Almost graduate Emily has just one more month of college. Then she will be home for the summer before life calls her in new as yet unknown directions. One thing she’d like to do this summer is take a photo of a Flower or moment in the garden each day then post it on Facebook.
In the interim, I am going to try and post more spring Flower portraits here. Today was a lovely blessedly warm day following after a snow storm yesterday. As I wandered in the gardens half delirious with the novel experience of being outside without arctic gear, the Flower that caught my attention for a portrait was Lungwort Flower, latin name Pulmonaria. This sweet Flower often tucks itself under the Daffodils, making everyone look the better for it. Long used medicinally for lung complaints, this wonderful Flower friend is a vital ingredient in our Breathe mix.
Despite our chilly April weather, or perhaps because of it, the Hellebores have never looked more beautiful.
I boil sap all day every day. I finish off sap in the house into the night. I have every pot I own filled with sap that is somewhere in the continum between thick enough to bring into the house and ready to be canned.
Yesterday I boiled as hard as I could and I barely made a dent in what needs to be boiled.
I have burned through our wood pile but the house isn’t cold at night, just fogged up with hot sticky sap boiling off . I am now burning old boards more ready for the compost pile than my evaporator. Soon I will be collecting logs from the side of the road to stoke my fire. Because this year….. the sap keeps on coming.
And coming.
And coming.
And some people are getting rather tired of sap.
As a community of Flowers, Angels, Nature Spirits, Dogs, Cats and even some People, Green Hope Farm can be a funny place……and I love telling you all about it!