Down in the Berry Patch


June. Also about weeding. This week, Emily, Lizzy, and I have worked in the berry patch. We have been down there for three days straight and we are STILL not done. Someone told me a few days ago that it had rained 21 out of the last 28 days. This was a lot of encouragement for weeds. The berry patch has never been more of a jungle.

The weed situation was compounded because I did not get an initial once over weeding and mulching done in the berries in April. Consequently all the bindweed that would have come up easily then became an immense tangle smothering the Raspberries, Red Currants, Gooseberries and Black Currants. The small amount of crab grass in the Blueberries became a lush thicket of grass, so our work there was really more like sod removal than weeding.

Emily began the week saying she liked the process of unwinding bindweed from each Raspberry cane and following it to the ground to uproot. Now I think she will run for the hills at the very mention of the plant.


Here she is day three in the berries, working her way down the rows patiently.


Lizzy moved in to mulch every place we cleared. We knew she had had all she could take of this activity when on load four or five she fell off the tailgate into the wheelbarrow which flipped on its side landing her on the grass. No doubt this free fall will become part of some choregraphed dance piece.

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