Flower Essences for “working clear, working immaculate”

At the New Year I received a message in a dream about “working clean, working immaculate”.  The message said that this was not about purifying the physical body but mentally working clean.

I’ve been thinking a lot about this message and what it means.

I am not sure I understand it, but I have some preliminary thoughts as well as objectives that I’d like to commit to more intently.  None of these are new issues, but I am grateful for the re-set button brought to us by the New Year that gives us all a chance to spiral through the same lessons in a more evolved way.

As always there are Flower Essences offering support for these challenges.  I’ve listed some after each topic.

#1. Not taking responsibility for other people’s behavior

In situations where I am uncomfortable with other people’s choices or choose to feel negatively impacted by them, I am renewing my efforts not to go into “fix it” mode.  The first day I was doubling down on my efforts to do this, a friend reminded me of the al anon maxim- “I didn’t cause this. I can’t control this. I can’t fix this.”

Some Flower Essences I find helpful for this include:

All Ego Contracts Null & Void– We may have been wired to take care of other people’s problems but that doesn’t mean we can’t rewire ourselves. I keep working with this Flower Essence mix  as I find new issues that need rewiring.

Eyes of Mary– This Flower Essence never fails to support me to detach with love from new situations where I need to learn how to do this.

The Letting Go Flower- Letting go is a lot bigger requirement in life than I ever imagined.

Carry Less- This Flower Essence mix is for cleaning up life times of the habit of doing too much for others.

Musk Thistle– The Angels have me take Musk Thistle daily.  It helps smooth energetic feathers when they are ruffled so we energetically regroup from big and small energetic kerfuffles.

#2 Slow down in my decision-making process so as to check in whether what I want to say or do is an impulse from my personality habits or actually grounded in a clear place of love.

When I get confused and fall into the habit bred into women to carry other people’s problems around with me as my problems, it’s a pressurized situation that leads me to want to blow off steam by “doing something.”

Nothing about modern life encourages us to do this, but I’m renewing my efforts to go inward to seek clarity before doing anything. This dream message leads me to double down on going inward.

If I am in some situation where someone wants an immediate answer, my personality response to this bullying is to appease and respond immediately. Over the years, I have practiced waiting until I get clear, but being immaculate about this feels more important than ever.  Discomfort from waiting to get clear is better than doing something that might not be the best course of action.

And as far as inner guidance goes, one of you emailed this week to say that you were continually surprised by how your Angelic guidance was so firm about not engaging with certain situations and people.  I emailed back that I felt the main word the Angels use with me is NO! 

In pausing to check in, I get help and wisdom from a spiritual support team with a lot more perspective and insight than me. Thank you Angels.  Your NOs are much appreciated. I also am grateful you are happy to say NO more than once about the same situation! 

To Hear the Angels Sing– Because we are one with the Angels, they are there for ALL of us.  This is their mix for hearing them and our heart felt guidance more clearly.

Grounding– Being fully present and grounded inevitably crisps up the clarity of our guidance.

Redwood– When anchored in the eternal, a lot drops away as not real.

Spiderwort– What matters and what doesn’t? This helps sort through the data.

Arbor Garden & Indian Pipe– We really can take the time to slow down, experience the abiding reality of peace and get clear and heart centered guidance.

Kirengeshoma– This gentle friend softly deepens our ability to know self and know our right path.

Los Arcos– When our guidance is different than conventional wisdom, this Camino beloved helps us find the bravery to go on alone

Puenta la Reina– Another Camino gem. This one helps us know who sees our value and can support our growth.

#3 Resist people’s efforts to get me to re-engage in a drama that I have recognized as not my drama.

All of the Essences I have already mentioned are helpful for this. To this list I add:

Horseradish– It’s possible to say no as many times as necessary, and Horseradish helps us do this politely but firmly- think of it as  dragon breath delivered with charm.

Verbena Bonariensis– This one helps air lifts us out before we get enmeshed again.

Mandrake– So what if we’ve been rooted in this dynamic for eons? Mandrake can help us pull ourselves loose once and for all.

 #4 Resist the worry that if I don’t do it, the planet will collapse.

Divinity can handle things without me.  I suspect a lot of the NOs I receive in guidance are to remind me of this i.e. Divinity has things under control and doesn’t need me to interfere.

Our Venus Garden Essences are all about tangibly feeling the Love and Grace of Divinity that is WITH US  AND HANDLING THINGS during this tumultuous time on our precious planet.

Recognizing Divinity is in charge is not a carte blanche to not help. It means doing what we are asked to do from our deepest heart centered place of guidance and then LETTING GO TO DIVINITY which has the rest well in hand.

From the Venus Garden Collection:

The New Sunflower Spiral– Yes, the planetary situation looks like a mess but so does the operating room in the middle of surgery, and we’re in the middle of a big operation.

Through Angels’ Eyes– The Angels share their vibrational confidence in us and in the big picture. I find this one so deeply reassuring, so calming- an Angel pep talk in a bottle

Equanimity– “If you meet life squarely, accepting its opposites with equanimity while carrying on your duties in a spirit of selfless love and service, you will not only come in tune with the Infinite, but you yourself will become the Infinite which you seek” Meher Baba

Effort & Grace– Encourages us to keep going in the mess of human relationships knowing our efforts elevate grace and grace elevates our efforts i.e. as I bumble along, thank goodness for grace!

Don’t Worry-Bee Happy– Worry never solved anything. Truth.

Loving What Is– Our minds are a muddle of half baked ideas which is why we have to keep returning to our heart source for true wisdom.

Love It and Leave It– Supports detachment from the unreal, the momentary, the fleeting so we can ground in the real of Divinity and Love.

From other Collections:

Rosa Mundi– Yeah, the spiritual life is no personality picnic, but it’s worth it.

Gorse– Hope is never lost.

Joe Pye Weed– Support for those of us who keep taking back God’s business into our own hands.

Fragrant Ladies Tresses– “I AM not so much a promise of how resolution will look, but I am a promise that resolution will arise.  I will support you to trust in the mighty forces than come to your aid when you give any situation or relationship to the Divine.” 

 #5 When I feel flooded or log jammed, I need to clear my electrical field. Negativity enters our electrical systems through four doorways: Fear Guilt, Doubt and Anger.  If I can track which door I have open and why it’s open, then I can remind myself of truths so that I can not only clear my field but close the door so no more negativity comes in through that door (at least until the next issue crops up).

Fear Door- There are a lot for this door- Here are a few:

Be Fearless– Yup the Angels felt so strongly about this that they composed a mix.

Allamanda from Taiwan– Fear door specifically helping us not to give our power away to fear vibration or allow childhood fears to run the show.  Loving, non-judgmental but strong support.

Old Blush China Rose– Fear door specifically fear for personal safety.

Chinese Knotweed & Coral Pink Rose– Fear door specifically fear of loss.

Scarlet Runner Bean-General contractor for dismantling fears. This one makes it easier to close the Fear door no matter the fear.

Guilt Door

Hyssop– Guilt door, good for dissolving the habit of guilt as well as specific guilts.

Doubt Door

Goldenrod– Doubt door for when others cause us to doubt ourselves.

Maple– Doubt door for self-doubt.

Star of Bethlehem– When we doubt all the pain and suffering of the spiritual path is worth it.

Anger Door

Outburst– Anger door for a variety of types of anger

Orange– Anger door specifically volatile issues like sexuality.

Four Door Support

Seaside Heliotrope– Helps close all four doorways when the topic is romantic partnership

Love Prevails– Another one for multiple door closings.

#6 A few months ago I received the request in my guidance to stop backbiting/gossiping/saying negative things about anyone else.

Let’s just say, I have found this one a BEAR! I fail a zillion times a day, but I feel this dream message was exhorting me to keep trying. So I will.

Let’s face it, when I speak ill of someone else, I don’t know what I’m talking about, AND it doesn’t help anyone. In fact, it hurts others, and it hurts me. Sometimes when I’m trying to not backbite, I feel like I act very weird, dodging and weaving through conversations. So what? I am weird.

Snapdragon– Don’t say it.

Royal Ponciana– Really.  Don’t say it. 

7# Kindness to self as I work on all this.

Konigin Von Danemark Rose– I learn through my errors so stop with the shame spirals.

Meadowsweet & Hardhack– I think of these two as a pair for bring us self kindness and a gentler view of self and others.

Heliotrope– It’s way past time to let go of our grudges against our precious self.

Golden Hedge Hyssop– No more shame that we are “too emotional” or “too much.”

Hontanas– Listening to our bodies with tenderness and compassion.

Crab Apple– Could anyone live up to the inner judge we sometimes have living inside us? I don’t think so! Time to fire that inner judge.

Pennyroyal– We really don’t have to replay the negative tapes anymore.

Ginger– Knowing our eternal worth.

Fremont Pincushion– Yeah, I am saying it again and so is this Flower Essence, we are Divinity in a sea of Divinity so lighten up on the self judgment!