I was prompted to write a blog about finding our mojo when we’ve temporarily lost it. I had an idea what the word mojo meant, but I was surprised how dictionary definitions linked mojo with magic as defined as NOT A REAL THING.
Losing one’s mojo was grimly described as losing enthusiasm, self confidence, energy and direction. The dictionary clearly felt this was a realm we could all live in and maybe should. Mojo itself was dismissed by the dictionary into the realm of made up things.
Sometimes I feel that dictionary definitions expand the world, but here I felt they did a disservice, trapping us in a world where mojo is as imaginary as light sabers from the crystal caves of the ice planet Ilum.
Yet, facts are facts. This is a time in which a lot of us feel like we have lost our mojo, yet we are confident we will recognize it when we get it back, regardless of whether the dictionary thinks it’s real. I am glad about that because already we have moved towards returning mojo by refusing to be told it is not real.
As an aside, I’m also sorry that dictionaries and their ilk like to make arbitrary lines between what is and what cannot be. Magic is all around us. Just consider how seeds grow into plants. If dictionaries had not defined seed germination as a normal process, we’d all recognize it as magic AND open up to experience all life as magic. Let’s defy the dictionary and allow for magic to be the very fabric of life, ever expanding and ever available.

#ONE Okay so that’s step one in mojo retrieval. We acknowledge that mojo is REAL and not something unattainable because it’s imaginary. We believe in our own experience over what we are told.
Essences that help us back ourselves up to confidently know what we know include All Ego Contracts Null & Void (This one supports us to throw out the imposed constraints that limit our experience of ourselves be they from society, family, or any other institution or person), Authentic Self (When we get a bead on our experience of ourselves, it can be a flame nourished by Flowers that whisper, “Yes, You are YOU!”) Ispahan Rose (We are living in a particular time but the specifics of this time do not define us. This Rose helps us experience a more timeless and limitless self), Grounding (Being grounded does not mean imprisonment in the ideas of the general consensus but instead helps us feel fortified to stand in our beliefs with conviction and confidence).
#TWO- Be open to knowing that what appears on the surface is not necessarily what is going on. We live on a planet of duality. This means when events and circumstances appear most dire, there is a counterbalance going on of a corresponding amount of light. This light is not necessarily visible or reflected in what makes the news.
A few blogs ago I posted a photo of the Schumann Resonance. This is the visual record of the heartbeat or vibration of Earth. Variations in the chart reflect the amount of light being absorbed by Earth from solar flares and other incoming light much as a jolt of electrical energy would change our vibration and heartbeat too.
Since this earlier blog was written, the Shumann Resonance daily charts of incoming light have shown massive and continuous amounts of light pouring into the planet. Whereas earlier, most days showed slivers of light coming in, recently there are days when the whole chart is a whiteout of incoming light. This reflects one of MANY forces of counterbalancing light.
As I mentioned in that earlier blog, this incoming light is a gift to us. It lifts up the planet and all of us on it. However, if we don’t know what this light energy is, we may decide to keep it in our upper chakras where it can make us feel mentally overcharged and anxious.
Flower Essences help us move the incoming light down into our hearts. From there this light energy will move out into our whole light systems via the meridians (light channels) of our chakras. Hollyhock was an Essence I mentioned in that blog for moving the light down to the heart and from there to integrate into our whole electrical system.
ANY Flower Essence that helps us ground our consciousness in our hearts is going to help us right now. If you feel this mental overcharge or anxiety, you can visualize moving the light from your crown down into your heart and also use the FOURTH CHAKRA ESSENCES to ground yourself in your heart. Look at the various Flowers in this group and see if any call to you. We know what we need.
You can also check out the ALIGNMENT OF CHAKRAS page and see what calls to you there. These Essences help move this light to all parts of our electrical system and align us with this rising vibration.
#THREE. Pull up into an overview. Many Flower Essences are there to help us rise up into a perspective no less loving than our eyeball to eyeball stance but one in which we experience the long view. Gorse reminds us all is not lost and never will be. It helps restore our optimism. Eyes of Mary , Through Angels’ Eyes and To Hear the Angels Sing sweep us into the wise and loving perspective of Angels. Equanimity supports us to find mental calmness, composure and an even temper amidst great difficulties. This is a complicated and painful time for so many. We can be there for each other with love and kindness while also remaining optimistic. The Flowers can help us with this. Sometimes their nudges can be just what we need to keep going.
#FOUR- My guidance pokes fun at me. That’s often how I know it’s not me talking to myself, because goodness knows, I take myself way too seriously. I try to let go of my ridiculously huffy reactions to this humorous feedback. I remind myself that I’d rather be happy than right and taking myself a lot less seriously helps. So what if I find mojo when I laugh at myself. At this point I’ll take it!
Rosa Mundi brings a particularly great dose of humor when we feel like Divinity is leading us on a wild goose chase, and we want to opt out. Don’t Worry-Bee Happy offers the Elementals enormous boost to just enjoying the whole crazy show Shrubby Cinquefoil wants to help make laughter the meat and potatoes of our day. The Fairy Rose gets even the most serious group laughing. Gosh, I was at a meeting last week where I wished I’d had a spritzer full of Fairy Rose. Bless this group, but cleaning the oven would have been more fun! Maybe that’s another piece of the puzzle.
#FIVE Don’t let the bastards wear you down. If you can, spritz the room or high tail it out of there!
I asked the Angels and Elementals if they had anything to add. The noted their personal secret weapon to MOJO was Showcats. Gosh! How could I forget this gem? We’ve heard from so many over the years that this is the Essence that makes all the difference in the show ring. It helps animals and (people too) find the whole circus of life FUN. Yes, that well could be what we all need right about now!