Many have asked for the Angels’ suggestions for Flower Essences that would support us to navigate this current collective paradigm shift about finances and the source of our security.
The Field of the Stars collection was the heart of the Angels’ suggestions today. Whenever a new collection arrives here, it is always a timely arrival. Never was this truer than with the arrival of these Flower Essences from the pilgrim trail in Spain.
I thought I would share the Angels suggestions from this collection. My two cent comments probably belabor the point, but that’s my job!
Santiago was one of the Angels’ Flower Essence suggestions. This mix is “for the moments when we experience false endings, created by our culture or society, when the internal journey is ongoingâ€. That sums up the global monetary situation in a nutshell. This financial crisis will pass. We will endure. Here is an Essence offering to help us know this and know that the grace of this financial crisis is that it pulls us towards a closer relationship with the one unchanging source of support in the cosmos, the God within each and every one of us.
Another Angelic suggestion, the mix Manzarin offers its keynote of discernment. Manzarin supports us to find “the ability to look below the surface of a situation and feel into its energetic core, to breakdown the external worldview and be energetically discerning about what are true gifts and what are red herringsâ€. What an excellent tool for the present when the red herrings pile up faster than I can spell bailout. Real calm comes from experiencing that all is well, not just hoping this is so.
The Angels also suggested the mix Belorado “for faith in the emptiness before the dawning of authentic communityâ€. Belorado supports Manzarin in its dismantling of our old fears and building of faith in what is being born underneath the surface chaos. Belorado also reminds us that the stock market is not authentic community nor stocks authentic sustenance, even though we have been encouraged to believe these things. Closeness with other people, closeness with the God within, and closeness with nature are true community. As we collectively turn away from the ersatz, what goodness and joy we will find in these experiences of true community.
Arzua and Hontanas were two other Angelic Flower Essence suggestions. Hontanas encourages us to treat ourselves with tenderness and Arzua helps us open to receive loving support when we feel vulnerable, even when this support comes from unexpected places. The kind of paradigm shift that we are being asked to collectively make is an intense one. We are going to have moments of intense vulnerability as we are called to change our culture’s values and also change the way we live. These two mixes encourage us to be gentle with ourselves and each other, while also promising us the serendipity of gifts from unexpected places, and I don’t mean Walmart.
Mazarife, another Angelic suggestion offers a keynote of joy, explaining that it is “for realizing the potential to create oases of color and joy in the bleak stretches of our livesâ€. Yesterday, I sat with my dear neighbor Teddy enjoying a late afternoon cup of tea. At eighty seven, she has had her fair share of physical aches, pains, and difficulties, yet unexpectedly we got laughing ourselves silly at this crazy thing called life in a body. May Mazarife help us all to find more and more oases of love and unexpected silliness.
Lavacolla was another Angelic suggestion. This mix is for helping “the body clear its emotional field of any clutter that remains from past and finished energetic workâ€. How marvelous to know humanity is finishing up with this collective illusion that our safety lies in the consumption and possession of things. How wonderful that we are ready to move on from this mindset. Yes, it may be a rocky transition, but it remains a wonderful thing that we are collectively ready to make this paradigm shift.
Trabadelo was another Flower Essence mix that cropped up. It’s for “finding the courage to acknowledge and let our old patterns go, even as we are unsure of what our lives will look like without themâ€. We can’t know for certain what this world will look like after this weaning off from our collective fifty year shopping spree, but I think even a void might be better than more shopping.
Sahagun has the keynote surrender and helps us break down the behaviors triggered by fear that cause us to push our physical and emotional selves beyond balanceâ€. This one could also be called, JUST TURN OFF THE NEWS.
Fisterra with its keynote of birth was the Angels’ final suggestion, offering “to support all the physical and energetic systems of the body through a transition where the soul is at the end of a long process of laying down a major paradigm of this or many livesâ€. Yes! Bring it on!
The trail to Santiago is one that millions of pilgrims have traversed. Once it offered support for the paradigm shifts of individual pilgrims, but its message of late is that it is ready and able to support all of us on our collective spiritual journey. It wants us to know that while we are collectively called to make radical changes right now, we are never asked to do so alone. The trail and the divinity holding the trail in form are always there to support us.
The death of the old and the birth of the new is messy, but these Essences help us feel the promise and goodness of this transition we are in. The Essences also remind us we have choices. We can freak out in the face of all this confusing news or we can keep the faith and take care of each other as we wait to see what wonderful new paradigm of community is being born. Isn’t this the very thing a lot of us have been waiting for, for a long time?