Hearing from You about Gaia Knows Best

Since we began sending Gaia Knows Best out into the world ( our gift with any order until at least 2023), we have been hearing back from you about your experiences sharing this Essence in your world. All you have shared with us is so precious, and we thank you for your notes, letters and today, photographs. We love thinking of so many of you dear ones giving back to Gaia by putting Gaia Knows Best Flower Essence in places on her. At least a couple times a day, we cry happy tears, feel shivers up our spines and find ourselves awash in gratitude to be part of this circle of healing. WOW! Thank you!

If you would like to send us photos of where you have shared Gaia Knows Best, I will post these photos in another blog ( or blogs). Here are the two photos we received today from one of you Beloveds who lives in Aquinah on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.

One other thing I wanted to share with you. As I passed the Gaia Knows Best garden one afternoon this week (probably with a wheelbarrow of mulch), I heard singing. Awash in tears yet again, I stopped to listen to the song. It was Gaia singing to all of you sharing this Essence. When I asked Gaia what was going on, she said you could all listen in your hearts and hear her singing to you. It may feel like just your imagination but it’s not. Gaia is singing to YOU.