in the last week, during the few lucid moments i have had- and there have been few-i have wondered what to call this blog-
i have considered……tilting with windmills wheelbarrows
this might be the right title because last saturday while shoveling soil out of a wheelbarrow, i pitched over the back of the barrel in a classic molly move onto my left arm and well… smashed the arm into many bits
which suggests another title idea…….
packing hardware
after a five day wait while the necessary nuts and bolts and screws and pins and wires and plates were procured, a lovely hand surgeon spent four hours putting my arm and wrist back together
while i waited, i did flower essence research and drank flower essence water out of quart jars. as i mend, i do the same
so perhaps the title is…… molly as test subject
and someday i may actually have the stamina to write what i learned beyond gratefulness for every animal wellness collection flower essence mix as well as gratefulness for everything else in creation, especially jim
but, it is time for me to go back to bed- the place where i am for now- learning about a different kind of spring and a whole new way of gardening
with love to you all, i am, mending well