How do new Flower Essences come to be made here?
Often it is a bit of a “Meet Cute.”
This is phrase I learned in the wonderful Holiday movie called, The Holiday with Kate Winslet. At one point, a dear elderly Hollywood producer is telling Kate’s character that in a story or a film there always has to be a funny and charming way that the love interests meet. I feel that way about Flowers. I always feel meeting a Flower is a big deal and seeing an old Flower friend after a long winter a very special reunion. This makes every day in the garden such a gift to me as you can imagine how many reunions I have!
So anyways, for me the “Meet Cute” is when I bump into the Flower- maybe one I have known, maybe one I have been looking for or maybe one that is new to me. And the Flower calls out to me in some way or another. Usually in a way that makes it hard for me to miss! Thank you Flowers.
It helps with the Meet Cute when some of you have been asking for this Flower to be made into a Flower Essence. Its like I have gotten a bit of an introduction before we actually meet and I am looking for the moment we meet- So Thank YOU for all your suggestions!
This weekend’s “Meet Cute” was with a new friend possibly in the Horehound family.
During a sparkly clear dawn, I was standing in a field down the road from here watching another activity when I glanced down and saw a patch of Flowers all lit up and glowing. Within moments, a Flower Essence was underway.
And here she is, a new friend as yet to be identified with the Flower Essence joining the ranks this morning.