Spring lasts a few brief moments here before we move into full blown summer. Naturally we make the most of brief season by one day complaining of late snow flurries and the next, complaining it is too hot.
Specifically, I wish for a bit of cooler weather simply because the spring Flowers arrive and depart so much faster in this heat. The Magnolia which opened into a cloud of blossoms a week ago, acknowledged the heat by moving its blossoms right along and getting on with the business of leaves.
Weeds, especially my friend crab grass, also come along faster in this heat. This weekend saw me overhauling the rose garden and pulling crab grass in the main vegetable garden where the mulch wasn’t deep enough. It is wonderful to have two hands again.
And EMILY! Princess of Mulch.
As long as we are vaguely on the topic of wheelbarrow flips, I can report that Jim took it into his head to get me what he considered a “safe” wheelbarrow. This one came with the ridiculous trade name of “Chariot Big Wheel” It is so large and clunky that if I trip over it, I will fall right in its enormous bucket, head first.
But it’s spring, so this bucket is going to be continuously full and this means any fall would be cushioned. Nonetheless, I am not planning to give this stunt a try.