5D unity consciousness  They dovetail in a unity of purpose that beautifully reveals their own fifth dimensional unity consciousness, and they offer themselves with much love.

Existing in fifth dimensional consciousness, these Flower Essences come out to meet all of us wherever we are to help us along in our individual journeys. 2020 has been quite the year, and these Essences speak to this intensity. They are powerful tools offered from the part of our collective oneness that knows how to take us, both individually and collectively, across the threshold into conscious oneness and fifth dimensional New Earth.

When we look beyond the surface chaos clamoring for our constant attention, we notice the choices we need to make. Will we spend another minute tied to the millstones of old ego contracts, long dead ideas of who we are, ancient loyalties that separate us one from another and tired three dimensional games? Or will we step across the threshold right now to a higher dimensional experience of ourselves, one of expansive love and spiritual freedom?

Grandmother Earth has made her choice to evolve. She moves further into the fifth dimension every moment.  Sometimes we waiver but more and more we cut the bindings and seek to go forward with her into a vibration both unknown and more familiar than our very face.  We do not acquaint ourselves with something new as much as reunite with our true self.

This journey calls us to cast out the mistaken perceptions that bind us to old frequencies and manifest something beautiful that already lives within us. In oneness, becoming something is also a remembering something.  In this there is no room for fear, only love. We embrace our best selves and leave the shadow boxing behind.

Not surprisingly, the Flower Essences created this year by the Green Hope Farm community of Angels Elementals and Humans help us cross the threshold fearlessly, joyfully and without delay. 

I’ll give a snapshot of each new Essence below then come back with longer descriptions of each of these dynamos.

Angel Wing BegoniaBegonia coccinea If you’re here on Earth right now, you’re in deep! This one helps us continue in our brave course to live from our hearts. It also helps us feel the Angels at our side, compatriots offering steadying love and support.

Beeline– A new garden mandala orchestrated by Honeybees and infused with their wisdom and love became this Flower Essence combination. Just as Bees gather nectar and pollen then go straight home to their hives in a beeline, this Essences helps us gather up the gifts from all we have learned in our three dimensional experiences and take this harvest and ourselves swiftly home to source. Nature is with us in this journey, and never was there a community more willing to show us the way than the radiant light beeings that we call Honeybees.

BindweedConvolvulus arvensis Bindweed helps us unbind ourselves from counter productive three dimensional emotional and mental habitual ways of being so we can open and receive the fifth dimensional energies flooding into Earth.

Black Hills– This Essence speaks to our souls of our pure source and being. It is Grandmother Earth’s wake up call, a gift returning us to ourselves.

The Gate Beautiful– This year’s Venus Garden combination Flower Essence helps us cross the threshold once and for all from dense three dimensional living to the vibrant fifth. The word for beautiful in Greek means, “in the right time.” It is the right time.

Lion’s EarLeonotis nepetifolia The Lion’s Ear collective of wise elders in spirit offers its protection and guidance via this Essence. Words fail me when I try to suggest the gifts of what they offer, but later in this blog, I’ll try!

Moldavian DragonheadDracocephalum moldavica  Tender support for a discouraged heart. For moments when these unravelling times feel like too much and you need respite and relief.

Red Spider OrchidCaladenia stricta Red Spider Orchid cuts through our perceptual blinders and pushes aside distractions to reveal what is actually going on for us and what we must do about it.

Wild Pinks in a Fairy RingDianthus deltoides One blessing Elementals offer is to help us lighten up. This gift from the fairies shares a vibration that uplifts us with fairy magic and sparkle.

Yerba MateIlex paraguariensis– We are light. It is time to be set free from any interference that would suggest otherwise. Yerba Mate is a protector and a guide that reminds us of who we are and in sanctity ushers us on our way.

Alphabetizing has never been a strength of mine (just ask the staff Goddesses!) but in the case of these longer descriptions, I have intentionally left Beeline and The Gate Beautiful to the end.

Angel Wing leaves! I promise the Flower photo as soon as this Begonia blooms again!

Angel Wing BegoniaBegonia coccinea Begonias are about heart. This one specifically helps us feel both the calm and courage necessary to live from our heartfelt convictions.  It also peels back the veil to reveal that we are in the company of Angels, supporting us in our every move towards self-actualization.

We each incarnated to be here for this transition to a New Earth, but signing on was a bit different than executing the mission! This Essence helps us keep going with a brave heart and a greater awareness of the Angels around us, holding us close with their radiant wings as we too shine our infinite light.

I AM the courage of my convictions.


BindweedConvolvulus arvensis  If you have read recent blogs you will know that I struggled with this “weed” in the gardens this summer and also got repeated guidance and support to release old three dimensional ways of being to open and receive the fifth dimensional Divine light flooding the planet. I love how, like everything else from these fifth dimensional Flower messengers, it is all one: Bindweed has revealed itself to be an Essence that can help us break free from low vibration bindings to open and receive the light on offer.

This greater light energy is with us so completely that I wake up each morning in wonder and awe.  As I avail myself to this incoming light, I ask for support from Angels, Elementals and Ascended Masters to release three dimensional habits and emotions to make room to receive the light of the fifth dimension. In other words, I ask to release anything that keeps my energy stuck. Then I visualize the light entering through my crown and moving through my mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies. I’ve been writing about this in recent blogs if you are interested. Angels, Elementals and Ascended Masters stand ready to help all of us in this process.

I find asking in specificity for the release of stuck emotions and mental patterns that maintain the illusion of separation such as anger, pride, jealousy, bitterness, righteousness, judgement, resistance to change and envy is helpful. I’m not suggesting we shouldn’t experience these emotions. It’s just that we need to process them then let them go to make room for the incoming light. This light energy is generous. It is here for all of us because, of course, we are all one and in oneness there is no separation into worthy and unworthy. Bindweed, being the most annoying plant in the garden yet holding this ability to welcome in immense light reminded me of that!

I AM the full release of all bindings and the full flow of infinite light.

Black Hills– A Green Hope friend from Deadwood, South Dakota sent me a box of Flowers and other cherished offerings she had gathered in the Black Hills. When I opened the box, my circuits were blown by the power of what she had gathered.

I decided to make an Essence from this offering and then see what I was to do with it.  First things first, I thank you Suzy for your journeying into the Black Hills to make this possible.

My father grew up in nearby Rapid City, and his parents helped create the Native American museum there. The Black Hills were his favorite place, and he had many stories of his childhood there. But my reaction to the Flowers was a different sense of recognition than a familial one. It went beyond the personal to the universal.

So much of what I know about Flowers comes from a body experience beyond words or beliefs. For many decades I have been trying to translate the vibration of Flowers into descriptions that suggest their gifts enough for you to want to work with their vibrations. Words can never contain the truth and vibration of a Flower and its Essence, but they can suggest the territory, sometimes, if I am lucky. That Flower Essences are beyond language is a wonderful thing, but it also leads me to not always know how to navigate cultural shifts in my descriptions. Flowers don’t speak from a place of culture but more from source. As the translator, I am the one making the mistakes! Please accept my heartfelt apologies for anything I say that feels wrong. The missteps are all mine and not the Flowers.

My experience of this Essence is that it calls all humankind back to the purity of our creation and the first breath. The Black Hills is a place from which Grandmother Earth breathes in infinite significance. May we honor this place by being worthy of her love.

This Essence, like all Flower Essences, comes from a place beyond language, bearing a significance beyond understanding (my understanding, anyways!). In particular this Black Hills Essence holds something of a place held sacred by its guardians as the heart of everything. I would very much like to go to the Black Hills to honor them. In the meantime, I am so grateful for the opportunity to work with a refracted piece of their wisdom in the form of this Flower Essence.

My experience of this Essence is that it helps us to dissolve the chains of separation so that we can experience the pure source of our being.  Soul retrieval might be one way to describe its purpose. This pure source is the oneness now calling us back from division to remembered union. This Essence has made me burst into tears of gratitude and love- repeatedly- I have no explanation for this, but I am grateful. It has helped me find something essential of myself which I thought lost.

I will close with grateful thanks to the people of the Arikara, Pawnee, Crow, Lakota, Cheyenne, Omaha, Arapaho, Kiowa, Kiowa-Apache and other tribes who have been threshold guardians of the Black Hills. May we all be worthy of your sacrifice.

Lion’s Ear

Lion’s EarLeonotis nepetifolia The first time I encountered this Flower was in St John, USVI.  While hiking on a twisty road, I had to leap into a ditch to avoid getting hit by a speeding jeep. Looking up from where I landed I found myself in a divine appointment with this Flower. Given how significant this Flower and its Essence have become to me, I am certain Lion’s Ear arranged for me to find it via this speeding car. I have never encountered this Flower anywhere else and only have it to offer now because I searched out seeds to grow it here in the gardens.

I grew more serious about this Flower when another Flower Essence practitioner began to tell me her dreams about Lion’s Ear Essence. The deeper we explored this Flower Essence, the more it revealed itself as a tower of strength and advocacy for the Light within us. The more I learned the more aware I became of the immense and complex light energies aligned with this Essence.

To work with this Flower Essence is to be welcomed into a circle of the wisest healers that have ever lived on this planet. I hesitate to suggest how this collective will manifest in your life. Like a complex crystal, this Essence refracts the light into many different traditions. Suffice it to say that currently many spiritual elders of the shamanic tradition gather to help usher us through this dimensional gateway to a new life. This Essence helps us attune to these elders and avail ourselves to their precious support.  It is a rare invitation.  I have found the shimmering collective of Lion’s Ears to be an enormous help in the work of ignoring “mosquitos” of all sizes and shapes and to keeping on with holding my light as best I can.

I AM the drum. I AM the drumbeat.

Moldavian Dragonhead

Moldavian DragonheadDracocephalum moldavica The Elementals chose this one as a central note in the music of the Beeline garden. What a lovely new friend!  Its abundant blue Flowers attract many kinds of Bees especially Bumblebees. We weren’t at all surprised when we learned that this plant is used extensively in Moldavia as an herbal tea to lift up a discouraged heart. We found it an uplifting presence in the garden.

Consider this new friend if your heart is discouraged by your circumstances or the drama currently encircling us. This one sings of a deeper place of wholeness and holiness, It holds steadfast in truth as do so many blue Flowers, yet it also brings the courage of blue. It supports us to be our true blue self with serenity, quiet determination and unperturbable good cheer.

I AM a songline of happiness.

Red Spider Orchid

Red Spider OrchidCaladenia stricta This Flower Essence creates an inner space of great clarity. It cuts away the voluminous untruths and distractions drowning us. It illuminates a territory within us of revelation so we can know and own our truth.

So much of the data and energy coming at us is distraction. This Essence helps us disregard the clamor of the meaningless and zero in on the bones of truth that will move us forward. Like a lens that brings just the subject into focus, this Orchid telescopes in on the real that must be dealt with and dismisses the rest. It helps us resolve painful situations that press in on us by condensing the circumstances down to a zone of clarity and revelation.  

Think of this one as like a bouncer at the gates of our hearts that turns away all the frivolous distractions so we can better hear the still small voice of our own heart, the voice that knows what matters and what we must do.

I AM clarity and revelation.

Wild Pinks in a Fairy Ring

Wild Pinks in a Fairy RingDianthus deltoides Three dimensional life can try and pull us back with the siren song of sorrows new and old.  What happiness it was when Grace, my eight year old granddaughter, pointed to a fairy ring of Wild Pinks growing here and told me, “This needs to be an Essence.” We made it together and have used it all summer in a spritzer bottle whenever the mood gets heavy or low. It is as sparkly and uplifting as you can imagine.

I AM the sparkle of magic and happiness.

Yerba Mate

Yerba MateIlex paraguariensis  I have leaned on this Essence this year for the protective energy it offers. It brings unwaivering support to dismiss the unreal.  I use it daily with Golden Armor and Lion’s Ear. Not everyone wants us to go forward into the fifth dimension, and the interference has been significant in 2020. Here is what this Essence said to a healer friend, “I stand tall in the darkness, unperturbed by what I see. I am oblivious to that which fails to know itself. There is nothing that will ever stop my growth. I protect your knowledge that you cannot be damaged.”

I AM one with source.

Ageratum and Sweet Alyssum from Beeline

Beeline– All paths lead home, but some are faster than others. This brings us to Beeline.

The word Beeline is both a noun and a verb. As a noun it means “a straight, direct course.” As a verb it means “to go quickly in a straight course.” Because we are both wave and particle, this feels apt.  As an Essence it helps us beeline it home in a beeline.

Bees take the nectar and pollen they have gathered and go directly back to the hive in a beeline. When people are trying to find a wild hive, they will watch the beeline the bees make from wherever they are gathering food and follow the trajectory until they find the hive.

So it is that this Essence offers to help you find your beeline home so you can beeline it there. Making a beeline is not only the most efficient thing to do but a prudent one. Beeline exhorts us to go right home. If you find your unique beeline to Divinity’s door, why mess around with sideshows, distractions, minor celebrities or alternate routes suggested by mapquest? And once on the beeline, why leave it?  If you had afternoon tea with Divinity, would you stop off at a minimart on the way home? Bees embody this “direct to source” vibration and in this Essence they share this vibration. Beeline offers the bee’s gift of discernment that takes us home to conscious unity with source.  Bees live for the One and exist in union with the one. They don’t see the way they live as a sacrifice of self to the whole because they experience themselves as the whole.

How did the Bees come to create this Essence?  Our big Cherokee Trail of Tears garden gets a new mandala of Flowers each year, but it has always presented a bit of an obstacle (albeit a gorgeous one) to us humans going from other gardens to the tool and garden shed. This year the Angels suggested we run a direct path through the garden at the optimum angle to connect us to the shed. We planted the Angels’ design with delight at the way it immediately made gardening more efficient. To the northwest of the path, arcs of potato plants in a rainbow of varieties encircled a varied collection of pole beans. To the southeast of the path, many plants new to me joined a cohort of regulars. Sweet Alyssum and low growing Zinnias edged the path.  Behind them grew Blue, Lavender, White and Rose Ageratums from the “Timeless” series, Peruvian Four O’clocks, Korean Hyssop, many kinds of Nicotiana including Sacred Tobacco varieties and a long run of our new friend Moldavian Dragonhead.  I had thought that the Venus Garden was going to get all the plants that I had grown around the theme of Time, but this garden welcomed many of these time related Flowers.

Early in the summer, three swarms of Honeybees from our existing hives swarmed in the apple trees which encircle this garden. We gently moved them into new hives. Soon we had three vibrant hives permanently in place next to this garden. Swarms are completely in charge of when they leave an existing hive, where they go and if they settle in when a new hive is offered. We were so happy they stayed.

You would think by this point the name Beeline for this garden mandala would have occurred to me- after all it made it possible for us to beeline to our tools AND bees had been a theme in this garden all summer…but no, I was still trying on names like “Cut to the Chase” and “Direct Route.” Did you hear my whoop of delight when I finally got the Bee memo about the name?

Along with puzzling over the name, I wondered at the Flower ingredients. The joyful Zinnias merged into the honey scented fragrant Sweet Alyssum lifting us with their Christ consciousness energy. But what of these time related Flowers?  All paths lead home but some faster than others. Yes, I am repeating myself here. The issue is that we have all dithered quite a long time here on Earth, playing with the light and dark and exploring every nuance of three dimensional reality, but the planet is moving on to the fifth dimension and we have the wisdom and the skills to join her. This garden both reminds us how and also exhorts us to get on with it. It’s time.

I’m not saying all the delays have been on our own personal watch. 2020 has been an obstacle course of unexpected challenges and roadblocks thrown in our way. However this Essence helps us ignore a lot of this and without delay, make a beeline in a beeline to take the nectar and pollen of our journeys in three dimensions and beeline into the expansive fifth dimension calling to us.

The Gate Beautiful

The Venus Garden sits tucked inside a horseshoe of office building, farmhouse and barn- both protected yet somehow also rising above the fray of daily life to express its wisdom and truth.

This year we’ve renovated the barn to make a living space for Elizabeth and her two children. The “we” is almost 100% Jim who spent his “summer vacation” from the classroom rebuilding the barn into a home. One thing we knew going into the construction was that at any time during the garden season, we could expect a crew to come dig a trench from the barn to farmhouse for electrical, water and septic lines. Because this trench would likely dig up part if not all of the Venus Garden, the Angels had us grow all the plants for this season’s garden in a multitude of clay pots.

Petunias in shades of pink, purple and white mixed with Daturas, scented Geraniums, Sweet Alyssum, Mehera Marigolds and Thyme. They were joined by “volunteer” Verbena Bonariensis, Cosmos, Bells of Ireland, Blue Vervain, and Nicotiana in a saucy and playful movable feast. At the center, 13 pots of Mehera Marigolds encircled an immense planter of Thyme representing an unusual variation of numbers on a clock face.  The Angels had me turn the pots in a unique rhythm and also had me place a statue of St. Francis in the garden for many weeks. Then one day the bulldozer, excavator and skid steer with jackhammer arrived for the digging. I offered to move the pots, but the men said they would try and work around the garden.

All around the property was the uproar of trenches being dug and blasted, dirt and shards of bedrock being pile high and other gardens experiencing necessary destruction. A new septic system was required by the town planning board and this necessitated a road being created on the property down through the hayfield where an even bigger excavator tore up the earth to remove our old system and lay down another. Dump trucks, bulldozers and excavators in all directions left our toddler grandson Henry giddy with joy.

It was hard to miss that our little microcosm reflected the macrocosm.  2020 = upheaval and change. In order to move the place forward and expand the farm to house another family, we had to dig the whole place up.  So too in the macrocosm.

When the construction threatened forty years of energy work in the Venus Garden, people and spirit conspired to leave it intact and unscathed, yet dug deep all around the garden. This is the first garden where we grounded the fifth dimension, and it remains sacred ground. The workmen felt this and heroically maneuvered their lumbering equipment around the garden in surgically precise moves. Always there was an energy of orchestrated mess preserving the essential, not purposeless destruction. Another occurrence that uplifted me with confidence that in both the microcosm and the macrocosm the light in all of us will prevail is what I saw one afternoon as Henry and I sat down in the hayfield observing the excavator dig as fast as Mike Mulligan and Mary Ann. Rising up above the site towered an enormous Angel radiating a pink light. In this mess as with all our messes, the wisest most loving part of ourselves is there overseeing it all and ever ushering us towards healing and conscious unity. 

One day, as the staff leaped across ditches and climbed piles of dirt to find an unscathed place to eat lunch, Jen coined the phrase “necessary mess” to describe the scene. We have found it apt for the macrocosm too. Here and elsewhere, things are a mess but a necessary mess, one that will move us forward and one that we are not navigating alone. Yes, when we signed on to be down on Earth during this time, the discussion in heavenly classrooms before incarnation probably sounds too weird to be believed. Perhaps some of us tuned out the caveat about 2020. Who can blame us? We were psyched to get back down and help be part of this incredible shift of ages and probably didn’t pause overmuch to consider how challenging some of this would actually be. But it’s okay. We are doing it. We will prevail. And so many light beings are working together as a part of us to take us all forward on this beeline to unity consciousness and a New Earth.

And so, I finish with just a bit more about the Essence created before, during and after upheaval skirted the edge of this year’s Venus Garden. The Gate Beautiful.  In Greek, the word for beautiful also means “at the right time.” An earlier version of the Gate Beautiful was part of the Temple of Jerusalem destroyed in AD 70 by the Romans.  With the clock face and the centerpiece of Thyme, this garden is layered with vibrational data about time and the different way time is experienced in the fifth dimension. While I do not know all the ways the Gate Beautiful introduces us to fifth dimensional time and helps us make sense of it, I know it does this and that this is the right time for this introduction. 

Even more importantly, this Flower Essence combination helps us dismantle any threshold guardians within us as well as those forces outside ourselves who would delay us on our way to fifth dimensional life.  It speaks to our souls, knowing that it is the right time to walk through the Gate Beautiful to a new life here on Earth. There are many who have stood at the threshold trying to scare us off with false notions that we don’t deserve to evolve or that humankind can’t evolve or that we will have to to drop our bodies in order to evolve. Not true. The Gate is here. Now! Nothing can stop us. The Gate Beautiful celebrates the moment and supports us to feel strong enough in self love and courage to walk on through.