When I asked the Angels what they wanted me to write a blog about this morning, they promptly said, Listening. So I settled in to listen to what they had to say about Listening.
“You are connected to all that is in every conceivable way, but it is through listening that you can appreciate the connection most deeply. By this we mean not so much attention to sounds made or voices raised or external noise but the kind of listening that happens deep within you.
This kind of listening requires considerable determination.
Yes, you can hear the voice of God within in the most noisy and crowded circumstances, but that takes a lot of practice. It is much easier to carve out quiet and solitude then build a trail to your heart in this peace and stillness.
Why does this stillness matter?
You exist in a most complicated structure of infinite possibility, yet few paths lead where you truly want to go. By seeking stillness you eliminate a lot of choices that would clutter your life. When you disentangle from the world’s broadcast, you peels back layers obscuring truth.
People often find there is grace in circumstances that takes them into a time of enforced stillness. For Molly, the time of breaking her arms forced her into a time of stillness. In a recent blog she mentioned that during her recovery from these injuries she felt whole even when literally broken. This was because more time in stillness had swept her into deep communion with her soul.
Constraints of illness or injury often bear fruit, because an external focus is no longer possible. The only road open at such a time is the road within and the practice of listening to what is going on “in there”.
Not only is stillness important but time for stillness matters too. Some things cannot be rushed.
Inner listening takes you deep into knowing what truly matters to your soul. As you return to this sacred well of inner Divinity time and time again, the messages get refined and repeated. That “off the wall” guidance you got the first couple of times you listened, keeps coming back to you again and again. This can build your confidence in intuitions that seem unexpected or peculiar.
So much of who you truly are and what you are meant to do is against the grain of the cultures you exist in so, yes, we stand by the word peculiar and remind you that peculiar is not wrong. Peculiar is just distinct from the prevailing behaviors of your culture.
Messages repeated in the quiet space of attentive listening bolsters your own determination to follow this inner guidance. Let yourself blossom in the stillness. Let yourself blossom in the listening. Give yourself time to unfurl and drink deeply of your eternal and timeless self.
Don’t feel that you need to share your inner knowing until you have given it time to settled within you in stillness. How often have you shared a precious realization with someone not ripe for this wisdom only to feel defeated by skepticism or disinterest? Let yourself drink fully from your inner listening. Let yourself rest in all you know in this quiet still pool of inner oneness.
This is where we meet you, but more importantly, this is where you meet yourself, your infinite, beautiful, wise, loving and most precious true self.”