A Stroll around the August Gardens

Its hard to leave the gardens for any reason this time of year as there is so much in bloom that I can barely tear myself away from the action.

These Asiatic Lilies are new. They are called Black Beauty. The moths and I can’t get enough of them.

The Lilies sit cheek by jowl next to several Butterfly Bush and a big group of Echinacea. I love how this Bumblebee is drenched in pollen. The combination of the Lilies, the Echinacea and the Butterfly Bush mean nonstop butterflies and moths as well as different kinds of bees.

While the Day Lilies hit their peak a week or two ago, they are still putting on a beautiful. show I deadhead them every day which takes awhile, but I think it is worth it. They look so much better deadheaded, and it gives me a reason to wander slowly through every garden.

This Day Lily is called Charlie. I got it in honor of my lovely son-in-law Charlie. It is a stunner.

Usually the deer eat all the Phlox but the garlic treatment has meant there is Phlox blossoming in the garden for the first time in years. I had long forgotten what color all the Phlox was so there are some rather bold moments and weird color combinations. Verdict is out about whether I will move things around or just go with it as it is.

Mentioning color reminds me that this time of year it is hard not to notice that the Flowers are drifting towards a fall palate of golds and reds. Fall is coming. Gulp.

This is one of the new Zinnias in the Queen Lime series. I think it is gorgeous.

Never met a Zinnia I didn’t love.

The Zinnia bed abuts part of the Red Shiso crop making for a colorful contrast. The Calendulas are all volunteers.

These are the low growing Profusion Zinnias. They line the path into the “vegetable” garden where the groundhogs continue to reign supreme. Mercifully, Reginald and friends don’t like the taste of Zinnias or Nasturtium Flowers.

This is another great color in Zinnias. These are in this year’s Venus Garden.

Several miniature varieties of Sunflower line the Eight shape of this year’s Venus Garden which is our third iteration of the incomparable Eight Garden design. Can’t wait to share what I have been learning about the Eight this time round and make a new batch of this Essence (That should happen around the Autumn Equinox).

This is the other Sunflower in the Eight this year, a variety called Chianti. It is fills the centers of the 8 shape along with maroon Amaranth, the purple Zinnias, Lion’s Ear, Cosmos Cranberry Double Click and Rubenza Cosmos.

Rudbeckia Cherry Brandy is one of the Flowers ringing the Eight shape in the Eight Garden. Other Flowers include Black Knight Scabiosa, Moldavian Dragonhead, Corn Cockle, Garnet and Ultraviolet Cornflower, Celosias, Bells of Ireland, Ageratums, Heliotrope and other friends all building the energies in this garden.

Sending much love to you all from the gardens!