As I type, it is snowing outside here at the farm North Pole. It reminds me of the holiday weekend we had. A fresh brisk bitter arctic wind rejuvenated chilled us to the bone as we took walks force marches with the dogs. Being an intrepid New Hampshire native a native wanna be ever the recovering flatlander that I am, I did not gather the clan for some festive April snowmobiling. I did not organize some hair raising telemark skiing through a maple sugar bush, doubling our skiing pleasure by dodging plastic piping as we merrily sped down a mountain slope. No, I got the group organized with some old fashioned indoor craft activities.
If the only green we were going to see all weekend was the fake grass in the Easter egg baskets, then I was going to make sure we had gorgeous eggs on top of that crappy plastic stuff. I got out our Ukranian egg kit and made up some new dyes and set everyone loose with a couple dozen white eggs.
On Saturday, as chill winds blew, we started our heaping pile of decorated eggs.
And since Sunday was as charming a spring day as Saturday, we gathered around the kitchen table for a second afternoon of crafts and then had a late day but glorious indoor Easter egg hunt with a serious pile of gorgeous eggs.
However, even with these eggs to enjoy, I don’t want to hear from all of you who were frollicking on green lawns for your hunts. Jim has just arrived home from school to report that the weathermen say were going to have another storm on Thursday bringing six to twelve inches of new snow.
Ukranian eggs anyone?