Message about Unity Consciousness

This is a message I received this morning. (Please note that while taking down this message, I was confused about pronouns. For example, my use of the word “we” reflects the limitations of my understanding and not truth)

“While we may experience this country as in an extreme state of duality in which the world is populated by us and them, this has no bearing on the reality in which ALL ARE ONE.

Furthermore, not only are we all one, but our joint work is to know this as an absolute truth. So how do we accomplish this?

In each encounter, bring forward the attitude, “You and I are NOT we but one. There is no division except in illusionary ideas encouraged by a forgetfulness born at the Big Bang.

So the task right now is not to dismember or divide. The task is to avoid the pursuit of spearation or making anyone an other.

Question from me: How does the Sovereignty Set fit into this?

Answer: The pursuit and longing for the experience of unity consciousness necessitates not buying into illusions. The Sovereignty Set can help create an inner space in which the bindings of illusions of separation can be unknotted and released.

The path to unity consciousness does not come from joining groups of this persuasion or another. but from going within to release illusion and find the experience of unity with source.

Do you see how this is perhaps a different process than most expect? Institutions and religions may hold truths. Members of these institutions and religions may be beoved friends but nothing is gained and much can be held in abeyance by an identification with an institution or religion if it calls you to any sense of separation. Separation is not a truth. Separation is a binding.

Consider the daily task of welcoming every person you encounter, interact with, read about or hear about as no better or worse than you. Better and worse are illusions of separation.

No one is an other. Abandon judgment and division. Yes, create an inner temple for your own spiritual pursuit of unity consciousness but this temple is not meant to be a barrier of division, ever.”