In Between Deluges


Even though I have begun to tango once again with the infamous wheelbarrow, it mostly sits alone and neglected. Why? Because day after day we have torrential and near constant rains. Most every sky this summer is gray or filled with thunderheads with only the ocassional patch of brief blue. We find ourselves and all the gardens decidedly wet.

We did have a bit of a miracle when the Iron Chefs and I decided to throw a thank you party for friends and neighbors for all they had done during the last few months to help us. It was a chance to celebrate Elizabeth’s pilgrimage across Spain as well. We ( and I use that term liberally) made paella and gazpacho.

Friends brought spanish desserts including flan. We were all particularly wowed that Megan, Ben’s girlfriend, made a Santiago almond torte traditionally offered to pilgrims when they finish the five hundred plus mile haul across northern Spain.

Here pilgrim Lizzy breaks into the desserts after her epic walk. Megan’s torte is in the top corner marked by Santiago’s sword.

The miracle bit, besides the fact that the Green Hope Iron Chefs pulled off paella for 30 without me chopping anything, was that we had a night of clear skies and soft temperatures.

After our feast, Lizzy shared her photos of the Camino with the assembled group, something we hope to do here on the blog when Lizzy’s Camino Flower Essences are ready to share with you all.

Here’s a sneak peak of one moment on the Camino. This is on the plains of Spain, several hundred miles into her journey.

Lizzy’s definitions for these new Essences are almost done. Like the Flower Essences she brought back from the desert last spring, these new Essences are marvelous. Can’t wait to share them with you and share the photos of where these Flower Essences were made.

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