Hello dear people! How are you? I hope that you are well and finding serenity and calm in this time of surface chaos/ much incoming Divine love and light.
This week our nights began to cool down. Early morning fog also joined us, another sure sign that the summer season is drawing to a close. This time of year I concentrate on making sure we have all the Flower Essences we need to keep our inventory stocked up. Making Wildflower Essences takes center stage in late summer. August is their shining hour. I just made Joe Pye Weed, Boneset, Jewelweed, Burdock, Meadowsweet, Hardhack and St. John’s Wort. Today I am making Red Clover and Goldenrod.
I hold such affection for Goldenrod. This was the very first Flower Essence I made when I was a little girl ( I didn’t know what Flower Essences were yet what a great support for any child with its energy of helping us trust and be true to our self!).
Nestled in the Lilac bushes with my dolls, Heidi and Wendy, I would mix these glowing yellow Flowers in a teapot of water and let them seep. I liked the taste of this brew and so did my dolls. At one point my sister and I abandoned the Lilac bushes to hold our tea party in a large clump of poison ivy . We christened our fort, “Fort Poison Ivy” and toasted with more Goldenrod tea. Needless to say, we suffered from that choice of locale. It makes me itch just to think about it!
This morning we have begun to brush hog our hayfields. In the photo above you can see a section that is done. I always find this a bittersweet moment. Yes, mowing the fields is necessary to keep them open, so they need to be mowed, but it involves cutting down some of the late summer Wildflowers I love so much. I let the Elementals know when this mowing is going to happen, so they can prepare the inhabitants of the field, but this doesn’t mean everyone finds shelter. At dusk after the fields are mowed, the coyotes come to snack on mice and voles. Our neighbor, Claude used to mow our fields. He described an evening when he had eight coyotes circling his tractor as he mowed our fields. He’s a big guy, but he said it unnerved even him.
In the midst of writing this, a tractor trailer arrived with a load of the colored boxes we pack our Flower Essences in. These are now all safely tucked into the storage building where they will ride out the winter months, ever ready to be used to pack your orders. Stocking thing like bottles and boxes is another thing we do before the snow flies. (Winter is always coming!)
Jim is still hard at work on the project to transform our original barn into a small house. Today he was repairing a water damaged board and caulking above the windows on the second story. This made us all nervous, and there was a collective sigh when he was down from this job. Everything is framed out inside, ready for the electrician and plumber. The front view here shows where some very big windows will slot in.
Here he is mid-caulking. The best moment of the day was when he was done standing on that ladder ( two stories up- gulp!) and was safely off the staging and on the ground!
Sending you all much love from the farm! Take precious care.