One thing which keeps me busy in the days surrounding the Fourth of July is working with the air Elementals, aka the Sylphs, to repair the damage done to the air element by fireworks.
Yes, its not just your dogs that don’t like fireworks- The Elementals loathe them!
New Hampshire has the most complicated regulations for say getting septic tank approval to build a new home but pretty much a five year old can walk into a store and pick up a truck load of fireworks. This means that on the days before the Fourth and even after, there are fireworks everywhere. Firework season has become Memorial Day to Labor Day! And this has been very hard on the Air Element and the hear working Air Elementals who are already swamped dealing with our pollution.
If you would like to work with the Sylphs to repair the damage done on land near you, ask the Sylphs over the property where the fireworks took place to cleanse, clear illuminate and rebalance the air of this place. Our request is necessary due to humanity’s free will. The Elementals will assume we want the air Element looking like swiss cheese if we don’t ask for this repair.
If you would like to work the whole piece of land, call in Pan (head of all Elementals), and all the Elementals (which includes Sylphs for the air element, Undines for the water element, Salamanders for the fire element, Gnomes for the earth Elemental and Ether Elementals for the Ether element. and ask that all the Elements of the property be cleansed, cleared, illuminated and rebalanced. There is a much longer description of land clearing on our website’s resources page in the section under Angels & Elementals.
ANY land clearing work you do right now matters so much to Earth! Consider making this a part of your daily routine! BLESS YOU!
Now I am off to the potato patch to check in on a Potato Flower Essence I am making with the dozen gorgeous potato varieties we are growing right now- I have never had such a radiant group of potato plants here, much as we grow them every year- I credit my son in law, Charlie who is in charge of the potatoes this year. He has a real touch with potatoes!