Energy Clearing Exercise and other insights from the Angels

Many staff are on vacation this week, so today I was drafted to do email. And where have I been the rest of the month???? I have spent most of August clearing our Red Shiso barn of the last of the 2023 crop so that the very robust Red Shiso crop of 2024 has a ready home whenever the weather turns and we need to harvest and hang it.

Each dried bundle from the 2023 crop must be plucked, stalk by stalk with each red leave removed and saved with the lighter leaves and stalk composted. The plucking has gone on for many days this August. We had an enormous harvest last year and during the year we only pulled dried bunches to pluck as we needed them, leaving much plucking to be done now. I try to think of this task as an easy breezy job, but as anyone who has done this job will tell you, it is actually a disorienting activity. Each stalk of dried Red Shiso needs to be examined so that only the reddest leaves are selected. At first it is a piece of cake to discriminate shades of red, but as the hours go on, it all begins to blur together. In any case, I am almost done plucking and was very happy to be called to the office to help with email, a job I always find very interesting!

Today’s email from you dear ones did not disappoint. Wow! I loved chatting with a bunch of you about your lives and your beloved companion animals.

One of you shared how you were struggling with a relationship in which the same argument seemed to happen over and over, accelerating from nowhere into a firestorm of anger. I was grateful to the Angels’ insight here as they suggested that while there were interpersonal layers to the situation, all of which the person writing us was working on, there was also the factor of where she lived. The Angels noted this land is carrying a lot of negativity from past events. The Angels described the result of this on the land and in her life as like a record that was skipping, unable to move on to new territory but stuck in the old negative energy of the land. For those of us who remember records, this is a very visceral description.

This woman had a great collection of our Flower Essences on hand and the Angels recommended she make a mix of them including Borage, Black Currant, Bloodroot, Sanctuary, The Gate Beautiful, Abandonment & Abuse, Wound Healing, Carry Less, Alignment Garden, Love Prevails, Alignment Garden, Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Recovery and the Way Forward to clear the land in a specific process ( which I will describe). This beloved had many great Essences because she has been meticulously using the Essences to work on her relationship as the source of the whole dynamic. With this new information from the Angels about the land, she was ready to deal with this overriding x factor of the land she lived on and the fact it was carrying a great deal of anger even battle energy.


Call in the Overlighting Deva of your land to help clear any negativity from your land. Call in Pan, the head of all Elementals. Additionally call in any other Angel and Elemental working your land. You can ask for any being working in the light to join in the process. This can be a general call and does not require knowing names of these beings.

If you have a Flower Essence mix or Flower Essences to bring to the process, spritz yourself and spritz some on your palm then offer this Flower Essence energy in support of the process. Offer the Essences in your hand to Pan to use as he will.

Ask this group to release all negativity from your land and release all battle energy held by the land through all time and on all dimensions. Ask that the energy being released be sent through a christed grid and sent to the central sun to be transmuted. The christed grid is not a specific religious structure, but a kind of energetic grid. This means the released energy will be washed clean and not come back to the land where it came from. The important thing to know is that you are not moving negativity from one place to another but actually sending it to a place it will be transmuted ie transformed into higher energy. This helps your land and those living on your land without hurting anyone or anything else.

While this energy is being removed and released, you may want to sit quietly. Usually everything can be released in an hour or so. Afterwards, spritz again and thank everyone involved for their work and then release them with love and gratitude.

Another email shared the story of how the writer found out about our Flower Essences. She had adopted a shy and grief stricken dog who was pretty much afraid of everyone. A friend offered her new dog a couple drops of a Green Hope Farm Flower Essence mix and the dog immediately found its calm center and moved on from that moment as a different dog. While this doesn’t always happen so fast, we love it when it does, and we so appreciated the woman sharing this with us.

Another email was from a beloved who wanted support for big picture concerns like an overall tendency to dream big then be devastated when the dreams did not come to fruition. An existential feeling of grief and aloneness followed the end of her dreams.

Again I was grateful for the Angels’ insight here. They steered this woman to the Venus Garden Collection specifically suggesting Equanimity and Love It & Leave it for this shattering disappointment when things don’t turn out as we wish. Safe Passage was another Angel suggestion. For an additional request for support in staying grounded and true to oneself when feeling off balance from relationship issues, the Angels suggested the Venus Garden Essence Balance in a Blue Moon. What I was reminded of by their suggestions was the deep way the Venus Garden Flower Essences help us with the big spiritual patterns of our life. The Angels noted, “All these Essences are to help you ground in your eternal self which rises above the mutable to know what is real and eternal.”

Now I will post this and get back to see what other treasures await me from you on email! Thank you! You spark insight, enthusiasm and deep gratitude!

A Stroll around the August Gardens

Its hard to leave the gardens for any reason this time of year as there is so much in bloom that I can barely tear myself away from the action.

These Asiatic Lilies are new. They are called Black Beauty. The moths and I can’t get enough of them.

The Lilies sit cheek by jowl next to several Butterfly Bush and a big group of Echinacea. I love how this Bumblebee is drenched in pollen. The combination of the Lilies, the Echinacea and the Butterfly Bush mean nonstop butterflies and moths as well as different kinds of bees.

While the Day Lilies hit their peak a week or two ago, they are still putting on a beautiful. show I deadhead them every day which takes awhile, but I think it is worth it. They look so much better deadheaded, and it gives me a reason to wander slowly through every garden.

This Day Lily is called Charlie. I got it in honor of my lovely son-in-law Charlie. It is a stunner.

Usually the deer eat all the Phlox but the garlic treatment has meant there is Phlox blossoming in the garden for the first time in years. I had long forgotten what color all the Phlox was so there are some rather bold moments and weird color combinations. Verdict is out about whether I will move things around or just go with it as it is.

Mentioning color reminds me that this time of year it is hard not to notice that the Flowers are drifting towards a fall palate of golds and reds. Fall is coming. Gulp.

This is one of the new Zinnias in the Queen Lime series. I think it is gorgeous.

Never met a Zinnia I didn’t love.

The Zinnia bed abuts part of the Red Shiso crop making for a colorful contrast. The Calendulas are all volunteers.

These are the low growing Profusion Zinnias. They line the path into the “vegetable” garden where the groundhogs continue to reign supreme. Mercifully, Reginald and friends don’t like the taste of Zinnias or Nasturtium Flowers.

This is another great color in Zinnias. These are in this year’s Venus Garden.

Several miniature varieties of Sunflower line the Eight shape of this year’s Venus Garden which is our third iteration of the incomparable Eight Garden design. Can’t wait to share what I have been learning about the Eight this time round and make a new batch of this Essence (That should happen around the Autumn Equinox).

This is the other Sunflower in the Eight this year, a variety called Chianti. It is fills the centers of the 8 shape along with maroon Amaranth, the purple Zinnias, Lion’s Ear, Cosmos Cranberry Double Click and Rubenza Cosmos.

Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy is one of the Flowers ringing the Eight shape in the Eight Garden. Other Flowers include Black Knight Scabiosa, Moldavian Dragonhead, Corn Cockle, Garnet and Ultraviolet Cornflower, Celosias, Bells of Ireland, Ageratums, Heliotrope and other friends all building the energies in this garden.

Sending much love to you all from the gardens!