Camino Bound

One of the new collections of Flower Essences at Green Hope Farm is our wonderful Camino collection made last June and July by Elizabeth Sheehan.

I remain eternally grateful that while she walked from the Pyranees in southern France to Santiago de Compostela and Fisterra in Galicia Spain on this ancient pilgrim route, she stopped to smell the Flowers AND make us some mighty Flower Essences.

And there are more gifts coming! Elizabeth spent the last year writing a book about her Camino. It’s in the final stages of layout and editing before a press run later this summer. All of us at Green Hope Farm can’t wait to share this book, Once Upon a Trail, with you. It’s a gripping read!

We will keep you posted and offer the book to one and all as soon as it is published!

In the meantime, Elizabeth decided to finish her year of writing about the Camino by giving herself the gift of a second Camino.

Yesterday, we launched her again, almost a year to the day when she left for her first Camino.


Here she gets some last minute trail pointers from May May who trained with Elizabeth all year. In between writing sessions, they clocked over a thousand miles of walking to prepare Elizabeth for today when she arrives in Madrid then makes her way by train, bus and taxi to the trail head at St Jean Pied de Port at the foot of the Pyranees.

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