May May and I make our Friday Morning Tour

I work in the gardens of Fridays. First thing I do in the morning is walk through all the gardens seeing what needs to be done. Then I ask my Elemental and Angelic partners what the priorities should be.

Right now the Arbor Garden remains chock a block full of blossoming Daffodils. This week will probably be the swan song for a lot of them. With this photo I thank them for having made the last few weeks in the gardens so delightful.

One thing I was concerned about this morning was Plum blossom pollination. We lost our two hives of bees late last winter to varoa mites and the replacement bees have not yet arrived from Georgia. I went down to our Plum trees, ready to try some hand pollination if necessary. Happily there were many other pollinators in the Plum blossoms and even some honeybees.

These could be from a group of honeybees that swarmed on us last summer. This swarm took off to the west in an enormous flying icicle of bees before we could get them in a new hive here at the farm. It is wonderful to imagine a nearby hive surviving on its own. Honeybees have suffered from many difficulties in North America in the last decade or two. But that’s another blog. For today, I am just so joyful that somewhere a colony of bees has survived all the difficulties a modern honeybee faces.


May May inspects the Red Currant bushes. We can happily report that these too were full of different pollinators! Now I am off to the asparagus bed to weed. That was the Elementals’ top job for me this morning after I posted these photos! Have a wonderful weekend!

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