Animal Wellness Flower Essences and Honeybees on the Move

I often play the game “If I could only have three Flower Essences what would they be?” or “If I could only have one set of Flower Essences which set would I choose?” While my answers change, if I had to choose a set today, given the Quebec wildfires, I would pick the Animal Wellness Collection as my one and only set.

Here are some Animal Wellness Collection Flower Essences that are extremely useful right now.

*Breathe is excellent for situations involving bad air quality.

*Animal Emergency Care is a boon for animals and people under stress. Yes, Emergency Care is the mix formulated for people, but its recipe is very close to Animal Emergency Care. They can be used interchangeably.

*Anxiety is a comfort to one and all. And right now we all need comfort.

Healthy Coat helps with inflamed tissues like sore throats and sore noses from the smokey air.

Flow Free keeps our systems moving and flowing which helps when conditions are rough like right now.

I keep spritzers of Flower Essences in several places including over my kitchen sink and by the bathroom sink. Putting the spritz bottle in these heavily trafficked areas means I remember to spritz myself frequently. My current mixes have these Animal Wellness Combos in them.

I will be spritzing all involved tonight as we move hive boxes of new honeybees to a better location. One of our hives swarmed this week. The swarm assembled on a larch tree branch about fifteen feet up in the air. Lizzie and I were at peace about the swarm finding its own new home, but we also thought we’d give it a try to box the swarm in our hive boxes.

Lizzie went up the ladder with the hive boxes and shook the branch over the boxes. She calmly scooped the honeybees still on the branch into the top box. Then we left the scene. If the queen was in the box and felt like staying we would have a new hive. If the queen was not in the box, the swarm would regrow on the larch branch then take off to parts unknown when it had found a new home it liked.

A few hours in we both thought the queen was still on the larch branch. We left the boxes in place and went to bed. The next morning the hive boxes were bustling, and we knew the queen had decided to stay in our set-up.

This afternoon I made foundation frames for the upper hive box which is currently devoid of frames. We put this upper box on top of the bottom hive box that had frames so that when Lizzie shook the branch, the upper empty hive box would contain the honeybees until they went down into the lower hive box.

Yes, of course I banged by thumb with the hammer. The nails are tiny, and I don’t use hammers often or well.
I made ten of these which is all I needed to fill the upper hive box. I considered making extra until the hammer meets thumb incident.

Tonight we will don our bee suits again and move the hive boxes down to the ground. Honeybees don’t like being moved, but we have to get these boxes down onto terra firma. Jim needs his ladder back.

Wish us luck!