Each day’s orders and emails bring new learning for us. We hear from you about what Flower Essences are helping you with specific issues and this gives the Flower Essences greater dimensionality.
For example, this morning a woman placed a reorder for the following Flower Essences explaining that these Essences, Purple Flowering Raspberry, Round Plum Raspberry, Blackberry, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Avocado, Dandelion and Eggplant have helped her with her endometriosis.
Sharing how Flower Essences have helped you informs our understanding of their profound depths and helps us see the Essences differently. I appreciated so much this Green Hope Farm friend sharing. It helps us so much as we share the Essences with the whole Flower Essence community. We are in the process of updating our Flower Essences for Common Concerns document and I will put these Essences into suggestions for endometriosis. I will also ask the Angels and Elementals for their suggestions for this topic.
Also this morning, an order came in for a custom mix with the Green Hope Farm friend asking us to create a mix to help her let go of the old and birth the new. She noted that she feels stuck in between, unable to move forward. Old feminism to new feminism. Old ideas of Divinity to new awareness of Divinity. She noted she has lost hope for a future or the process of moving forward. She feels awash in feelings of despair especially about the divisions in our country.
I turned the creation of the custom mix over to the Angels who chose these Essences as their baker’s dozen.
Gorse– Gorse helps us when we feel all is lost as Gorse knows this is never the case. This one has been going out the door in a steady stream as it helps us find the bead on imperturbable optimism.
Dhuni Fire– There is so much to let go of and this Venus Garden Essence helps us burn off the burdens of our bindings and our ego illusions that keep us stuck and veiled from our true identity.
Safe Passage– This is another Venus Garden Essence bringing support for the shift humanity is making. I love how the Angels described this time and this Essence. “We walk this path of rebirth with the promise of Divinity that this will be a safe passage with not a soul forgotten. We are in this together, indivisible. Nothing is outside this shift of ages. No one can be forgotten. We are one.”

The Eight Garden– Yesterday a healer wrote us to say that every time she works with this Venus Garden Essence, she can feel her electrical field expand. This reflects how the Eight encourages us to flow and expand into Divinity as well as let Divinity flow into us. Sometimes our only role is to surrender to the flow.

Eyes of Mary– This beloved Essences explains that it helps us love with detachment. Love with detachment can sound sort of heartless and clinical. In actuality, the perspective offered by this Essence helps love flow without restraint and with deep faith of the divine order of all our life circumstances.
Eternity Orchid– This Essence helps us when we feel disoriented, lost in time and space or just plain lost. The Angels have suggested it a lot lately.
Queen of the Night– This powerful cactus Flower blooms at night. It is very empowering especially for women, allowing us to find clarity, hold our focus and understand our power.
Sago Palm A mysterious and powerful friend that escorts us into the mystery of what the heck we are doing here.
Swamp Candles This one is so supportive during dark night of the soul experiences. Comes forward like a candle to illuminate the dark.
Phoenix Rising- This Venus Garden Essence restores our faith even as our lives seem to be on fire. Here is part of its description, “The promise of the firebird and of this precious Essence is that you are not alone in your suffering or in a wasteland of purposeless burning but in a fire of purification.”
Ragged Robin– I am struck by the way this Flower explains itself, ” I AM order amidst chaos, the connective thread of light amidst significant upheaval. Imagine a dark night of difficulty and how birdsong right before dawn would herald new hope and remind the listener of the presence of light amidst darkness even before the dawn came. I AM that song. Consider me for faith during dark nights of the soul. I AM a strong vibration of faith. I know the divine is rooted in each event and being. I know the light in both light and dark.”
Belerephon of the Open Door I could write for days about this Flower Essence and the mysterious and wondrous ways it opens doors for us in such wildly inventive ways. If you can’t seem to cross the threshold of something, work with this Essence!
Pink Grootendorst Rose I love that the final musical note of this mix is this Rose with its vibrational energy of ONLY LOVE IS REAL.