Toolbox for a New Earth- New Flower Essences for 2019

Dear Friends! That time we’ve been waiting for is here!  The Great Leap to a New Earth! At long last, humanity awakens to its evolving role on this precious planet.

Yes, I know that before I throw confetti I have to remember that this moment requires radical shifts in the lives of everyone.  It’s not a done deal. But we can do it. We are doing it. And the Angels and Elementals of Green Hope Farm want to make it just that much easier for us to shift our vibrations and our choices upwards and onwards.  This new collection of Flower Essences is a toolbox for navigating the inner and outer shifts.

We come to this moment from different places with different experiences under our belts.  Yet the next step for all of us is the same: a felt experience that our individual decisions affect everyone and everything on the planet because we are all one and the follow-up to this which is a commitment to live true to this realization.

Fully integrating our Oneness into a new way to live and interact must happen swiftly if we are to take care of the Earth and all life upon it. This is where Flower Essences come in.

One of the gifts of Flower Essences is that they offer us templates for raising our vibrations.  Equally important, they help us hold these high vibrations while remaining grounded in our physical bodies. This is helpful because it is easy to get ungrounded as we integrate the incoming higher vibrations. Fortunately Flower Essences help us expand and ground simultaneously. They know how to be their Divinity in form, and they show us how to do this too. Flower Essences help us to blossom right where we have been planted, live our soul purpose and embody our unique expression of Oneness.


As planetary vibrations rise and us with them, inner truths wake us to new understandings of ourselves.  These inner truths are powerful. What we know from within us is unassailable to forces outside ourselves.  Branding, marketing, smear campaigns, double talk, fake news, social pressures, habits, traditions and cultural assumptions all fall away in the face of inner knowing.

These inner truths awaken us to a new way to live together and care for our planetary home. The truths of what we must do wash through us with conviction and determination but without fear. We know this is our Divine appointment.  This is why we are here.  We were always meant to get to this moment and choose to welcome the truth of our Oneness.  Once awakened, our choices become clear.  The grace of this is that living from our truths helps all Oneness. The hundredth monkey is no joke.

When I asked the Angels, “But what about the outer mess?” they noted that if we remain in our hearts where truth, peace and Divinity live, we can more easily find equilibrium and right action than if we go outside ourselves to falsely identify with the mess that is the end of patriarchy.

The Angels explain, “We do not mean to minimize your suffering at the hands of patriarchy. We know so many of you are deep in the trenches of intolerable situations of pain. We ask you to trust this disequilibrium is coming to an end. We ask you to open your hearts to the truth that love, an immense love, is with you as humanity finds its way, a new way.  The very stars are sending you support. We offer these new Flower Essences as another tool of support during this transition to a New Earth.

Furthermore, we wish to reassure you that patriarchal structures are crumbling because they need to fall away. Not only that, but nothing can stop patriarchal structures from their dissolution. Humanity is on a wonderful evolutionary curve upwards and onwards. These structures are already in the rear view mirror, even as they try to revive themselves and cause mayhem on their way out.

You need not buy into patriarchy’s view of its end. Join us to view the changes through the lens of Divinity.  Stay in the truth that these endings serve all Oneness and must come before wonderful new beginnings.”

Brief Description of the New Essences

with longer descriptions to follow

Bears’s Breeches– Stability in the void between the collapse of old structures and the birth of the new, support as we create new structures for a New Earth

Celery– An electrical router bringing the support of specific stars to help us birth the new

Cleome– Helps each of our chakras expand and welcome in the higher vibrations while also staying in harmony and balance with our whole electrical system

Corona del Inca– Southern hemisphere wisdom about neutralizing northern hemisphere illusions & negativity. A needed counterweight to the destructive mind ideas of the northern hemisphere

Elephant Trunk Loosestrife– Support to be a harmonious part of the planetary herd

Garbanzo Bean– Help to dissolve tribal enmity

Goldenseal– Deepening support from the Elementals at this critical junction for humanity and the Earth

Honey Locust– Support to move through grief without our physical bodies suffering ill health

Rose of Sharon– Help to anchor in our hearts

Snake’s Head Fritillary– Help to work energetically clean and rise above irrelevant dramas that drain us of energy better spent on the work of spiritual transformation

Tree Lilac– Shelter for the vulnerable who suffer at the hands of those who work for small self interest instead of big self Oneness, a gift of love for those who persevere in living from their truth

Upwards and Onwards– This year’s Venus Garden combination Flower Essence brings vibrational encouragement to dump our small self baggage so our life choices serve all Divinity & all life

Bear’s Breeches Acanthus mollis

New structures of a new consciousness are coming even as we may not yet see their shape or form.  Right now the way forward may seem obscured by the collapse of the old.

Bear’s Breeches blossoms in an elegant and sturdy column of Flowers.  Its form was the inspiration for the Corinthian columns of ancient Greece.  Now Bear’s Breeches helps us feel supported in the void between what was and what will be.  It helps us usher in the new paradigms for a New Earth. It adds stability to our efforts to try new ways of being and imagine a new world into being.  When we feel wobbly or uncertain in our new ideas or new way of living, Bear’s Breeches is there to back us up and encourage us onwards.

I AM a pillar of strength in the creation of a New Earth.

Celery Apium graveolens

Birthing in any form is an arduous business. Celery Essence helps us access specific light energy for any birth process. Celery is supportive at the birth of a child, but it is also supports us to birth a new consciousness and a new way to live.

As a Flower, Celery is composed of panicles of tiny sparkling blossoms resembling a canopy of stars in the night sky.  Celery connects each of us to the light of the specific stars that hold helpful energies for our specific evolutionary process. No two people will get the same gifts from Celery Essence.

Think of Celery as an electrical router relaying light energy to our systems from exactly the stars that will illuminate our energy systems best. One additional thing to know is that Celery works best at night.  It also loves when we take its Essence then go out into the starry night to visit with the stars in person.

I AM the illumination of the stars. I AM the birth of a reborn humanity.

Cleome Cleome hassleriana

Much light is pouring into Earth to uplift and help us evolve. Whether we consciously welcome these energies or not, these higher vibrations are something that we must integrate into our electrical systems in order to stay vibrating at the same rate of vibration as our evolving planet.

As these higher vibrations enter our electrical system, each chakra must adapt to and find a way to welcome in the higher energies while also staying coordinated with the whole electrical system.

Cleome Flower Essence helps individual chakras pull out and expand as necessary to welcome in the light in a very balanced and orderly manner.  I love how Cleome Flowers reflect its vibrational strengths. It blossoms steadily from the beginning of the growing season to the end always spiraling out with blossoms in a whirl of symmetrical beauty. Its seed pods also reflect this balanced, stabilized expansive energy as they resemble outriggers, the lateral support floats found on certain kinds of seagoing boats. In every way, Cleome Flower Essence helps coordinate our chakra system to expand, spin and flow with these higher energies in a beauty, order and harmony of electrical patterning and form.

I AM the radiant health of my evolving light system.

Corona del Inca Euphorbia pulcherrima

This Flower Essence was made in Vicuna, Chile from an ancient Corona del Inca tree.  For many years we offered Corona del Inca on our Additional Flower Essence list where it described itself this way, “In this play of creation, there are many opportunities to rebalance and restore.  The planetary news may appear grim, but with each event a door opens for rebirth and renewal. Let me help you sow a different crop. I hold a wisdom born from a different template than the values of the predominating northern hemisphere.  These present values hold the globe in an apparent vice grip of mistaken notions of purpose and truth. Yet, do not fear.  This is no stranglehold. In bringing my energies and wisdom to the northern hemisphere, seeds of rebalance are sown.  Work with my Essence. Keep a bottle of my Essence in your home.  You need not understand exactly what my seeds are or what they will sow.  You need only feel into my vibration to know that I offer a new way to move, a chance for rebalance, a view from, as you say, “down under.”

Recently Corona del Inca asked to come onto the main line up with these new Flower Essences. Here is what it had to say, “I help to stabilize your electrical systems and your physical bodies when the vibrational changes leave you exhausted or disoriented.  I stabilize your systems when you feel drained by those who do not want change to prevail.  I act to neutralize even repel this negative energy so that your electrical systems and physical bodies can remain serene and unaffected by these low vibrations much like a mosquito net protects from mosquitos.  I also have considerable gifts to help you access the life force energy to keep going through all the change processes you are undergoing.

As I come from the southern hemisphere, I am a counterweight to the excessive mental activity and disorganized vibrations of the northern hemisphere. Think of me as like an anchor, grounded and steady in your physical bodies. While I have pressing business with those in the northern hemisphere, I will help anyone from anywhere on Earth to re-collect themselves and find integration and physical stability when the necessary vibrational changes leave you feeling scattered and uneasy.”

I AM the sanctity of my body, inviolate and strong. 

Elephant Trunk Loosestrife Lysmachia clethroides

Introduced by the Angels earlier in the summer in an earlier blog, this Essence comes on officially into the New for 2019 Flower Essences group today!

Elephant Trunk Loosestrife was created for the elephants of the Global Elephant Sanctuary in Brazil to help newly rescued elephants at the sanctuary become part of the herd, feel a part of something bigger than their individual selves, have consideration for other’s needs and find their place- all issues that are key for the many elephants who have spent their lives alone in captivity and who, when rescued, need support to find a new, more expansive experience of self as well as identity in their community.

The elephant’s call to make this remedy was really a call for all of us. Issues of belonging, finding harmony in a herd, living with respect for each other and in acknowledgment of our shared Oneness are issues that humankind faces with great immediacy and import. We were led to this Flower Essence by the elephants and in gratitude we offer it to the rest of creation that we may use it to help us tune up our vibrations so we, at long last, sing a song of harmony as a planetary herd.

I AM a harmonious member of our planetary herd.

Garbanzo Bean Cicer arietinum

Garbanzo Bean says, “The paradigm of patriarchy is dismantling at lightning speed. In aid of this dissolution, I help dissolve tribal enmity. I would be an excellent Essence to spritz at any gathering of tribes even if they are not so much family tribes but tribes of differing opinion. It would also help to put drops of me on the earth, in water or anywhere enmity and conflict have prevailed.  I will help all to heal from any belief that enmity and conflict are the only way problems can be resolved.  I know this is not the case, and I will happily show the way to a higher truth and a release of this illusion.”

This is one of the most ethereal, pure Flowers I have ever encountered. When I first met it in the garden, Garbanzo Bean Flower announced, “I AM the end of tribal enmity” and then a wave of pure white light washed over me like a palpable blessing and healing balm. It stands ready to share this light with you.

I AM the end of tribal enmity.

Goldenseal Hydrastis canadensis

“We, the Elementals made a promise in ancient times to stand by humankind in its evolutionary journey from mistaken ideas of individuated self identity to an identity of integrated Oneness and indivisibility with all Light.  Who are we, the Elementals?

We, the Elementals, are the builders of all form, the manifestors of creation.  Without us, all form would dissolve as a hologram with the light removed.  In each of your lives we help you manifest that which you desire.  As the light energy rises within you and what you want aligns more and more with Divine will, we can step forward into a more active partnership with you to make manifest your dreams.

If you are having throat issues right now, it is most likely the clearing of old ideas of what you thought you wanted.  We know it is unpleasant to clear these old stuck energies, so take Flower Essences like Flow Free and those from the Green Hope Farm Fifth chakra list. Also call us in to expedite the cleansing of this chakra so that, at long last, your will and divine will can be ONE, and you can express the unique note of creation that you are.

We had Molly make Goldenseal Flower Essence, a very ancient medicinal plant. The name reflects the significance of this Flower. Goldenseal is OUR energetic chalice representing in form the golden promise that we made to the human kingdom to help humankind in its evolution.

In working with Goldenseal Flower Essence, you work with a vibrational treasure we gift to you.  Goldenseal is not an offer to take care of your problems because in truth that would get you and the planet nowhere.  No, Goldenseal is our promise to partner with you in an evolved, co-creative way to make manifest a new consciousness within and without.  Goldenseal reveals and IGNITES the support you can receive from us, the Elemental kingdom.

Goldenseal’s energy clears, cleanses and releases the old at the same time it lifts you up and empowers you in a deepening partnership with us, your co-creators of a New Earth. We have waited a very long time for you to be ready for this Flower Essence, and we are deeply glad it is time.

If your personal situation feels dire despite your best efforts to heal, if you are feeling despair about the situation on Earth, if you want to make manifest a New Earth and new consciousness of Oneness, Goldenseal will release you into an experience of the mighty forces of US at your side.
This Essence turns on the tap to more LIGHT in your life. By working with Goldenseal you open to RECEIVE more support from us, the Elementals and we open to GIVE you more support.

I AM co-creator of a New Earth

Honey Locust Gleditsia triacanthos

Introduced by the Angels earlier in the summer in an earlier blog, this Essence comes on officially into the New for 2019 Flower Essences group today!

Created first for a beloved elephant at the Global Sanctuary for Elephants in Brazil, this Flower Essence helps us when grief has taken our feet out from under us and our health has suffered in consequence. This tree Flower Essence helps us stabilize and find an elemental, clear and productive way to process our grief.  It helps us work through our grief in a way that does not compromise our health. This is a timeless Essence that will help lift the physical damage grief has done no matter when the damage was done.

No matter the grief I must bear, I AM steady on my feet and grounded in my eternal identity as a timeless being.

Rose of Sharon Hibiscus syriacus

The only place of complete calm where we can access the infinitely loving perspective and reality of our Divine self is our hearts.  This Flower helps us find this place.

 I AM the heart of God.


Snake’s Head Fritillary Fritillaria meleagris

This is an ancient English Wildflower that rises a foot above meadow grasses with its dramatic bell shaped blossoms of finely articulate maroon and white checks. As a Flower Essence it helps us rise out of other people’s dramas with discernment and clarity about what is and isn’t our business and what is and isn’t our responsibility. It helps us work clean and stay out of the fray in situations that have formerly bogged us down. It brings dramatic clarity about what is truly in Divine order for us to participate in and what is not. It is particularly adept at helping us either shift relationships to a different course or let them go with confidence in our decision.

This letting go is vitally important right now because we must save our energy for the vibrational work that matters which is raising our vibrations to keep pace with the planet. Many dramas fritter away our energies and lower our vibrations with distractions that do not matter.

I AM clear and impeccable boundaries in alignment with Divine will.

Tree Lilac Syringa reticulata

Tree Lilac explains, “I AM the Tree of Life. I shelter the vulnerable, the disempowered, mothers and children and those who have suffered and continue to suffer at the hands of those who work for small self interest instead of big self Oneness. I AM there for you with the sweet love of my abundant blossoms and the sheltering strength of my many limbs.

Please remember that the incoming light is there for all creation. All have been given an equal opportunity to use this light to evolve. This does not mean everyone has embraced the light. I will help you feel buffered from those who resist the light and lash out because of their own frustrations with the rise in vibration.  Patriarchal individuals and social groups often find people who live by their moral compass annoying or even dangerous to their sense of entitlement.  Nonetheless, Earth needs you to live by your moral compass right now, and the truth within you calls you to live this way as well.  I help you feel sheltered and strong enough to keep fearlessly doing what you need to do. I help you access an immense reservoir of love and determination for persevering in your truth.”

As I stand in my truth, I AM safe and sustained by the light of creation.

Upwards and Onwards

In the dream the Beloved said, “ Pack only the essentials.”

What, I wondered, are the essentials? Our love for Divinity. Our love for the Divine in everyone. Our integrity. Our generosity. Our kindness. Our selflessness. Our eternal identity as one with Divinity. In a word, LOVE.

Nothing of the small selfish self can go with us now.  None of the trappings of “me”.  It’s all one now. We are in this together as we have always been, but now we know it.

This year’s Venus Garden was pure and simple. Radiantly beautiful but not complicated.  Nothing extra. The heart of the garden was Mehera Marigolds for Love of Divinity. There were Bells of Ireland to help us anchor within us the highest vibration possible, Cosmos so we can live and speak from the heart and Sweet Alyssum so we can be our most evolved self in physical form. Sacred Tobacco and other Nicotianas were there to help us purify and let go of the things we thought were our real identity but which tied us to the illusions of small self and stopped us from knowing our true self in Oneness.

The expression is usually “onwards and upwards” so when the Angels told me the name of the garden and its Essence, it was an aha moment. Onwards and upwards is the old process of the small self deciding what it wants and going for it, intent to move itself forward even if this negatively impacts others.  Now it’s upwards and onwards. Topsy turvy. We have to go upward into higher vibrations and anchor in our hearts. From this place of Oneness we can make decisions that serve all Oneness and take everyone onwards.

This does not need to be complicated.  It’s a letting go of a lot that simply must go.  Every one of us has things we need to leave behind. Our petty animosities. Our need to be right. Our ideas that since this is the way we have always done things, we need to keep doing it that way. Our backbiting. Our illusions that we own anything or have dominion over anything or anyone. It all needs to go.

Onwards and Upwards helps us dump what needs to be dumped, leaving only the Love to pack up and carry on. Preparations are over.  We’re in this now. It’s time to let go and let Oneness prevail.