We have had requests for our thoughts on Flower Essences that might help us move through the dynamic astrology of this month. In this blog I offer suggestions for Flower Essences for some of the things that are going on astrologically this March. I am fortunate to be in an office with serious students of astrology. I listen and learn, however I am a toddler in my understanding so please read this blog with that in mind.
When I first looked at all that was going on in March astrologically, I took a little gulp. However my deep dive into this astrology left me feeling optimistic. We are getting support to let go of our crap, get clear about what truly matters to us and courageously walk our talk. While these transits may feel difficult when they occur, they will help us do good work. I look forward to where we will be when the dust settles ( whenever that is!).
Here is a list of some of the astrology of March:
March 1-April 12th Venus retrograde in Aries and Pisces
March 12th Saturn cazimi (22 degrees 05 in Pisces) Beginning of new cycle as Saturn exactly conjunct with the Sun (nestled in the heart of the sun as one person put it)
March 13th Lunar eclipse (23 degrees 56 Virgo)
March 14th- April 7th Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces
March 22th Venus cazimi (2 degrees 39 Aries) (Venus conjunct with the sun so same as Saturn, a new cycle for Venus begins)
March 24th Mercury cazimi (4 degrees Aries 24) Mercury conjunct with the sun as with Venus and Saturn, a new cycle begins for Mercury)
March 27 Venus in retrograde enters Pisces
March 27 Venus conjoins Neptune (29 degrees 53 Pisces)
March 29th Solar eclipse in Aries (9 degrees)
March 29 Mercury retrograde enters Pisces
March 30th Neptune enters Aries
April 1 Venus retrograde conjoins North Node (27 degrees Pisces)
As I went to write down the astrological activities of the month, I was a struck by how much is going on- that may well be why you all have been writing us about this! As a person known jump off cliffs without too much study, even I thought that maybe this was a month to move a bit carefully with circumspection and a bit of restraint. However, I came to feel by the end of my study, that it is not so much we should act cautiously but that we should understand where and how our actions will be supported and therefore where we should act with great confidence and purpose.
In one arena, caution does seem wise. With Mercury retrograde in Aries and Pisces, I would expect our conversations may well get fiery fast. I’ll remind myself to sit on that provocative email for a day before sending or just keep it in my head. Snapdragon and Royal Ponciana will help us rein in what we say. Calm Cool & Collected can help us keep our cool no matter who says what. Spiderwort can help us with discernment about whether something really needs to be said.
One of the staff goddesses who is a serious student of astrology pointed out that the lunar eclipse in Virgo comes at a moment when Saturn, Neptune, Venus and Mercury are in Aries and Pisces directly across from the eclipse in Virgo. If you check out the eclipse astrology chart online, it looks like a crossbow with all these planets in opposition.
Eclipses come in pairs with a lunar eclipse followed by a solar eclipse almost always on the same axis as in lunar eclipse on one side of the zodiac and the solar eclipse exactly on the other side. This pair of eclipses has two different 2 axes ( yes that is the plural of axis). The lunar eclipse is in Aries/Libra axis and solar eclipse is in Pisces/ Virgo axis.
Eclipses usually move forward transitioning around the zodiac, so the fact that the first eclipse is followed by a move backwards is unusual. One of the staff goddess noted that eclipses have a fated quality so the backward movement is significant. We may well need to step back in order to take a big leap forward later. This dynamic suggests to me that we need to be extra kind to ourselves and each other if things seem to be taking us “backwards” during this eclipse season. Going over old territory often brings a wonderful harvest in its own time ( key words being in its own time). Amor Fati with its focus on accepting what is fated to be would be a good Flower Essence to have handy. Hardhack and Meadowsweet supports us to be kind and loving to ourselves and each other. The one I feel most strongly about is the Angels’ suggestion of Omey Island, an Essence made on the holy island of Omey off the western coast of Ireland. This Essence takes us into a place of surrender and alignment with the natural course of things. There are going to be moments when the tide floods in and we must move with the tide and times when we need to not “push the river” and Omey Island helps us with this.
Venus is retrograde in Pisces and Aries this month. This feels like a call to reflect upon what really matters to us and what we deeply love. It offers us a time of reflection and support to pull back from some of things we do out of boredom or just because it is easy. I appreciate this aspect for the way it clarifies our values. Will Real Housewives of Beverly Hills make the cut of things that really matter to me? No need to beat ourselves up with a lot of puritanical judgment. Let’s just embrace this retrograde as an opportunity to sort out our priorities. Spiderwort is a good one for this discernment work. Carry Less and the Letting Go Flower help us unbind ourselves from habits that no longer serve. Vision helps us see clearly what matters.
Additionally, Neptune and Venus conjoin so we get those two planets working in alignment to power our big dreams of creativity and love. Venus in retrograde will help us be wise about what we dream and this conjunction will help us manifest it. I think of our second chakra Essences in particular as supporting us in our creative dreams.
My toddler understanding of eclipses is that they bring something to our attention to be released before a new beginning. I would look to a lunar eclipse in Virgo to bring a focus on what is not working for us in our daily lives, work/life balance and routines and a clarity about what needs to be tweaked. With so many planets in opposition, tweak may well be an understatement. It looks like pretty much everything in our daily lives is up for review. The good news about this reality check is that it does come with PRACTICAL SOLUTIONS as Virgo is an incredibly practical sign. Additionally Venus helps us implement solutions that are HEARTFELT.
My staff goddess compatriots point out that finding where this eclipse happens in your own birth chart and where in happens during the following solar eclipse two weeks later shows us much more precisely what is up for review. There are many online sites where you can get your chart to find out this information.
Spiderwort, Eyes of Mary even Through Angels Eyes all help us see our situation with more clarity and in a more objective overview. I also like Corn for helping us access our spiritual wisdom in our daily life. The astrology is going to highlight what needs to go and these Essences help us fully grasp the message. As we make the turn to choosing new ways of living our daily life, Walk in Light helps us walk our talk, Grounding helps us implement change, Corn will continue to help us by revealing concrete ways to embody our spiritual values. Mandrake from Crete helps us root ourselves in the right circumstances for change. If this process feels complex, there is always Flow Free to help things keep flowing.
With the solar eclipse in Aries, the first sign in the zodiac, we are called to courageously begin a new cycle of change involving the right use of our personal power. We are shown what can happen when we join together to bring positive change. I don’t think it is an accident that folksinger Pete Seeger is again in the public eye because of the movie A Complete Unknown. Pete used his gift of song to create community for social justice, environmental issues and political freedom. People laughed when he said he was going to clean up the Hudson River by sailing a boat up and down the river singing about how precious the Hudson was. Now he is credited with initiating the clean up of the Hudson with his actions. He also stood up to the McCarthy inquisition even as it got him blacklisted and his songs banned from the radio. Check out the PBS movie on YouTube Pete Seeger the Power of Song to be inspired by his personal courage and how he lifted so many up with his voice.
Three planets experiencing a cazimi with the Sun suggest to me that this is a time of new beginnings on many front as does the movement of Neptune into the first house of the zodiac, Aries. As I said in my last blog, on a planet of duality, where there is darkness there is a corresponding amount of light. We all have an opportunity to be this light.
Much is being striped from us right now be it by extreme weather, choices made by people in power and in other unexpected ways. The very ground may feel unstable. This circumstance calls us to go inward to the one constant, our eternal identity as one with Divinity. As we anchor in this reality, we can move out into the world with greater clarity about who we are, what we are called to do and what we must abandon. The very planets are supporting us in this work, and that heartens me.