The time of great planetary transformation is upon us! The intention for this year’s new Flower Essence introductions is to help light our way and steady us on our path forward into a new life on a reborn planet. We collectively head for new territory. No one can say exactly what this territory will be like, but Flower Essences can help us manifest this new world both within ourselves and without.
No one owns the place we are going. We go together as co-creators and equals to this new world. The Flower Essences the Angels have chosen for us this year are to help us lay down limitations that hinder our expansion into this boundless new life. These new Flower Essences help us jettison old self definitions, find confidence in our way forward and offer us vibrational tools that will work in this new terrain.
Stone age people did not immediately grasp the full ramifications of the wheel. When given any tool, it takes time to understand how it expands the possibilities of life. This is true of Flower Essences. Even as they bring their gifts to our electrical systems, we cannot know the full extent of these gifts. How relevant they are to this transition on our planet will only be seen in retrospect. This means the descriptions of these new Essences are incomplete. The terrain ahead cannot be fully described nor can we fully know the way Flower Essences will help us in this new terrain. But the Angels have said again and again that Flower Essences and our reborn planet are a match made in heaven, unrivaled in the way they will help us become all that we can be.
Release of all limitation to experience our infinite Self
This year’s Venus Garden began as a garden of low growing purple Flowers with two waves of white Flowers flowing through it. Over the course of the growing season, Boundless seized its own destiny to become boundless, transforming itself into a garden overflowing with brilliant Flowers in a vast array of colors and sizes, None of these Flowers were planted by the human caretakers! The Angels explain this wonder and its Flower Essence,
“On this boundless planet at this boundless time, the task for you is to open and receive. You must throw out any doubts about your worthiness and ignore any voice that would say no to this YES moment. Take the spiritual gifts on offer. In fact, grab for them as you grabbed for the golden ring on the merry-go-rounds of childhood. Open your arms and your hearts and let us give you everything we want to give you- everything Divinity wants to give you.
This Flower creation, Boundless is a gift from us to help you embrace the light and your boundless Self. It supports you to release all limits about who you think you are or can be to realize ALL you truly are which is, in truth, boundless.
Boundless helps you avail yourself to all the immeasurable spiritual gifts on offer. Boundless helps you abandon anything that stands in the way of you opening to receive these gifts. It helps you break down the walls of resistance and self imposed limitation to make the most of this unique moment in creation, this time in which so much Love and Light is here for the taking because of Divine Grace.”
A much more complete description of Boundless and the Boundless Garden can be found on the previous blog.
False Dragonhead Physostegia virginiana
Expressing our core experience of self no matter the circumstances
The signature of this Flower conveys its gifts. Growing in the most exposed locations False Dragonhead will swivel its blossoms to accommodate gale force winds while steadfastly expressing each fine articulation of its pink blossoms. Its Essence helps us both accommodate challenging circumstances while also being completely true to ourselves. It is a great support for big-hearted souls, giving them the strength to fearlessly be love, even if their love appears to be pushed aside. This Flower knows love is the only thing and an act of love is never lost in the wind.
I AM an invaluable force of love.
Harmony With All Kingdoms
Helps each of us inhabit the vibration of oneness with all creation. By holding this vibration, we help everyone tune up to this frequency.
Individual human consciousness began with the illusionary idea of separation. This illusion organized our experience into divisions of better or worse, valuable and not valuable. While this illusion initially helped us to experience a conscious sense of being, it no longer serves us. It is time to dissolve this mind filter to experience the truth that all is one. Harmony With All Kingdoms speeds the release of this illusion of separation so that co-creation between all kingdoms can begin in earnest, and we can live from a realized state of oneness.
What we are talking about is a release of the illusionary idea of self as separate and an end of all selfish actions stemming from this idea of a separate self. The age upon us is beyond selfishness. It is a time in which we know completely that selfish behavior is as insane as the left hand cutting off the right.
This Essence was created at the request of a marvelous woman working to raise consciousness beyond animal cruelty. Thank you Erika for inspiring this mix.
Alex Mackenzie Rose, The Alignment Garden, All Ego Contracts Null & Void, Belerephon of the Open Door, Calendula, Cape Hyacinth, Carry Less, Cat’s Claw, French Marigold, Heritage Rose, Hontanas, Larkspur, Lobelia spicata, Maple, Mutabilis Rose, Phoenix Rising, Rabanal, South African Foxglove, The Thread of Change, Yellow Water Lily
Henri Martin Rose Rosa Henri Martin
Bear Medicine
Like bears in the slumber of hibernation, we have incubated a new way of being. Now it is time to awaken. The birth is upon us. The Bear medicine that helped us dream now helps us transform the dream into form.
Bear medicine helps us with timing, revealing when we need to wait and when we need to act. Bear medicine helps us pare out the unnecessary so we can manifest only what needs to be. Bear medicine helps us understand both our oneness AND good boundaries. The opportunities are vast for spiritual growth, but we have to show up. Bear medicine reminds us to show up. Bear medicine reminds us we must do our own work. Mama bears will do anything to protect their cubs, but when their cubs are grown, they free them to live their own lives with the understanding that they must make their own way. Bear medicine helps us do likewise both with people we have cared for and projects we have birthed. There is much support to let go in bear medicine.
We had a bear summer here at the farm. A bear travelled through the farm frequently even during daylight hours. With each visit we felt a wise friend had returned to check in about how things were going. The bear would come through at a fast pace, without lingering. Bear had its business, and we had ours, but the visits uplifted and encouraged. Our interest in bears and bear medicine took an unexpected turn when the Angels told us we had bear medicine to offer in our Henri Martin Rose Flower Essence. I had never linked bears with Roses, but we found that once we acknowledged this link, this Rose called out to both bears and people seeking bear medicine. One beloved working with rescue bears in the Appalachians gave it to bears in her care. If you feel bear medicine is calling to you or would support you, this Rose helps you deepen your connection to bears and bear medicine.
I AM the manifest wisdom of bear medicine.
Little Frog Mix
At the behest of a healer named Little Frog, we set to work to create a mix that would be supportive to souls living the experience of autism. Feedback on this mix has been wonderful, especially when the mix is used as a spritz over the child or adult or in their space.
Some of the intentions for the mix are to support:
-greater connectivity to others with less reactivity and stress
-learning to be at ease in physical reality even when higher vibration nonphysical realms feel more comfortable
-being present as well as fully grounded in physical life
-clarity and expansion of purpose to include the idea of helping others
-courage to engage in and even enjoy the unpredictableness of human connection
-appreciation and gratitude even for the challenges of earth life
Alex Mackenzie Rose, Alignment Garden, Calendula, Chilean Firebush, Corn, Effort & Grace, The Eight Garden, Escallonia from Patagonia, Foxglove from Patagonia, Galicia, Golden Armor, Gratitude, Grounding, Jewelweed, La Rioja, Loving What Is, Maple, Ourisia Poeppigli, Pink Wands from Patagonia, Psychillis Macconnelliae, Rabanal, Rosemary, Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean, Trillium, The Venus Garden, Woad
Revitalizes and cleanses energy meridians, improves function of energy pathways
Mango Flower Essences is a powerhouse. During this time when we must move so much more light through our electrical system, Mango dramatically improves our ability to move this light. Mango cleanses and revitalizes energy meridians which helps us move the electrical energy coming through us in a more coordinated and balanced way. Those who find they are having a particularly challenging time in their top three chakras will find this one to be particularly helpful.
I AM the full assimilation of all Light energy.
Sow Thistle Sonchus oleraceus
Support to clear the heart of old hates and bitterness, moves us away from lives of extreme drama
Lying flat like a golden disk, this Wildflower is composed of a multitude of yellow petals radiating symmetrically outwards. Echoing this outward movement, Sow Thistle helps us houseclean our hearts of old hatreds and bitterness. For the person who has been through many arduous personal dramas, it also helps calm the waters not only by cleansing the heart but by balancing it.
I AM pure of heart.
The Way Forward
Shows us the way forward no matter where we are on our spiritual journeys or how lost we feel
So much is in flux that it can be hard to get a bead on the way forward. We must ground so much more light energy than ever before while also shedding umpteen illusions revealed as unnecessary and unreal in the light of this energy. Move forward we must AND unburdened at that. How do we do this with the clarity and confidence?
Elizabeth Sheehan walked the 500 mile pilgrimage route across northern Spain to Santiago de Compostela three times. Her first pilgrimage brought us the Camino Collection of Flower Essences. Her second journey gave us the Healer’s Toolbox. On her third Camino, Elizabeth made Flower Essences, but at the time the Angels indicated that these Essences needed to wait for release. Here is what the Angels have to say about this now,
“NOW is the time for this combination remedy, The Way Forward, made by Elizabeth from many Flowers down the entire length of the Camino. Just as on the Camino there is a yellow arrow pointing the way forward at every turn, this Essence contains the vibrational arrows pointing your way forward no matter where you are on your spiritual path. The Camino is a place that embodies the spiritual journey to conscious oneness and reunion with Divinity. When we guided Elizabeth in the creation of this mix, our intention was to imbed the Essence with wayshowers at each place of confusion, unknown and paradigm shift along the spiritual seeker’s path. We are delighted it is time to release this gem of an Essence.”
Wound Healing
Healing our wounds completely and for good
This combination remedy works in the emotional, mental, physical and etheric/memory bodies to close wounds that may appear healed but still magnetize to us the same kinds of problems, accidents, incidents, illnesses, interpersonal dramas and other wound re-opening events over and over again. Isn’t it time to be done with the same old story? This Essence helps us get the job done.
If you attract the same kind of interpersonal dramas, re-injure the same place in your body or feel you have a magnet attracting the same problems, this Essence if for you! We have waited a long time for the Angels to tell us we had all the Flower Essences we needed to make this mix. We are so happy to offer it to you!
Abandonment & Abuse, Angelica, Artichoke, Beach Pea, Brown Eyed Evening Primrose, Christmas Bush, Comfrey, Dainty Bess Rose, Desert Chicory, Desert Forget-Me-Not, Epimedium, Ethereal Fluidium Super Glue, Fireweed, Fremont Pincushion, Narrative of Release, Phoenix Rising, Queen Anne’s Lace, Queen of the Night, Red Flower from Santorini, Re-Union, The Sacred Feminine, The Sacred Masculine, Sweet Olive, Swamp Candles, The Three Phacelia Sisters
Flower Essences from SCOTLAND
Jim Sheehan travelled to Scotland, north and east of Inverness this summer, returning with Flower Essences primarily from coastal dunes. These Scottish Flower Essences are surprisingly different than their Flower Essences cousins from the west of Ireland. Though growing geographically close, they have unique vibrational gifts distinct from the same Flowers growing in Ireland. These Essences are particularly relevant right now. They go deep into any part of us that feels unprepared for change, reluctant to change or simply overwhelmed by change and help us know we are ready, we can do it, and it is time to do it! These Essences support us to think and act with optimism, conviction, clarity and a determination of purpose.
One last thing! Please forgive the blurry photos! Scotland is a windy place and the Flowers were difficult to photograph!
Bramble from Scotland Rubus fruiticosus
Lightening even the darkest of situations
Bramble from Scotland supports us to lighten up and find a bead on the positive no matter how heavy our current circumstances. It restores sunshine and positivity in places where darkness has lingered. It gently pries open even the darkest inner locked box within us to flood it with light. Just as someone might pull back the curtains in a darkened room to wake us up, this one helps us arise from a dark place and move towards a place of greater light.
I AM the blossoming of Light.
Gorse Ulex europaeus
Imperturbable optimism and hope
Gorse is a Flower Essence that floods us with uplifting light and hope. It is particularly supportive in situations of transition and challenges such as illness, despair or heartbreak. Gorse helps us have a steadiness of hope and optimism within ourselves even in situations in which we are being battered by the winds of change or find ourselves in an environment of pessimism. It is an excellent ally when a feeling of all is lost is prevalent because Gorse knows all is never lost.
On the high seas of life, I AM hope.
Harebell from Scotland Campanula rotundifolia
Unwavering courage and clear purpose in thought, word and deed
Harebell from Scotland helps us know our truth in a composed, focused and calm manner. When we must translate our convictions into actions, it helps us find the courage to act decisively and without fear even if it means rising above and standing apart from the crowd.
I AM the courage to act from my convictions with unwavering calm, clarity and decisiveness.
Heather Calluna vulgaris
Confidence and contentment with our place in the cosmos
Heather supports us to have complete faith in our place in the unity of all things. It brings us confidence and joy that each of us matters. Heather helps us understand that every voice rings out a unique note that enhances and lifts up all other voices. This vibrational wisdom translates into self-expression that reflects a sense of connection not illusions of lack or disconnection.
I AM sure of my place in the world and rest easy in knowing I matter.
Purple Orchid from Scotland
Get up and go energy
This orchid started explaining its Flower Essence the moment the Essence was in my hands, “ I AM a get started, lace up your boots and get going energy. I help you find the energy from within to do what you must without fail and without qualm.”
I AM the swift and steady accomplishment of my goals.
Sweet Briar Rose Rosa rubiginosa
Balm for ancestral wounds
Part of redefining ourselves in this new terrain is closing the chapters of our family of origin lineage so ideas of lineage no longer limit or define us. This Rose helps us put a wrap on the stories of our ancestors and brings relief to those who have been burdened by their lineage for any reason be it fame, infamy or anything in-between. It is time to be free of all cages, even golden ones.
I AM spirit unblemished.