Gardener’s Joy

To imagine me this last month, think of every stereotype of a gardener of a certain age and you have the visual- Straw hat smushed down on my head, garden pants more dirt than canvas, black flies swirling around my head and my feet moving as fast as possible as I tear through the gardens with a wheelbarrow loaded with clippers, twine, compost, soil amendments, shovels, stakes and flats of transplants.

May (and now June) are a blur for a gardener like me. So many things to get done in a short amount of time. But the work environment couldn’t be better (except for the black flies). There is so much beauty to savor on trips to the compost heap or doing any one of the many splendid happy jobs of May in a garden. It’s glorious to just stand there and soak in the gardens around me.

Here are a photos of some of what I have been enjoying. I hope there have been Flowers (or the equivalent bliss) in your life this month too.

Tree Peonies are spectacular residents of our May garden.
They even look good when they are going by and looking a bit blousy. In the background you can see our Yellow Rose of Texas and some Rhubarb Flowers.
This Tree Peony is such a gorgeous color.
I don’t have a knack for Bearded Iris. I plant them then they disappear from the garden in short order. This one, so prim and reserved, looks like it is considering whether it wants to stay or go.
This Bearded Iris is the only variety that seems content to stay here. It doesn’t seem to mind blooming in amongst the Woad.
Here is Mary Queen of Scots Rose, making a strong statement like her namesake.
White Bleeding Heart with the first Day Lilies in the background.