Tune Up, Disrupt, Derail & Dismantle Negativity, Gatekeeper, Calm, Cool & Collected, Restore Divine Order and Safe Passage.
These are the Flower Essence mixes created this growing season here at Green Hope Farm. They are available individually or as a set called The Sovereignty Set. They support us to find personal sovereignty in a sea of Divinity.
The Back Story
This growing season, the beloved Flowers and the Angels and Elementals overlighting these Flowers upped their game. They stepped forward early and often to explain about mixes they wanted to co-create this summer. They talked to me each day, taking me deeper and deeper into the strengths and purposes of these new mixes. A number of new Flowers needed to be grown, and all through the gardens, specific Flowers were tenderly nurtured.
Each day saw me on our screen porch taking notes. There was so much to learn. I felt like I was starting all over again with Flower Essences after my first thirty five years in the classroom. As some of the new Flowers flourished in the garden, I couldn’t believe I had never grown these precious friends before. Holy Basil, how did I not know you before? And how wonderful to meet you now!
When it was time to make the mixes, I was the hands assembling the ingredients and my partners the consciousness holding these creations. WOW. These mixes fill me with awe and a heck of a lot of healing Light. I spritz myself and all passing people and animals many times a day with this group of six, always with a sigh of wonder and gratefulness.
No matter the confusing world events, when I come back to my work with the Flower Essences or give myself a spritz, there is an enormous and palpable energy of YES, we can solve any problem and YES we do it NOW.
Purpose of The Sovereignty Set
The focus of this set is on the inalienable right of all of us to the sovereignty of our own energy systems and the blossoming of our true self. This mean clear energy fields. This mean unassailable energetic boundaries. This means clarity about our Divine identity. This means truth time.
It could seem paradoxical that as humankind awakens into a greater understanding of our interconnectedness and Divine oneness, the focus of these mixes is on sovereignty. In considering this, I think of my relationship with the Angels and Elementals. We communicate in many ways. I hear them. I see them moving about the gardens and in the skies over the farm. They create synchronicities and wondrous moments in the gardens with the Flowers, the weather, the animals, birds and insects. I feel their love in so many ways, but I have never felt violated by them. They never violate the boundaries of my energy system. If I want their help or their counsel, I must invite them to help. No matter how seamless our work together, I have never felt crowded. Even in our closest of interactions, I am aware they respect me as a unique being and respect my energy system boundaries completely. This is the template they share with us in these mixes. Personal sovereignty in an ocean of Divinity.
In this time when there is so much disrespect about each individual’s sovereign rights, they set the bar and make me know it can and will be done. We will come into unity consciousness with a consciousness of complete respect for each other. And we have teachers including the Angels and Elementals and tools like Flower Essences happy to show us the way.
The Sovereignty Set Specifics
As you read about these six Flower Essence mixes, you may notice that some Flowers are present in more than one of the mixes and described as bringing different strengths and purposes to different mixes. The Angels explain that this set is a musical piece or fugue in which individual Flowers are introduced and then taken up into other parts of the musical piece. In each mix they are used differently in order to build on the healing vibration of the whole musical composition of six mixes. These mixes demonstrate the immense and varied gifts within every Flower Essence and the sublime healing they offer when they sing together for us.
You may want to work with only a couple of these mixes much as you might be called to listen to one part of a musical composition separate from the rest of the piece. Sometimes we need support on one specific aspect of our energy system more than another.
You may feel called to work with the whole group, and if this is so, you will find the set listed in the Angel sets section of the website. You can work with the set in any order. I go through a sequence of spritzing each one around my head and body. Sometimes I follow the order of how the Angels describe them, but often I do not. Time is only a construct so any order will work in Divine Order.
The Angels introduced Tune Up halfway through 2021. They wanted to get timely support out to one and all as we navigate this shift of the Ages. Now they include Tune Up in this set.
The Angels put Tune Up first in the set. It primes the pump for the work ahead. It creates a foundation for the work of the other five mixes. The Angels have described the whole set in musical terms, and they explain that Tune Up is the overture, beginning the work that will be done with greater depth by the mixes that follow. It sets the stage. It grounds us. It introduces us to all the healing themes to come and also softens and opens us to begin the healing work. It stands alone, yet it also deeply supports all the other mixes in this set.
The Angels asked each Flower Essence to explain its presence in Tune Up. Here the Flowers speak:
Sunflower: You are a super hero. You can do anything. Let us show you the pattern of your perfection.
Pine: Cooling respite beyond battle. We hold you.
Birch: We peel back and remove what needs to be removed. We do so with calm so you can remain in calm. We get to the bottom of things with you.
Meadowsweet: You are loved. We bath you in sweet love. We soothe over firing circuitry. We help you rest in love.
St John’s Wort: We are the very best fire fighters. We help you keep the sunshine and shed the burn.
Cardinal Flower: We help you in the seriousness of your healing intention. We uplift you in your dedication and focus. We help you release energies that mislead. No more hair shirts.
Yellow Mullein: Yes you can do it. Stand in this knowing without fear. You can and will do it.
Oregano: If it doesn’t belong within you, it’s got to go. Only true self and source. We help you clean house.
Raspberry: Total harmony. Aligned with Divine energy, only light exists.
Tansy: We blast away any misplaced energy no matter how long it’s been clinging to you. We support your freedom and sanctity.
Lion’s Ear: Wise elders gather with this Essence to give you bespoke healing support. A gift beyond measure.
Yerba Mate: We re- map cell patterns after illness or challenge. We bring immense protective energy.
Corn: The deep perfection of energy organized by Light. This downloading is the wisdom of the ancients. It takes you forward in community of unity consciousness.
Osteospermum: If betrayal has been a part of your journey, we help you experience your wholeness on the other side.
Willow: The immense gift of flexibility makes all things possible.
Purple Queen Snap Bean: Harmonious shifts. Dissolving the impediments of self judgement.
All our Marigolds including French Marigold: As masters of love, gratitude and harmonious mutation, we take you across the threshold to spiritual freedom and liberation.
Fragrant Ladies Tresses: We help you let go and let grace prevail.
Angelica: Indivisibility with the Divine. Spiritual freedom. Wound healing. Never underestimate how many Angels love you.
Borage: Happiness is yours for the taking.
Mehera: Because the destination is the source.
Jade: It’s a wild woolly ride but green energy is with you and that makes all the difference.
Disrupt Derail & Dismantle Negativity
Like mosquitos on a perfect summer night, negative energies run interference as we reach for the stars. And to the stars we shall go. The tipping point has passed. The Light will prevail on our dear planet. Nothing can stop us, yet who doesn’t appreciate a mix that helps minimize negative interference? So here is a mix to disrupt, derail and dismantle negativity as we move through this time into greater Light.
Powerhouse Flower Essences in this mix support us to clear our energy field of all discordant, warped or unnatural energies. In fact, everything that is not our own energy is cleared because only our own energy belongs in our energy field. Anything that is not our energy must exit our energy systems.
This mix works in many layered ways. Entry points for energy vampires or anything that seeks to disturb are dismantled. Cellular memory of untruths of any form presently embedded in us are removed so Divine truth can prevail and we understand our right to energetic sanctuary. Our life blood is protected and purified. The housecleaning is profound, thorough and deep. Chaos and discord are transmuted into harmonious energy and disabled from replicating or enlarging in scope. We receive support to break any chain that binds us so we experience the sovereignty of our energy field. After the clear out, many of the Essences in this mix enhance a force field of Light around us.
Why did the Angels want to create this mix in addition to the wonderful Golden Armor? They explain that this mix and Gatekeeper augment the work of Golden Armor to deal successfully with more sophisticated attacks on our energy system.
Like all Flower Essences, this mix offers itself in service to your Light and you remain in the driver’s seat. This mix will help you regulate deconstruction and removal of negativity in your system much as a site supervisor would organize such a project. It is composed of very strong Flower Essence allies but the volition remains in your hands and the sanctity of your energy system is never violated by an Essence.
While the other mixes in this set have closed with each Flower speaking a bit about its purpose in the mix, some in this group explain themselves collectively and some individually.
Bee Balm, Blackberry, Bleeding Heart, Burdock, Calliandra, Cardinal de Richelieu Rose, Monkey Tail, White Calliandra- We work as a unit to support you in the work of clearing and purifying your life’s blood. This is key to clearing your energy field.
Celandine- Help to clearing your energy field down to cellular units.
Cherry Tomato- For breaking any negative chains that bind negativity in your energy system.
Dandelion- In this mix, I serve to ignite your abilities to thoroughly cleanse and clear your energy system.
Elderberry- I show you that like me, you have a “don’t mess with me” energy with powers to clear your energy field. Not only do I demonstrate how to use this power to stop lies and other negative energies from inhabiting and enlarging their presence in your energy field, I show you how to rid yourself of these energies once and for all.
Fireweed- I am a very strong elemental cleanser. I help you breakthrough to a new level of energetic sovereignty.
Garlic- I share with you my force field of Light that rebuffs and clears negativity so you can make this strength your own.
Lion’s Ear- We, the Lion’s Ear collective of spiritual guides oversee the entire healing work of these six mixes and support you in whatever ways you ask for our support.
Niella- I share the skill of clearing the individual chakras of ANY disturbance or negativity so that each energy center can spin to its fullest in complete sanctity.
Orange Hawkweed- I make sure you sweep out every cobweb and clear your field completely. I help you harness your creativity for this task.
Pennyroyal- Removing the pull of negativity, I help you dismantle negative thought loops and other negative patterns that might once have held your interest.
Purple Sensation Allium- I support you to go into your energetic core then flow out in every direction, removing everything that does not belong in your field.
Radish- I help amplify the power of your efforts.
Rhubarb- I help you enlarge the scope and breadth of your efforts.
Rue- I ignite within you the absolute certainty you deserve to live in complete and total energetic sovereignty.
Scotch Thistle- I help you clear your emotional body with great thoroughness.
Silver-rod- I show you the way to remove all disturbances in your energetic field.
Wild Parsnip- I help you transform any chaotic energy into its higher octave of harmony and peace.
The only thing that should be in your energy field is your energy. No one else and nothing else belongs there. While Disrupt, Derail & Dismantle helps us clear our energy fields of energies that should not be there, Gatekeeper demonstrates how to keep our energy field sacrosanct. This is a complicated skill to learn, so Gatekeeper also helps us maintain these energetic boundaries until we learn how to do this for ourselves.
Gatekeeper, as with all 2021 mixes, is serious about its purposes.
Sometimes it is stories we tell ourselves that lead to us letting our boundaries be violated. These are often not even our stories but the stories of larger groups and institutions. One of the problems with institutions, be it a family system or a larger organization such as a nation state, religion, business, social or educational community, is that they often support violations of our individual energy fields in order to maintain themselves. This is because institutions are almost always intent on preserving themselves, not individuals. Institutions often hammer home ideas that confuse us about our energy boundaries, insisting institutional values that violate us but support “the greater good” are more important than listening to our own inner values. This leads us to opening our fields to energies that are not our own.
What is the premise of most organizations? That we are separate and different from each other and must maintain our separateness using collective organizational power over others. Violations of our energy field result when we fall into this illusion of separation, with its pervasive confusion about better than/worse than or more powerful than/weaker than. For example, we might be encouraged to feel as a member of a nation state that we are more powerful and more important than others and deserve more of everything including energies rightfully belonging to others. In truth we are all one indivisible force field impacting each other while free to maintain our own energetic boundaries.
In the illusion of separation we believe we must have power over others in order to be safe or that we must give someone our power and allow them to be in our energy field protecting us. We may also hold the confusion that love means opening our field and giving our energy away to someone. We are taught that as others are separate, they may need our energy more than we do or need us to carry them energetically. There are so many ways we have grown confused about energetic boundaries and confused about who owns our personal life force.
No matter how we got into a situation of unclear energetic boundaries, Gatekeeper supports us to close the energetic loopholes and find energetic integrity, energetic coherence and energetic sovereignty. This is our birthright.
Once we understand ourselves to be indivisible with the Light and never more or less powerful than anyone else, we better understand our right to energetic integrity and sovereignty. Gatekeeper supports us to close energetic holes, dissolve illusions and close any gaps in our energy field made by divisive, chaotic and mistaken ideas of power imbalances.
All this requires courage because to give up the proscribed ideas and rules of groups and other institutions is to experience ourselves on a truly level playing field. Connection is never about dividing people or using people in any kind of transaction. Instead it is an improvisation in which we connect as Divine beings free to find a deeper experience of another and self in any interaction. It is connection without imposed parameters of control and no imposed structure. We go into each encounter not to fix or be fixed but to experience the wholeness and holiness of each other and ourselves.
Here is a brief explanation of why these specific Flowers are in this mix. As with all these mixes, additional gifts come from the way they dovetail together to bring a collective energy to this mix.
Angelica- Ignites the experience of unity consciousness within us by illuminating the Divinity in every cell of every one of us.
Bear’s Breeches- Shows us how to transform our wounds into an expression of appropriate boundaries and maintain this energetic sovereignty.
Dandelion- Helps us maintain the integrity of our energetic field during times of metamorphosis and change when old doubts, fears and other emotions can creep back in and throw us off track.
Ethereal Fluidium Super Glue- For the mending of unhealed memories which leads to closure of gaps between our physical and etheric bodies. This closure brings energetic cohesion and strength.
Eucalyptus- Brings order and calm to the process of closing gaps and releasing old ideas and emotions that left us confused and energetically vulnerable.
Goldenrod- Help to break the ties that bound us to group notions that don’t feel true to us. Support to stand in our own truth and no longer open our energy system to ideas that do not feel true to us.
Konigin Von Danemark Rose- This Rose offers wisdom about discernment, metabolic balance and energetic coherence.
Lilac- Cultivates our spiritual spine so we unequivocally know our right to energetic sanctity in all situations even those in which much pressure is brought to bear against us.
Lion’s Ear- Connects us to Light beings guiding our way at this juncture of our evolution.
Golden Armor- Our old friend brings the playbook on energetic sanctity.
Mexican Poppy- Shares wisdom about energetic sanctity in heated situations. Dismantles energy of peer pressure.
Radish- Amplifies our force field of Light.
Rattlesnake Master- Supports our discernment in high stakes situations including when negativity has doubled down on us.
Scotch Thistle- Of particular help to those who have given away their energetic sanctity in an effort to be loving. Restores the balance of love with appropriate boundaries.
Snapdragon- More support to have spiritual spine.
Spiderwort- Discernment.
Spruce- Helps us close gaps in our energetic field specifically the physical and etheric body link.
Sunflower- You are the super hero of your own life. You are not a side kick there for someone else or something else. You are there for the Divinity within you and your unique Divine purpose.
Tansy- Working both on a cellular level and also on a societal level, I break up and remove anything that seeks to disturb.
Teasel- Offers us unrivalled support to keep our energy fields clear of everything that is not our Divine self.
Torch Flower- Taps us into the life force within us that can accomplish this work of energetic sovereignty.
The Watchman- Brings us focused protection 24/7 of all chakras even when we sleep.
Wild Ginger- I make sure the foundation of healing created by this mix is strong and will endure.
Yerba Mate- I nourish you in this work, shining my light on every cell as you seek to create an energetic system of integrity and Light.
Anchored in the center of our being is the experience of unshakeable confidence in our Light, unassailable calm in the face of any challenge and knowledge of self as Divinity.
This kind of calm, cool & collected is no attitude but an experience of truth. Even as this time can feel like the antithesis of calm, cool and collected, the truth is that the Light is us and never diminishes. We prevail as imperishable love. This Flower Essence mix hands us the road map to this state of being and walks with us to this place of calm, cool & collected.
Its cast of Flower Essences unite to support us.
Angelica reveals our oneness with Divinity.
Applemint shows us how to cool down.
Borage encourages.
Babies’ Breath softens the blows.
Aloe Vera soothes and restores burnt territory.
Chamomile offers tranquility and peace.
Wise Corn helps us ground in eternal reality.
Dill empowers.
Eucalyptus shows us how to release extreme emotions via the lungs.
Eyes of Mary reminds us of the higher truth that only Divinity is real.
Fireweed soars us into higher truth.
Garlic bathes us in positivity.
Konigin Von Danemark Rose shows us a way to balance and regulate our nervous system. Maltese Cross helps us mend.
Plum is a tool to stabilize the root chakra.
Royal Purple Smoke Tree helps us find a soft way to go forward, breaking down overheated chain reactions.
Ancient Redwood whispers of strength, integrity and the long view.
St John’s Wort de-escalates the drama.
Water Avens cools the firestorms.
Yellow Mullein helps restore our confidence.
Yerba Mate takes us deep into self-care, showing us how to protect and nourish on the cellular level.
Working seamlessly together, these beloveds gift us with their hard earned wisdom so we too can find calm and cool and a collected confidence in who we are.
The name Restore Divine Order suggests that Divine Order can be lost. It can never be lost because Divine Order is. Love and Divinity are the only real things while the rest is a shadow, a fleeting movie reel of illusions. Sometimes we get lost in these movies and forget who we are. So the work of this Essence is to restore our experience of Divine Order and our Divine Self. We appear to need this right now. The plotline of the movie has sucked us in so far that we forget who we are or that it’s a movie.
Think of this Essence as an Angel that interrupts us in the movie theatre and ushers us out of the theatre to a place where we remember that we are Love and Light in a sea of Love and Light. This Flower Essence mix snaps us out of our amnesia, back to knowing the sovereignty of our energy system. We remember we are Divinity experiencing itself, ever free and safe. We are neither rescuers nor victims. We reclaim a power that is already ours. All illusion that needs to be released, even illusions that clung to us for eons, now return to formlessness. We can see it was just a movie. We step into the real story, our energy systems in optimum Divine order and our eyes and hearts wide open to who we are.
Angelica- It is really very simple. You are Divinity in a sea of Divinity.
Cedar- I open the gates of remembrance.
Dandelion- Burdens relieved and transformed.
Dill- Expansion.
Epimedium- Putting back together what needs to be put back together. In this case it’s our experience that only Love is real.
Eucalyptus- Complete release into emotional freedom.
Feverfew- I cushion you and remind you of the verity of peace so you feel safe as you leave the theatre.
Fragrant Ladies Tresses- If you trip on this journey out of the theatre, I pick you up and remind you to keep the faith.
Holy Basil- I bring the shift of ages to your consciousness.
Honeybees in the White Hawthorn- Stabilizing you dear ones during this transition. May you feel our waves of harmonious energy supporting you.
Indian Pipe- Peace is the abiding reality.
Jamaica Dogwood- Genetic Divine order.
Konigin Von Danemark Rose- I am an undercurrent in this whole set of six offering emotional tranquility and balance. I help your energy system rest in this.
The Mary Rose- The heart knows.
Magenta Snapdragon- Returns the focus to what is manifesting outside the movie theatre.
Queen Anne’s Lace- I take you out of the territory of illusory doubt once and for all.
Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean- Spiritual freedom.
Sunflower- I help you reclaim the power that is already yours.
Sweet Alyssum- It’s time for higher consciousness to prevail.
Tea Tree- I bring the restorative power of love to your hearts.
Trillium- I support this shift that is a perfect balance of spirit and matter.
True Wood Sorrel- Nothing can disturb this peace.
Tuberose- I AM union.
White Wild Wood Violet- I am a comforting friend you can lean on as you leave the theatre.
Wild Parsnip- Internal and external chaos, both rise up in me into their sublime expression of Divine order.
Yellow Water Lily- Here we are, the experience of Divinity in a sea of Divinity, afloat in this time yet ever anchored in our true identity as Divinity
This year’s Venus Garden brings us to the threshold and on to the birth. It is time. We walk this path of rebirth with the promise of Divinity that this will be a safe passage with not a soul forgotten. We are in this together, indivisible. Nothing is outside this shift of ages. No one can be forgotten. We are one.
In the garden the birth is reflected in the design of the Flowers. Thyme, White Snapdragons, Four O’Clocks and tall Sunflowers usher us into the journey, this birth. They remind us that it is time for this shift and that we are not alone. Instead, we are surrounded by light workers ready to help us help ourselves. And rise up we must. As we follow the path of pine needles through the garden, we too rise up in self-mastery as vivacious Teddy Bear Sunflowers in a sea of Sweet Alyssum.
Ringing the entire garden and sheltering the Sunflowers in particular are an abundance of Nasturtiums. They support us to stay grounded, steady in our hearts with our minds calm.
The path encircles the heart of the garden. There at it’s heart is a ring of Mehera Marigolds, love incarnate, entwined with one splendid Yellow Marigold of gratitude. They surround Holy Basil, the Flower that takes us to the next evolutionary level. Holy Basil, the first Flower to cross the threshold in the evolutionary ladder, knows we can do it and empowers us to make the leap. It keeps us rock steady and confident as we go forward. The Marigolds chime in with their wisdom about metamorphosis as well as love and gratitude.
Into the precision of the plantings, Cosmos, Mustard, and Nicotianas volunteer to remind us to speak our heart’s truth, one to the other, stay connected as we proceed and let go of everything that is a burden, as in everything but love.
As we pass the threshold of the birth, joyous Zinnias enfold us along with those wonderful light being guardians that have been with us throughout. They stay with us now in the form of Lion’s Ear collective. Could there be better allies as we blossom into our new selves?
This astounding garden was built on the sacred energies of the previous of 28 Venus Gardens. I would like to thank all those in spirit and in human form who helped to make manifest these Venus Garden healing mandalas. This year in particular I was supported by the healer who planted the Alignment Garden with me in 2005, Kathy Skolem. I can get a bit exuberant and even a bit relaxed as I follow the garden designs as given to me by the Angels and Elementals. Improvisation is sometimes key, but this year required precision and a very specific adherence to the design given. This garden takes us on a route to New Life. This meant we needed to follow the map exactly as given by those in spirit that know the way! Kathy supported the energy of precision. Together we planted this garden following the exact design of the mandala. The results astounded us all.
I am so grateful we get to have the energies of Safe Passage live on in this Essence. No words do justice to the energy of this garden or its Essence. It embodies and therefore shares with our electrical systems the next iteration of LOVE to be made manifest on this planet. It helps us all to support this blossoming in each and every one of us. It births us into this New Life now.