A Green Hope Farm friend emailed to ask for a Custom Mix of Flower Essences to support her to clear out her family of origin’s home and let it go to the next owners.
She noted that the task has been physically grueling and emotionally overwhelming noting that “some days I cry and nothing gets done.” She recalled that when she had to sell her own home, “I remember the effect that the Gaia Knows Best drops had on me when getting my own home in order- suddenly I was a powerhouse and tasks were accomplished with ease”. She asked for a custom mix for this hurdle ahead. ” It would be more for the home itself but also for my benefit. I’d like something that will help in restoring order where needed, as well as bless the home for the young (pregnant) couple who will occupy it and support me with getting it all done without having a mental breakdown (I know that’s a tall order! LOL!) I want it to have a housewarming, welcoming and loving vibe.”
First of all, I appreciated this woman’s sense of humor amidst an enormous challenge. I was also interested to see what the Angels and Elementals would choose for the custom mix. How would they address this coming and going? As usual they chose a Baker’s dozen of Flower Essences for the custom mix. Here it is the list of ingredients in the mix with some thoughts.
Please know that we love doing custom mixes for you for any circumstance. I learn so much from the whole process of hearing what you want then seeing what is chosen for your mix!
Flow Free– Our old friend that oils every squeaky wheel and helps things flow in any situation.
Carry Less & The Letting Go Flower– A childhood home carries so many memories and when we let the home go, it’s a good time to let any memories that bind us go as well. These two Essences help us get clear on what needs to be released and help us let go of all that binds us, hopefully leaving LOVE as all that is left.
Queen of the Night– This dynamo helps us feel powerful and clear sighted even when we are in a dark and murky situation, in fact, particularly when we are in a dark and murky situation. Clearing out a family home is often this sort of situation. I think this one will address her concern about not losing her mind while doing this work!
Morning Glory and New Beginnings– These two both help welcome the new owners and also help the former owner to find her own new beginnings with an open heart and arms wide open for the next adventure. I love how Morning Glory helps us drink in new experiences with gusto. In addition this one will definitely help with the welcoming vibe.
Honeysuckle– This one really helps us not get bogged down in old memories that might overwhelm us. When my childhood home went, the Angels let me go say goodbye to the property but told me not to look in the windows of the house. I had been disinherited by then, so none of the stuff was coming to me or was my responsibility to clear out. I appreciated this clear direction from the Angels to not look. I would definitely have been triggered by looking in the house. Instead I was able to say goodbye relatively peacefully down by the lake in our backyard. My husband, Jim, first kissed me down by the lake and later proposed to me in a rowboat out on the lake, so I could remember sweet things that had happened on this property and not get engulfed in sorrows In conclusion, I am in awe of those of you who must sort through all the stuff inside a family home!
Maltese Cross- Dismantling a childhood home is a tearing apart of the very fabric of our lives. Maltese Cross helps us piece ourselves and our situation back together during and after a tear down.
Spiderwort– This one offers support for discernment. It helps whenever we have to sort out what to keep and what to let go of.
Restore Divine Order and Harmony with all Kingdoms– While the house won’t trigger the new owners with old memories, I appreciate the way this Green Hope Farm friend frames her work in the house and her desire to leave the place in Divine order for the new owners.
Cardinal Flower– This clear out is sacred work and Cardinal Flower helps to know this.
Maple– Maple is so centering. It helps us find the middle ground and feel the sweetness in what we are called to do. It also is deeply restorative to our physical being after an ordeal like this.