All posts by Molly

Maybe We Should Call it Land Tuning instead of Land Clearing

I often leave gaps in my explanations and directions for processes so I appreciate your questions about the Land Clearing process I gave again last week. If you have a question, no doubt other people have the same question. So keep those questions coming.

Questions I have received since my last blog about Land Clearing had two main concerns. When you do this process are you dumping negativity from the land you are clearing onto some other piece of land? As one Green Hope friend said, “Do I really want to rob Peter to pay Paul, clearing my own land and dumping this cleared negativity onto some other piece of land?” The second question revolved around this thing I called a “christed grid.”

These questions made me realize that maybe Land Clearing isn’t a very good way to describe this process. Maybe it would be better to call it a LAND TUNING.

Land, like everything else vibrates at a variable rate of speed. These vibrations are a kind of music. The lower or slower the vibration, the more heavy, dense, and negative the land feels. Land so encumbered is too burdened to make beautiful music or express its truest self in song. When land is cleared and the vibration is high, there is a greater likelihood that the land will be free to sing the song of its true self.

We all know pieces of land that feel just right, places where you just know the land is singing its music freely and gloriously. Land is really no different than a musical instrument. Just as with a musical instrument, you can bang out notes on an out of tune instrument and get the drift of the melody, but after a tune up it’s a different musical experience entirely. The more frequent the tune ups, the better the music. And just as when you tune a musical instrument, these vibrational tune ups on a piece of land don’t dump anything on anyone else.

I imagine you mostly thought of wild places when you thought of lands that sing, but even these places need tune ups nowadays.

Where does this negativity come from? Land’s vibration is affected by negative events that happened on the land as well as negative man made creations on land. I don’t think any land is meant to host a war, store nuclear waste, or be the sight of an arms manufacturing plant. Land that has suffered from these degradations screams out to be tuned and will continue to need this tune up until it gets this tune up, even if the war that threw it out of tune was centuries ago.

Land also can be adversely affected by other factors. Even an argument between a couple of people leaves negativity where the fight happened. There are so many ways negativity gets deposited on land. I often think that the reluctance people have about going to the dentist is in part because of the accumulated negativity dumped by all of us in the dentist’s office. While I try to be appropriate about what land I clear and whose business it is to clear a piece of land on a routine basis, I do clear my dentist’s office before I go for a cleaning. It may be the dentist’s responsibility the rest of the year, but I clear the office for my hour. This is one of many places that accumulate negativity at a dizzying rate and that could benefit from routine daily clearing.

Even if a spot of land receives little or no direct dumping of denser emotions like fear or anger, all land needs clearing. Wind and rain deposits negativity from other sources onto land. Dissonance from our modern technologies also affects the vibration of land adversely as our technology affects the vibrations everywhere on Earth. This is why even wilderness can benefit from land clearing.

In my experience, two things happen when you do the Land Clearing process. In response to your request to clear a piece of land, the Angels and Elementals raise up the vibration of the land and everything on it to a higher frequency AND negativity that does not belong to the land is returned to whomever it belongs to.

The tune up part, “the clear and illuminate” part is no different than a request to the Angels and Elementals to tune a musical instrument. The Angels and Elementals are well suited to any tune up job including tuning land.

The Angels’ work in general is to take some aspect of consciousness that is vibrating at a low rate of speed, say the emotion sorrow and raise it up a few octaves to express the higher spectrum of this emotion which in this case is the vibration of joy. The Elementals’ work is about raising up the vibration of anything in form to its highest level of vibration, for example taking the idea of a carrot and manifesting in form the most beautiful carrot possible. This means both the Angels and Elementals come to this work of raising up the vibration of land as a duck takes to water, well prepared and happy to do this work.

The tune up that they do in response to your request doesn’t leave a detritus that is being dumped on anyone else. It’s an energetic process in which something manifest, in this case the land you are working on, is made more full of light and higher in vibration by experts in this field of work. The Angels and Elementals are like piano tuners. This tune up work does no one and no other land any harm.

The “cleansing and rebalancing” part of Land Clearing does involve movement of energy but again, this part does no harm. It is more a process of a restoring things to their natural order. The cleansing and rebalancing aspect of Land Clearing involves the Angels and Elementals returning other people’s negativity to them when they have either consciously or unconsciously dumped it on a piece of land. Perhaps an example will make this part of the process more clear and help ease any concern that cleansing and rebalancing land means indiscriminately dumping junk on someone else.

Let’s say you have a beautiful japanese Maple in your front yard. Let’s say many people drive by each day and send this tree appreciation and love. This appreciation raises up the vibration of your land as does the presence of this lovely tree singing its note of beauty on your land. Let’s say however that there is one person who drives by every day and feels really jealous and angry that you have this lovely tree in your yard. This person’s thoughts accumulate on the land as negativity.

When you clean your land using this thing I called a christed grid, you are asking the Angels and Elementals to take this negativity dumped on your land by this angry person and return this energy to this person without a return address on the energy. In other words, the energy that was of this angry person’s own creation goes back to this person, but it is returned in a form that doesn’t indicate that it was you who sent it back.

People dump negative energies here, there, and everywhere. In cleaning your land, you want to make the return to sender process a neutral process of returning things to their rightful owner. Without the christed grid filter, the energy would return to this person but with your energetics on it. This person would receive back his or her own energy but might think it was a new negative emotions sent from you, not negativity that belonged to him or her. This confusion might escalate the situation and lead this person to send you and the japanese Maple tree even more negativity. With a christed grid, people get their own negativity back to process as their own business and the circle of sending negative emotions back and forth to each other is not continued. This is true rebalancing.

Let me know if this leaves further areas unclear. I know I keep on and on about Land Clearing or Land Tuning, but in my conversations with the Angels and Elementals, they encourage me to write about this more than any other topic. It really is that important.

I will close with a heartening story.

A Green Hope friend on Mauritius, a beautiful paradise in the Indian Ocean, wrote that after she read the blog message from the honeybees, she noticed there were no bees in her garden. When she realized this, she redoubled her land clearing efforts. Just this week she was sitting in her study, windows wide open, and a bee flew in to visit with her for a moment. She knew it was not a disoriented creature who had strayed accidently into her home. She knew it was a bee who had come to say thanks.

May you too be visited by a grateful bee as you help the land where you live to sing its song!



Ten days ago we boiled maple sap because there was a slight amount of sap to boil. Here’s a shot of the group that gathered then to sunbath, schmooz, and watch the steam rise off the boiling pan.

This past week the sap didn’t run very much at all. About half of our forty taps have not run at all this season and the other half have run very little. We haven’t had a collecting run with more than a modest thirty or so gallons of sap to collect and mostly we’ve had collecting runs of much smaller amounts. As you may recall from all my blogs on maple sugaring last year, it takes forty gallons of sap to get a gallon of syrup. We usually make fifteen or so gallons of syrup. I don’t know if we will make more than five this year.

The weather has been peculiar with multiple day stretches of deep cold then stretches of warmth then stretches of cold again. This is not conducive to the sap running. The sap usually runs after a cold night in the twenties followed by a warm day in the forties or fifties, but this year even after the rare ideal night and day temperature fluctuation nothing much is running in our tiny sugar bush. We are hoping it is going better for those friends and neighbors that depend on the sugaring for their livelihood. We do it just for fun and because it gets us outside and moving after too much winter.

When the sap is really running, I have an excuse to be out and about, but not in the gardens. This is good because while I am ready to get into the gardens, they aren’t ready for me. The very wet, still almost frozen soil can’t take my stomping around right now. I need to wait a bit longer to let the gardens dry out before I start my spring rounds of garden work.

Usually maple sugaring and pruning the fruit trees keeps me from being too impatient. This Saturday without the sugaring and with the last of the fruit trees pruned, I needed to divert myself somehow or other. I found the perfect project.


Yes, I purchased some fruhbeetkasten or cold frame kits to replace the wooden cold frames built in 1993 that finally fell apart two years ago. Last year I tried to limp along with some cobbled together make shift cold frames and lost some lovely baby plants because these makeshift cold frames fell in on the plants. So I decided to buy some kits. My other option was bugging Jim to build me new cold frames, but I decided not to spare Jim. (I am saving him for bigger projects later. Lucky guy.)

The Fruhbeetkasten and Anbausatz arrived in many many boxes. On Saturday morning Will and I poured a box out on the ground and found the directions.


The Fruhbeetkasten model I had purchased was for the model with the Anbausatz extension units. The modest English directions I had were for a different model, for Fruhbeetkasten without Anbausatz. These directions included helpful phrases like, “Put hex screw F in each of the lower bores of the aluminum corner piece C, J tightening with wing nut K and clamping washer G affixing one ground anchor P with each of the clamping washers.”

This got us only so far since we were assembling the delux with Anbausatz model. Will spent a few minutes letting the directions for our model, given only in German and Italian, flap in the wind while surveying the tiny bit of progress we had made. After a few minutes looking at the pile of strange parts and hardware left by just the one opened box and knowing that there were three more boxes left, Will had an urgent need to go next door to see if his friend was home. His parting words, “I think we need Dad.”

My gosh, how those five words galvanized me into action. I was going to assemble those cold frames BY MYSELF if it was the last thing I did.

And assembling the fruhbeetkasten with anbausatz was the last thing I did, on Saturday at least.

As the sun began to set, I put the last halbrundkopfschraube through the last alu-winkelproll lang into the plastikcobel set into the distanzrohr and I used my screwdriver as I had been using it for five hours, like a woman possessed and YES, my fruhbeetkasten with anbausatz was DONE!

And so was I!

Well Hidden Crocodiles

I am my own best customer. The focus of the Flower Essence mixes and the very Flowers that I am drawn to have at least a passing connection and usually a very strong connection to what I am trying to learn. When I felt drawn to make a Flower Essence from a new Flower friend, it is almost always because I have something to learn from this Flower and it’s time for that lesson.

This is consistent with everything I know about Flower Essences in general. Each of our electrical systems recognizes its own dilemmas and snafus and seeks solutions. Flowers have solved a lot of electrical difficulties on their way to evolving into masters of their environment. Therefore Flowers and their Essences hold a lot of problem solving skills. Our electrical systems recognize this and welcome Flower Essences with “open arms”.

Today I am thinking about things I am meant to control (my attitude) and things I am not meant to control (pretty much everything else).

Most Flowers flourish in less than ideal conditions . Many flourish in extremely challenging inhospitable conditions. Flowers Essences holding the electrical data of these Flowers thriving in less than ideal conditions are of great value to us. They offer us ways to thrive in difficult circumstances when things aren’t going our way. They help us accept what is not ours to change and bloom with abandon even when we can’t get what we think we need. The Flowers know how to bloom without enough topsoil, without enough rain, without enough sunlight. They have adapted gracefully to less than ideal conditions and are happy to share with us how they did it via the wisdom of their Flower Essences.

This is a lot more helpful data for us than, say a book that promises if we think positively, only positive things will happen to us. Last time I checked, I was only in charge of my own attitude and had limited control on what the rest of the universe did. There is so much energy involved when we try to control something we really are not meant to be in control of, say the movement of the stars or the social choices a best friend makes. Some of the recent mixes I have been working on like Carry Less are really to help me see the areas where I am trying to control something that isn’t mine to control. Come to think of it, many of the earlier mixes were for this too.

My eldest daughter Lizzy finished up her work in Bennington, VT and after a month dancing in NYC came home to decide on her next move. This was a time in which I needed a lot of support from Carry Less and Flow Free to remind me moment to moment that Lizzy’s next move was Lizzy’s decision, not mine. There are probably a lot of people for whom this balance of support without any opinions would come more naturally, but for me it has been a learning curve to try to be present without an agenda.

My role models for being present without an agenda were not good. I had a famous, powerful, and charismatic grandfather who felt very comfortable redirecting a person’s life completely, even after a short acquaintance of only a brief few minutes. I have heard dozens and dozens of people tell me some variation on, ” I wanted to be an airline pilot, but after a conversation with your grandfather I decided to be a Geology professor instead.” Longer exposure to the man only meant more iron fisted direction.

I hated being micro managed by someone who confused himself with a deity. I went into my own adult life swimming in this bossy gene pool and needing role models for doing something other than bossing myself and other people around. My efforts to find a new way explain my attraction to Black Currant and Bloodroot and my years of focused work with the family river trio of Black Currant, Bloodroot, and Borage Flower Essences. This also explains why I wrote a two hundred page Guidebook without specific directions for using Flower Essences so as to encourage you to be your own guide with Flower Essences.

Ongoing efforts to find a way to be a loving presence, not a controlling presence, led to All Ego Contracts Null & Void in addition to the family river trio. So many Essences helped to continue the excavation and release of bossy tendencies. The Carry Less continues this tradition with its focus to help root out and release opinions, both those continuing to drive me nuts because they have hung around way after the party is over and those opinions that are nearly invisible, like a crocodile on a river.

As Lizzy launched the next part of her life I had to wrestle with some well hidden crocodiles. For example, I realized my ideas about what it was like being in my twenties during the 1980’s were not truths about being in your twenties now. I had biases about chronologies and priorities and even, let it be said, geographies. I tried to let go of all ideas that I knew best about anything that was to be in her life.

When Lizzy said she was moving to Seattle, a city nearly three thousand miles from here, I felt an enormous weight fall off my back, a big mother crocodile. My heart knew this was such a wise, heart felt decision on her part. I could stand up tall, let the crocodile of opinions fall away from me, and give her a big hug of encouragement. It felt good to carry less, even as I knew how much I would miss her.

Another part of my family, my maternal grandmother’s side, was from Seattle. Going to Seattle was a going forward into the unknown for Lizzy, but for me it was a little bit of grace from the part of my family that had been all but silenced by the flashy overwhelming dynamics of my famous maternal grandfather. In the bewildering and oppressive terrain of my childhood, my maternal grandmother had been a shining light. Despite her own struggle with this oppressive situation, she lifted her head from her own difficulties to let me know she loved me. She did not ask me to be something else than I was, like everyone else in my family, but simply enjoyed me for who I was. No small gift. I credit my grandmother’s love with helping me get to the point where I could begin to create my own life on my own terms, away from the controlling opinions of my family.

As Lizzy got ready to go to Seattle I found myself asking my grandmother to be there for Lizzy as she began a new life in Seattle. Despite my grandmother’s challenging situation, she had a knack for fun. I hoped she and her joie de vivre would be with Lizzy.

In one of those lovely synchronicities of life, as I kissed Lizzy goodbye at the airport, through my tears, I saw a sign over my shoulder that read Milltown grill. Milltown is what my grandmother called me. I knew Grandma was on the job.

The Deva of Honeybees Speaks about the Vanishing, Land Clearing Directions Given


Lately a lot of you have been sending me articles about the mass death of honeybees across our country. Thank you for sending me these articles and for sharing a concern about the fate of the honeybees.

If you have been reading this blog long you know how passionately I love honeybees and how concerned I was already about their survival. When William’s “Time for Kids” makes the mysterious death of honeybees their cover story, it’s clear that a lot of other people are worrying about the honeybees too. One statistic I read last night said that honeybee pollination results in 14 billion dollars worth of food each year in our country, food that would not form without honeybees’ pollination. Just as a global economic community helped stop the arms race because bombing the Soviet Union was bombing American economic interests, perhaps this terrible situation will be resolved because of economic pressures. I hope so.

Many theories are being floated out as to why the bees are leaving their hives in droves and never returning. Some think it is pesticides which disorient the bees. Some worry about an x factor in GMOs. The recent scourges of varroa mites are not being blamed. No one seems to know for sure how to explain this mass death.

This is one of those moments when I wish more people grasped what Einstein was saying. It’s not that I have grasped it, because I haven’t. But everything I have learned about Flower Essences suggests this world is not a chemical cause and effect dynamic but an electrical, vibrational dynamic. If I were one of the scientists studying the bees right now I would look for what inharmonious vibrations could be causing this massive bee death, as well as looking at the pesticide problem.

As I searched the media for any reassuring data about the possible survival of any bees, I was heartened to read about how organic farms were the one place where colonies of native bees as well as some honeybees seemed to be surviving. In a wonderful full circle moment, I read how Full Belly Farm, anorganic farm in California, has been working with scientists to create native shrub hedgerows that help the native bees flourish. It was a full circle moment because one of the women who farmed here in the early years, Shifra Levine, also worked for many years at Full Belly Farm.

As of several days ago, our bees were alive. They spent a slightly warmer afternoon cleaning their hives. While this is heartening in a small way, I wondered what was up in our country for all the bees and asked for a message from the Deva of Honeybees. Here she speaks,

“The situation is dire but not without hope. The factors behind our disappearance are myriad and form a chain link that is impenetrable at times. As the matrix for our existence is vibrational, we receive the loving vibration of your thoughts and the outpouring of concern as a healing balm. This is a great help to us. So send us love.

The focus of the groups who stand to lose money because of our demise helps us slightly, but love does much more. As far as the GMOs, they are, of course, a problem. They represent a manifestation of a collective disharmony and schism between humanity and the natural world. It is not so much that the pollen of GMOs make us sick, but that the disharmony of the whole direction of agriculture makes it nearly impossible for us to do our work of harmonizing the land. We die of exhaustion with too much to rebalance, as well as from the effects of pesticides.

Along with your loving concern, another specific thing you can do to help us is to do land clearing. This eases our burdens as without your support we must work ourselves to death to clear and rebalance the land. In this way, we are like so many animal species right now. Our service to the world is land harmonizing as well as pollination. Honey is our fuel to keep going in our work. As the land of this country falls into deeper and deeper disharmony, we still strive to do our jobs. We will do our jobs until we drop dead. That is who we are. Because of the extreme disharmony, we are dropping dead in a way that threatens the very survival of our hives and our species in this country.

As you work to clear the land, you ease our burdens and allow for a more balanced appropriation of our energies to land harmonizing. As you share the responsibility to clear land with us, you leave us with enough energy to keep our hives going. We are just one of many species which will die in droves if greater responsibility is not taken by humanity. Each person who involves themselves in land clearing lifts a great burden from the yoke of many animals. That is the hope of which I spoke.”
I AM the Deva of Honeybees.

Directions for Land Clearing
If you can do this every day for the land that you live, work or care for that would be a wonderful gift to bees and all creation. Even sporadic land clearing is a help. It only takes a few minutes. I have built land clearing into my morning meditation routine so that I do it each day. This is the only way I can keep myself organized, but if this is not feasible for you, it is truly better to do it whenever you remember than never at all.

Humanity’s role in land clearing is to invoke the clearing. The Angels and Elementals of the land will do the actual clearing but they cannot do it without you asking for their help. When we do not get involved it falls to species like the bees to fill the void created by us. Extreme weather will also occur to clean up extreme negativity.

I begin my clearing work each day by grounding myself and the land I am going to clear. I ground us to the heart of the Earth and then I anchor both myself and the land to the heart of God. I ground myself to the HEART of Earth not Earth in general because Earth itself is having a hard time with only its heart being solid ground, so to speak.

When you invoke the divine beings connected to a piece of land to help you, you can be specific ( I list a specific group of beings that will help you at the end of this description) or you can simplify the process by just asking for help from the divine beings connected to the land. You do not need to list specific names to get help. Any genuine request for assistance will get assistance. Right now, the Angels are telling me, “Make this as simple as possible so people actually do this process. We need help.”

After you call in this group, however you do it, ask this group to cleanse, clear, rebalance, and illuminate the land you are clearing. Ask them to clear the emotional, mental, physical, and etheric bodies of the land of everything that is not pure light or divinity.

Ask that the negativity be released through a christed grid. This is not a religious thing, it is simply the name of a filtering system that will not let the specific negativity you have cleared return to that specific piece of land.

You can visualize things getting clearer but visualization is not necessary . The land will be cleansed no matter what because you have asked that it be cleared. It does help to ask that the land that has been cleared be filled with divine love and light. This is a good thing to do because it means that new negativity won’t just sweep in and fill the void left by the cleaning. Instead the void will be filled with love.

That’s it! Thank everyone involved and you are done with the cleaning.

In a few minutes you can easily clear an area that would take several hives of bees to clear and rebalance. That is no small thing!

Lots of people ask me how to figure out what land to clear. People ask if they can clear the whole earth? Can they clear someone else’s toxic home? Can they clear their local Wal-Mart? These are questions that only your own heart can answer. In general, you have every right to clean your own living space and working space and the land around you. When I want to clear other places, I try to ask myself if it is my heart asking me to do this or some other part of me. I trust my heart’s guidance to clear a place, but also trust when I get a heartfelt feeling that a piece of land is someone else’s business. My land clearing assignments change all the time. I will get asked to work on a place every day for several years and then I will be told to let go. There are factors here which are beyond my understanding, but one thing I do believe is that sometimes there are other people who must take responsibility for a piece of land I have been clearing and I must step aside to let them either rise to the occasion or not.

Please email me at with any questions. As always when talking to a Deva, I experienced the Deva of Honeybees as a being of immense loving calm. However her message is as clear a call for help as I have ever received from a Deva. May we all rise to the occasion and help save the honeybees.

Here is a list of divine beings that will help if you want to request for help very specifically.
The Overlighting Deva of the piece of land you want to clean. This Angelic being holds the divine plan for this piece of land
Other Angels working this piece of land
The Elementals of the land
Pan, head Elemental of Earth
Any Ascended Master or God realized being connected to this piece of land
Deva of the Earth’s atmosphere, Lunaria
Deva of the Earth’s surface, Sapphalo
Deva of the center of the Earth, Darndella
Our Sun, Helios and Vesta