This was a growing season of mystery. Events that felt random, chaotic and unrelated when they occurred revealed themselves, at the harvest, to be part of a seamless whole. An enormous increase in the wild animal population and other unusual garden events proved to be purposeful and indicative of deep healing happening underneath the surface chaos. In the quiet of conversations with our partners in the Angelic and Elemental kingdoms, we were assured that this pattern of healing underneath surface chaos is true everywhere, and our heartfelt optimism is not ungrounded, but in fact, deeply grounded. We ended the season feeling an immense healing energy afoot in every corner of creation. The new Flower Essence offerings reflect this truth.
Brief Descriptions of the New Essences (followed by longer descriptions)
Be Fearless– The Angels created this mix to help us process and learn from our fears so that we can let them fully flow through us for full release. Emptied of fear, we can more easily welcome the incoming higher vibrational energies here to support us right now.
Butterfly Kisses– We are in the dark. It’s a womb time in which much is gestating, but we cannot see it. Like caterpillars entering cocoons, we’ve entered the womb, both individually and collectively, not knowing who we will be or what will be born when we leave this dark place. Butterfly Kisses helps us feel safe in the necessary unknown of transformation. With this Essence mix, our sisters and brothers from the Butterfly kingdom help us to know and feel we can trust this unknown place and trust in the goodness of what will be born.
Companion Connection– More support to deepen our loving soul connections with the beloved animals. For animals and humans to take together.
Cornflower:The animals find themselves in a complex situation right now of both needing to raise their own vibrations as the planet’s vibration goes up, while simultaneously helping us humans to raise our vibrations. This one is to help them hold their own in this difficult dynamic.
Horseradish– During these fiery times when people do or say outrageous, ungrounded things, Horseradish helps us unequivocally and politely hold our ground and maintain our boundaries.
Pink Mulla Mulla– A palpable reminder that our lovableness was never in question. We are loved more than we can imagine, and we are ever held in the loving embrace of Divinity.
The Sunflower Spiral– A new iteration 2018 of a Venus Garden classic- Yes, more spiritual support than ever is with us regardless of what it looks like! This one helps us find our place in a rapidly evolving dynamic.
Ayurvedic Mixes- Vata, Pitta and Kapha– Support to find a balance within the framework of Ayurvedic medicine.
The Angels asked us introduce this Essence mid-season, so you may already have read this in a previous blog- If so, just skip to the next Essence- If not, here is more information about this wonderful new mix..
Be Fearless supports us to fully release our fears after we have learned all they are telling us. The Angels explain this wonderful mix,
“All feelings are important in that they give you information about what is going on in your lives. Fear gives information that can be deeply helpful, even life saving. Problems with fears arise when fears are inadvertently stored in your energy systems well after they have served their purposes. Fears that are stuck in your energy systems are often amplified by other forces. Stuck, amplified fears slow the smooth flow of your electrical systems. They can derail your emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health and paralyze your thoughts, feelings and actions.
Log-jammed fears are never a good thing, but they are particularly unhelpful right now. Because humanity is currently receiving much spiritual support to evolve, it is particularly important for your electrical systems to be free to move, flow and evolve in response to this spiritual support.
We created this mix to help all of you process and release fears from your energy systems so that you can take full advantage of the spiritual support available right now and evolve with the least resistance possible.
The Flower Essences in Be Fearless open up a space within you to illuminate what your fears are telling you, decide what to do with these fears then fully release your fears once they have served their purpose. This mix helps you keep your energy systems humming along on their evolutionary journeys and leaves you free to make self-actualized choices about your lives.
Be Fearless is not a mix about judging you for feeling fear but a support to own, process and release fears without letting them take up permanent residence in your energy systems. Specific Flowers in the mix help you energetically process specific fears. Below is a list of the Flower Essences in Be Fearless. Molly’s blog on 4/5/2018 gives an explanation for why each these Flower Essences is in the mix.”
Flowers in Be Fearless: Allamanda from Taiwan, Aspen, Blue Snakeweed, Borage, Chinese Knotweed, Coral Pink Rose, Feverfew, Golden Wings Rose, Heritage Rose, Mutabilis Rose, Nuuphretia Lavarissa, Old Blush China Rose, Orange, Peach, Red Clover, Sahagun, Scarlet Runner Bean, The Watchman
As always, this year’s lower garden at the farm was designed and planted in partnership with the Angels and Elementals. On three sides of the garden a sea of Red Shiso, rich and dark purple in color, undulated in the wind. The fourth side was pumpkins and squash. In the center of the garden we arranged Dahlia tubers in a spiral. As the season flowed on, the plants all arose with healthy, dark foliage. In the center of this spiral, we constructed a great dome and around this dome we planted Kikinda Squash, Morning Glories, and Marigolds. A few Potato plants and some glorious Milkweeds popped up as volunteers, and they were welcomed.
The Kikinda squash dome in the center of this garden was reminiscent of a womb space. As the season progressed, the vines grew to cover the dome, and the great fruit began to hang down inside the structure. To meditate in the deep shade of the squash plants, we entered through the Dahlia spiral, circling around to this sacred center. We could feel the powerful, transformational energy of the farm coming up from the Earth and surrounding us. In the evenings, the Kikinda blossoms would open and radiate in the moonlight.
One day while I, Sarah, sat in this physical womb space, a Wood Nymph butterfly came to visit me. For half an hour she sat on my foot gently caressing me with her proboscis or butterfly tongue, kissing me as I meditated. Imagine our shock and delight when, later that day, a Green Hope Farm friend emailed us with a channeled message from the butterfly spirits that we were to make an essence called Butterfly Kisses. I will quote this message here:
“Hello, we send you love and we thank you for your assistance in helping us to thrive as we once did. We would like to request the creation of a Flower Essence blend to assist those in the process of transformation. Who better to pass on this wisdom than us, the masters of the art of transforming and transcending. We ask that this blend be called “Butterfly Kisses” as our energy is gentle yet powerful at the same time. The plants to be used will be made known to you as you begin the process of its creation, and we will guide you in all aspects of your journey with us. There are many who are in need of this wisdom during these difficult times and many who can benefit from our assistance in their own process of transformation. We thank you and we honor you for the work that you do to help others in need” –channeled from the monarch butterflies by Jody Hergert-Andresen
Thank you to the Butterflies, such perfect and wise teachers. The cocoon, too, is a manifestation of the womb space. Here lies the source of creation and the portal for all things to manifest, the void, the seat of the Sacred Feminine energy. In the womb space, inside the cocoon, all is darkness.
Darkness is sacred. It represents the unknown, the magic that we all feel but can’t fathom. Inside this darkness, cloaked in mystery, something comes from nothing. Transformation occurs, we transcend. Who could imagine as the caterpillar enters its chrysalis that the butterfly will later emerge. The change is not linear or predictable. We cannot seeat all from the caterpillar stage what transformation is to come. The womb space, the chrysalis, the Feminine aspect of Divinity lowers her veil of mystery and through this mysterious grace births transformation.
We all have access to this etheric womb space and can work with it to manifest transformation in our lives and in the world around us. For those of us Women who have a physical womb, we are especially blessed to have a connection to this mysterious void inside our own bodies. Now is our time to embrace her and honor her as our great Mother and Source.
Butterfly Kisses helps us to reconnect to this sacred space that is our birthright. For those with a physical womb, it supports us to remember this truth that lives inside of us, and for all of us, it helps us reclaim our connection to the sacred womb as our source of transformation and healing, creation and intuition.
-If you feel in the dark, unclear where you are or where you are going, or pessimistic about the state of the world, Butterfly Kisses supports you to reawaken and sink into this womb space and embrace the experience of unknowing with calm and confidence that what is to be born is worth this place of unknowing and in fact, this place of unknowing is itself a gift.
-Wonderful support for women to reconnect to their womb space, their undying creativity and the cycles that are one with their being
-Support for all people to remember and rekindle the gifts of the inner creative space within their being, the universe that lies ever within each of us
-Beautiful support during any process of transformation, creation or time of change
Many of our combination remedies are born because of insights, requests and encouragement from you, and this combination is a case in point. Created in collaboration with Animal Soul Connection, Companion Connection is a resource for animal communicators and pet owners alike to strengthen the unique soul connections with the beloved animals in our lives. It supports deeper friendships and more expansive and intimate ways of connecting. Working closely with the Elemental kingdom and connecting to our intuition are key elements of this combination. This mix helps us to let go of personality-based ideas in favor of connecting to the wisdom of our one-ness with all creation.
Flowers in Companion Connection:Harmony with all Kingdoms, Dog Rose, Foxglove, Wild Lily of the Valley, Maple, Wild Pea, Rosemary, To Hear the Angels Sing, The Fairy Rose, Through Angels’ Eyes, Black Eyed Susan, Niella, Bignonia, Calendula, Grounding
Cornfloweralso known as Bachelor ButtonCentaurea cyanus
Cornflower helps the animals with the extreme stress they currently face. The animals must both evolve with the rising vibrations, an endeavor that we all know,is quite a project. However they also continue in their service work to help us evolve. This is a very demanding situation for them. Cornflower helps them regroup as beings in their own right as well as clear any stuck energies that they have been moving for us humans.
I AM the true delineation of self.
Horseradish Armoracia rusticana
As Earth goes forward, humankind must find a new way to be in community with each other, a new way that abandons the model of superiority and inferiority. This rebuilt cooperative engagement will acknowledge everyone and everything’s equality and indivisibility with Divinity and dismantle all the structures that have impeded this reality for so long. The rising planetary vibration supports this, but that does not mean all people go towards this place of conscious oneness with equal fervor.
During this contentious interim in which those who wish to hold onto a delusion of superiority refuse to let go, Horseradish offers its gifts.
“For those of you who find yourselves not treated as an equal, it can be difficult to hold your ground in a manner both firm and civil. I help you. You may say, why civility? It accomplishes more. I am not trying to shame anyone who strays into a firestorm of rage. There are reasons for these firestorms. I want to help you keep your inner fires burning. We need this fire. This inner fire is essential to me too. Just think of my fiery roots.
I do not want you to abandon self at the expense of other’s illusionary ideas of superiority. I help you hold fast to your core values and self-identity with a serious firmness. The firmness is also reflected in my tenacious roots. I am good at standing firm because my roots are so very good at staying put. Just ask anyone who has ever tried to dig me up. I help you hold your ground, even if you have had a tendency to be steamrolled by others. With my sharp and pungent nature, I help you have the boundaries you need to maintain your ground. I not only stand firm, but I help people back off when they have been inappropriate in their illusions of superiority.
The fire of my roots is necessary right now, yet I also show you ways to express this fire with a light touch. I help you balance this inner fire with a calm that will move the world. In your firm declarations and actions of unwavering true Divine self, I help you transform life on Earth.”
I AM the balance of polite and firm, fire and earth.
Pink Mulla Mulla Ptilotus Exaltatus Joey
This wonderful Flower Essence, Pink Mulla Mulla, gets right to the point, “I release you into a flood of love moving through every fiber of your being. I am a delicate surgeon. I go into places where love has not gone in a long, long time and open the passageways. I work so gently, but I go so deep. I will help those with very old wounds that they are not lovable. I release the wound that you have ever been unnoticed by Divinity. You are and always were loved, always safe, always in Divinity’s complete embrace. I ease those illusions to the surface so that the light of creation can release them once and for all. Illusions go like chips of ice melting in the hot sun. It is done.
I have serious plant medicine.
I was an early Flower Essence in ancient Lemuria. Later I could be found in the dry bush of Australia. My necessary and recent diaspora was accomplished by plant nurseries. Now I can be found everywhere. My expanding presence is because my time has come. The planetary energies are up. The old wounds that you are unlovable and abandoned are ripe for release. I go deep into your memory body where you stored these erroneous ideas and release them to the surface so they can be transmuted into light once and for all.”
I AM Love embraced and cherished by Love itself.
The NEW Sunflower Spiral
This Flower Essence combination sings a song of encouragement,
“Don’t lose faith. Help is here. Things are going better than they look. You are doing better than you think. Keep shining your light. It matters. You can do it. You are doing it. Feel the energy underneath the chaos. Yes! Healing is happening.”
The Venus Garden is planted with a new mandala each season. In the quiet of fall we share our concerns with the Angels and Elementals and ask them to design gardens that will help as many animals and people as possible. After the Winter Solstice the Angels give us the garden plans. These plans reflect what they know about what we need and also what support we’ve asked for. In these plans, there is always a design for the highest vibration garden at the farm, the one we call the Venus Garden.
At this year’s Solstice, the Angels gave us a design for the Venus Garden that they nicknamed “ We Eight Done Yet. ” Then several months later right before the Spring Equinox, they told me that this design had done what it was supposed to do, and they were giving us a whole new design for the Venus Garden.
This had never happened before in over thirty years of partnership. It felt auspicious. I believed it indicated that things are evolving very fast and the Angels are focused on giving us the most fine tuned and relevant support possible.
The second plan was a design for a new Sunflower Spiral. The Angels used the word new, but mostly I heard Sunflower Spiral and thought how wonderful it would be to have more inventory of this much loved Flower Essence from the 2001 version of the Venus Garden which we had just run out of.
As with the original Sunflower Spiral, we were asked to plant Sunflowers in a spiral of ascending height. We grew the Sunflowers in the greenhouse in peat pots then planted them with miniature sunflowers like Big Smile on the outside gradually moving up in height to the center with its twelve foot Russian Mammoths. This was the last moment when this garden looked or felt anything like the original Sunflower Spiral garden.
Like us humans, gardens, even of the same design, evolve too. I shouldn’t have been so surprised that the new iteration of the Sunflower Spiral was more powerful than the original. Hand in glove with the Angels’ intention of giving us the most helpful vibrational support possible, was the fact that the Elementals were focused on raising the vibration at the farm so that higher vibration gardens were possible (For a description of who the heck I am talking about when I say Angels and Elementals, you’ll find an article called Green Hope Farm Flower Essences Vocabulary 101 and several other articles about Angels & Elementals on the resource page of our website).
This year the Elementals gave me an upgrade of the land clearing process I have been doing here for thirty years. Using this upgrade (described in a June 20, 2018 blog post) resulted in higher vibrations within the Green Hope Farm energy grid, higher vibration gardens and a burgeoning population of wild animals in residence all settling in because it felt so good to be here.
The increased number of deer, squirrels, foxes, raccoons, opossums, chipmunks, bears, moose, mice, voles, moles, insects and all bird life indicated the earth, air, water, fire, and ether energies of the GHF energy grid felt better to the animals. The plant life as part of the earth energy was filled with more light which the animals did not fail to notice.. They ate pretty much everything that dared show itself above ground and some things that were below ground too. Who knew deer were so good at digging up carrots? After a few temper tantrums (some in blog form!) I accepted that vegetables were not the harvest of the summer but a higher vibration was. I let the tattered Venus Garden go and did not expect to harvest an Essence from its well-munched Sunflower specimens.
Unexpectedly, late in the season, the Sunflower Spiral roared back to life. By September, gnawed, “lifeless” stalks of Sunflowers threw new shoots that blossomed into full flower, and many, many colorful Nicotianas volunteered (as in they arrived of their own volition) and encircled the Sunflowers to lift them up in revived glory. The Nicotiana plant sisterhood reflected the often unseen but steady help we continually receive as we spiral towards a full experience of our Divinity. If we were the Sunflower plants, tattered but resolute, the Nicotianas were the Angels completely there with us.
Throughout the season, what the garden looked like never reflected what was going on. At some point when the garden still looked half dead, all of us began to feel there was something amazing about the Sunflowers that had persisted. They had a strength and grit and humor that we all remarked upon. When the Angels asked us to make a Flower Essence from the radiant Sunflower survivors, we all felt strongly that we should go for it. The Angels said the New Sunflower Spiral would be a stronger remedy than the original Sunflower Spiral, and we felt this would be true.
During September the Angels, Elementals and us humans worked on this combination Flower Essence. I intended to take a photo of the revived garden, but I kept forgetting to do so. Then it was too late. No sooner was the Flower Essence complete than the squirrels went nuts eating all the Sunflower blossoms. I had never seen squirrels even vaguely interested in Sunflowers, so them chewing off the Flowers and racing to the woods was unexpected as well as odd. I was just glad we had made the Flower Essence in time to have actual FLOWERS for the Essence!
-Consider this Essence to firmly ground you in the truth that we are evolving, and it is going better than it looks. Our light WILL prevail.
-Consider this Essence if you feel alone and want to more clearly feel the supportive beings that are with you. You are so loved! Let this remedy remind you of this!
-Consider this Essence if you waver in confidence, hope or optimism in the face of the surface chaos around us.
-Consider this Essence if you need an energetic boost to keep going.
-Consider this Essence if you want reassurance it’s not crazy to feel it is going to turn out okay.It IS going to turn out okay, and this Essence helps ground us unapologetically in this truth.
Flowers in The New Sunflower Spiral include Sunflower“Autumn Beauty,” Sunflower “Big Smile,” Sunflower “Buttercream,” Sunflower “Florenza,” Sunflower “Irish Eyes,” Sunflower “Lemon Queen,” Sunflower “Mammoth Russian,” Sunflower “Moulin Rouge,” Nicotiana alata “Hot Chocolate,” Nicotiana alata “Lime,” Nicotiana alata “Grandiflora,” Nicotiana x hybrida “Tinkerbel,l” Nicotiana x hybrida “Whisper Mix” of pinks, Nicotiana langsdorffii, Nicotiana mutabilis, Nicotiana rustica “Delaware Sacred Tobacco,” Nicotiana sylvestris, Sunflower “Peach Passion,” Sunflower “Ring of Fire,” Sunflower “Rostov,” Sunflower “Sonja,” Sunflower “Starburst Lemon Aura,” Sunflower “Taiyo,” Sunflower “Tarahumara White Seeded,” Sunflower “Teddy Bear,” Sunflower “Titan,” Sunflower “Zohar”
Ayurvedic Flower Essence Mixes for the Three Doshas
Several years ago, an Ayurvedic practice asked us to make three mixes to balance the three doshas or constitutions in the holistic Indian tradition of Ayurvedic medicine. As always, I turned the project over to the Angels, happy to play an observer role in the creation of these mixes. As the years unfolded and we saw firsthand how these three mixes supported people, I felt an increasing awe of the mixes. Recently, the Angels suggested that this would be a good time to bring these mixes to more people’s attention and move them from our Additional Essences list to a more front and center place in our collection. I am so happy that their time has come!
There is much online information about the Ayurvedic doshas, including tests to see which doshas might be out of balance in your system. Each of the Ayurvedic doshas are part of each of our constitutions though one or two doshas may predominate.
For everyone, our balance with these doshas can shift, and we may need to address long term imbalances as well as ones that crop up as circumstances change. Each dosha is needed within us with some coming more easily than others, but all need expression. The intention of these three mixes, Vata, Pitta and Kapha, is to help us balance a dosha if it is out of balance within us either not finding full expression or in a place of over-expressing itself.
Ayurvedic Flower Essence mix for VATA
Elements: Air & Ether- The mobile energy of WIND
Strengths of Vata: Movement & communication, creativity & flexibility, getting things going. Vata energy is fast moving and flexible like the wind.
Linked to: Breath, the rhythm of the heart, muscle contractions, cellular mobility, central nervous system communication
Vata imbalance: Modern life tends to be overly Vata as we are all moving so fast and communicating quickly and constantly. This means that at the moment, many of us may be suffering from too much Vata. If there is too much Vata there may be anxiety, fear, exhaustion, insomnia, lack of focus, racing mind, digestive issues, coldness in the body, muscle spasms.
The Vata mix contains: Alignment Garden, Anxiety, Arbor Garden, Arizona Lupine, Blackberry, Blue Vervain, Breathe, Cedar, Comfrey, Coralita, Cosmos, Crab Apple, Dandelion, Digestive Woes, Flow Free, Frontenac Rose, Golden Armor, Graniana Rose, Grounding, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Mallow, Margaret Merrill Rose, Passion Flower, Pink yarrow from the Cliffs of Moher, Redwood, Run & Play, Sarah Van Fleet Rose, Sweet Pea, Turnera, Watch your Back, Wild Iris, Zinnia
Ayurvedic Flower Essence Mix for PITTA
Elements: Fire & Water- The transformative nature of FIRE
Strengths of Pitta: Penetrating, spreading warmth, intelligence, understanding, permeating
Linked to: Digestion of food, thoughts, emotions and experiences, nutrition, metabolism, body temperature
Pitta imbalance: When out of balance there can be irritability, frustration, intense anger, jealousy, criticism, overheating, heartburn, hot flashes, obsession/compulsion, perfectionism and inflammation.
The Pitta mix contains: Aloe Vera, Arbor Garden, Avocado, Brown Eyed Evening Primrose. Calliandra, Carrot, Coral Aloe, Crab Apple, Dandelion, Feverfew, Foamflower, Flow Free, Gratitude, Healthy Coat, Hepatica, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Jealousy, Jewelweed, Lantana Involucrata, Lemon, Maltese Cross, Maple, Mary Queen of Scots Rose, Masterwort, Orange, Orange Hawkweed, Outburst, Phoenix Rising, Pink Baby’s Breath, Rose a Parfum de l’Hay, Sarah Van Fleet Rose, Screw Pine, Snapdragon, Sunlight Datura
Ayurvedic Flower Essence Mix for KAPHA
Elements: Earth and Water- The binding nature of WATER
Strengths of Kapha: Kapha energy is very grounded and provides cohesiveness and structure that holds things together. Patience, strength and perseverance are related strengths. Kapha also embodies the watery emotions of love and compassion.
Linked to: Hydration of cells and systems, lubrication of joints, moisturizing of skin, maintaining immunity and protection of tissues
Kapha imbalance: Stagnation and resistance to change, lethargy, grudges or posessiveness, weight gain, congestion in organs, doing too much for others and depression.
The Kapha mix contains: The Alignment Garden, Banana, Basil, Bignonia, Borage, Breathe, Carry Less, Chia, Cucumber, Dandelion, Eggplant, Flow Free, Grapefruit, Grief & Loss, Honeybees in the White Hawthorn, Jasmine, Lemon, Letting Go Flower, La Belle Sultane Rose, Lime, Maple, Montbretia, Moonlight Datura, Orange, Pumpkin, Sunflower, The Sunflower Spiral, Sweet William, Vitality, Yellow Water Lily, Zucchini
Sarah suggested I end this post with something other than the word depression, the last word in the Kapha description. I thought this quote by Meher Baba was a hopeful way to close:
This New Life is endless, and even after my physical death it will be kept alive by those who live the life of complete renunciation of falsehood, lies, hatred, anger, greed and lust; and who, to accomplish all this, do no lustful actions, do no harm to anyone, do no backbiting, do not seek material possessions or power, who accept no homage, neither covet honor nor shun disgrace, and fear no one and nothing; by those who rely wholly and solely on God, and who love God purely for the sake of loving; who believe in the lovers of God and in the reality of Manifestation, and yet do not expect any spiritual or material reward; who do not let go the hand of Truth, and who, without being upset by calamities, bravely and wholeheartedly face all hardships with one hundred percent cheerfulness, and give no importance to caste, creed and religious ceremonies. This New Life will live by itself eternally, even if there is no one to live it.
Meher Baba