On the Camino de Santiago de Compostela there are hostels called albergues where pilgrims can get a bed and perhaps a dinner with fellow pilgrims at the end of each day’s walk. On Lizzy’s third trip down the Camino she took these two photos of a pilgrim dinner table before and during the rush of hungry pilgrims.
This summer was filled with moments like this when the farm’s three big kitchen tables were flooded with staff, family and an abundance of produce and then just as suddenly empty and waiting for the next gathering.
As summer rolled into fall, I realized that Green Hope Farm is like an albergue on the Camino in more ways than just the numbers circling the dinner tables. People’s journey’s take them down the trail to the Green Hope Farm where they come and stay for a bit and then it is time for them to continue their pilgrimage. As the host to this albergue, I get to welcome them to the farm and then, in alignment with a mysterious timetable appropriately between the pilgrim and God and NOT in my control ;-), it is time for them to go, and I must send them on their way with a “Buen Camino!”
It is much easier for me to say hello than goodbye, but it helps me to remember that even as the departing pilgrims go out of sight down the trail, they are still on the Camino, still on their journey.
Here was one September night at the Green Hope Farm albergue with pilgrims coming and going. It was Grace’s second birthday. Katie Carpenter is on the left, Lauren Lenz is in the middle and Molly Sanders is on the right. Grace is making sure they pet her new stuffed dog “Tiny” carefully. Katie’s Camino was taking her to Pennsylvania almost the next day. Lauren’s Camino was bringing her back to Green Hope Farm for another stint working here. Molly Sanders was getting ready for the next twist in her Camino, a travel plan that includes her next sure destination, Patagonia.
And here are some of the pilgrims who are at the Green Hope Albergue right now- From the left around the table- Elizabeth Sheehan, Clare Smith, Laura Carpenter, Alli Howe, Eliza McLellan and of course GRACE. We are out at breakfast to say goodbye to Molly Sanders so none of us were feeling THAT cheerful as Molly Sanders is an absolute ray of sunshine, and we will miss her very much! I am sorry Molly is not in the photo! The breakfast really WAS all about her!
Clare and Eliza are brand new, and I am so happy to welcome them along with Lauren to the GHF albergue! Alli, Lizzy and I are teaching them all the different jobs to fill the gaps left by Miguel, Molly, Katie and Laura (who is only here part time now). After running the GHF office for almost two years, Miguel has taken a job in his field of International Relations at the Tuck Business School at Dartmouth. We are so happy for him that he is doing what he loves. He is helping Tuck students organize short term work projects for NGOs in third world countries. As he ran an NGO called Solar Aid in the country of Kenya before coming to Green Hope Farm, this job is right down his alley and a perfect place for him to continue his Camino. Molly has flown south- very far south to the southern most tip of the Americas, and Katie is doing more web design work from her home in Mount Gretna, PA. Fortunately her next stop on the Camino leaves her free to keep helping the albergue she left behind- She gets a lot of emails from us- A LOT!
So that’s the census at the Green Hope Albergue! Tonight anyways!
I am close to finished transcribing the definitions for the 2014 New Flower Essences! Effort and Grace will finally have a description as will the other gems of the season! Look for this next week on the blog! Yahooooooooo!