Right now there is one thing you all share in common. The weather in your world is nicer than it is here.
There it is. I have thrown the gauntlet. The grass IS greener ( and warmer) on your side of the fence- because here the grass is either covered in snow or peaking through in patches of dirty brown.
Because I can be prone to exaggeration, I thought it only fair to check the weather in Wasilla, Alaska. Full disclosure- I talked to one of you in Wasilla yesterday.
Maybe I am exaggerating and everyone we connected with BUT our friend in Wasilla is experiencing better weather than here.
IF THAT WERE TRUE I would have to eat crow and admit I am exaggerating about our putrid weather. But I am not. I just checked the weather in Wasilla- Its 41 degrees in downtown Wasilla. Here at the north pole, its 39 degrees.
Close but no cigar, Wasilla.
It makes my head spin as I hear descriptions of your spring weather. Some of you are actually feeling the heat- too much of it according to one GHF friend in Louisiana. As I load wood into the wood stove and keep the insulated underwear in the rota, it’s very hard to imagine being too hot or even warm enough.
I try to be upbeat that I need knee high boots to cross our snowy yard. I try to be upbeat that our thousands of Snowdrops are blooming away UNDER A BLANKET OF SNOW. I try to enjoy the exercise provided by shoveling snow. I really do TRY TO HAVE A GOOD ATTITUDE, but frankly I am tired of snow.
I am also tired of the chipper winter lovers in my midst who tell me how they ARE SO HAPPY that it is still snowing.
Really? My cabin fever is so bad I can hardly summon a fake smile when these snow lovers wax on about their plans for one more weekend of snowboarding the Adirondack high peaks or how they CANT WAIT TO STRAP ON THEIR SNOWSHOES for a ten mile walk.
I would like to send their perky attitudes and the snow they LOVE SOOOOO MUCH north, far north- but maybe this is not possible since we seem to be at the north pole.
So instead, I plant seeds in an effort to pretend I still believe in spring. I drink my Flower Essence water with everything I can think of for cabin fever. Yes, my water is pink with a couple dozen Flower Essences, but who’s counting. My favorite activity is to imagine burning ALL MY WINTER CLOTHES- because I am so sick of my winter wardrobe that I can’t imagine ever being willing to embrace these layers and layers and layers again.
Yes, I know I WILL get over myself- We WILL have a brief couple of weeks of warmer weather before another long winter begins. My winter wardrobe WILL look fresh enough by then. I WILL get an hour or two to gloat in front of the snow lovers who can’t stand the humidity on a 70 degree day.
Clearly even though I have lived in New Hampshire for 38 years, I am no native- It still boggles my mind how MANY neighbors complain about the humidity on the three days each summer when it is actually warm.
Oh well, we all have to bloom where we are planted and I got planted here, on this arctic tundra with my endless attractive long underwear at the ready- and I AM JUST LOVING IT.