Flower Essences for Recovery from the virus

As we support those who are recovering from the virus but have not regained their full health, we find ourselves learning which Flower Essences are helpful in what is proving for some to be a long road to recovery.

Today a GHF friend requested Flower Essences to help with his continued loss of smell. He got the virus at the very beginning of the pandemic in early March and still has not regained his sense of smell.  This blog is a discussion of the Flower Essences suggested by the Angels for him.

As we continue to gather suggestions for individuals, we will learn which are general suggestions for all and which are Flower Essences needed specifically for an individual’s unique electrical system. While the Angels chose the group for this particular person, they indicated that this is an excellent list for all those in recovery to consider. The commentary about the Flower Essences comes from the Angels explaining their choices to me.

After the Angels they made their suggestions, they asked me to organize the Flower Essences into categories for discussion.  I found this very clarifying. I hope you will too.

The Angels describe some of their Flower Essence choices differently here. They mention strengths I hadn’t understood these Essences to have. When I was surprised by their list, they reminded me that Flower Essences have so many healing gifts that a relatively short description (such as that given on the website) can’t possibly mention them all. They reminded me that when different situations arise, they have me rewrite Flower Essence descriptions to highlight how they are needed right now.

One case in point is Pansy Flower Essence. The Angels asked me to draw attention to its great wisdom about dealing with viruses. Our old descriptions focused on Pansy‘s spiritual gifts not its more pragmatic ones.


Watch Your Back– The focus of this powerful remedy is the health of the central nervous system as it relates to the chakras. It helps to restore nerve damage and the full flow of electricity through the chakras, the meridians as well as the spinal column. With those recovering from the virus we have seen it used for chronic fatigue type symptoms as well as for this man’s situation with nerve issues in his upper chakras.

The Alignment Garden– This one offers support for the proper reorganization of the nerves after the virus. The Alignment Garden required the most fine tuned and precise work in creating, planting and maintaining this garden and created a Flower Essence combination unlike any other in its wisdom about reorganization and alignment for maximum health, well-being and the full flow of light energy.

Musk Thistle– This is another Essence which focuses on helping us restore order in the chakras and nervous system after our energetic system has gone through tumultuous ordeal like the virus.

Yerba Mate– Yerba Mate helps with remapping cell patterns especially in the upper chakras.

Pansy– When I went to write this blog the Angels noted that Pansy was an under appreciated and significant energetic tool for handling and overcoming viral infections and that anyone would do well to include this Essence in their Flower Essence regime right now.


Mango– Mango cleanses and revitalizes energy meridians especially in the three upper chakras. These are the passageways for electrical voltage to move. They connect from the main chakras or energetic epicenters to other energy points out from the center of the chakras.  In this case the Mango helps move the electrical light energy out from the fifth, sixth and seventh chakras to the related meridian system. This improves healing in the physical vehicle as more light means a higher vibration which means greater health. This Essence is particularly strong for post virus repair.

Silver-rod– The I AM affirmation of this powerhouse says so much about its immense healing strengths; I AM aligned with the electromagnetic field of my Creator and thus can ride disturbances in the field with ease and grace. Isn’t this exactly what we are being called to do right now- deal with and rise above a viral disturbance in our collective and individual energy fields? Thank goodness Silver-rod is there to support us with this as well as support the pituitary gland in its organizational role for so many flow systems in our body.

Celandine– Excellent for cell to cell communication which positively impacts the movement of healing energies. Specifically it offers wonderful support for any illness in which cells are not acting in harmony.


Timely Virus Mix– This Combination Flower Essence created by the Angels in early 2020 can be used in the recovery period as it will continue to offer significant electrical wisdom just as it does during the active virus period and as a preventative tool. Each ingredient is dovetailed for healing from this virus. For example Corona del Inca holds immense wisdom about moving healing light through the crown or corona of the head which positively impacts longterm recovery from the virus.

Recovery– This Combination Essence helps rebuild from the foundation up and is useful in almost any recovery process. It has been a mainstay of our collection since 1994.

Restore– As this remedy was first developed as a tool for smoking cessation, it has a particular affinity for supporting the restoration of health from any damage done to the respiratory system. It will prove helpful for those dealing with any sort of respiratory concern post virus.

Lungwort- an ingredient in Breathe

Breathe– Again, this is a dynamo for repairing the respiratory system as it is affected by this virus. Ingredients like French Marigold have a specific resonance with respiratory repair after a viral infection.

Little Ironweed– This Taiwan beloved makes sure the healing housecleaning is meticulously complete so that all that needs to go as part of the healing process is removed.

Immune Support– Always a support for any healing process.


During this global transition from one vibrational frequency to another higher one, it is important to know you deserve to welcome in the higher, healing frequencies entering Earth and that you are essentially one with these higher vibrations. These Essences have a particular wisdom about welcoming in healing and other blessings.

The Eight Garden– Our first Venus Garden iteration was called the Eight Garden. Two decades later we did a second Eight Garden because this Essence had proven so vital to people’s healing that we needed to make the Essence again. This beloved helps us release into formlessness all that needs to go and bring into form higher vibrations of healing, light and love. Among so many other strengths, it a powerful tool in manifesting restored health after a health crisis like this virus.

Morning Glory– Healing light floods this planet. It’s our free will decision to open to receive it. This Flower Essence helps us relax and welcome it in.

Belerephon of the Open Door– This Essence brings the element of grace into our healing. Even if we sometimes get lost in a place of feeling undeserving, this one pries open the situation and ushers healing in anyways.

Flow Free– If you have read this blog at all, you would probably be shocked if I wrote a blog that didn’t mention this one. What can I say? I have taken it daily for decades and still find it an astounding friend.

Sea Campion– This Irish mainstay helps us fall into the natural rhythm of the inbreath and the outbreath. This has the benefit of bringing us into a place of welcoming in abundant healing on the inbreath and discarding on the outbreath crusty old self doubts and criticisms that interfere with healing.


Jasmine– This is the most important Flower Essence for restoring a damaged sense of smell.

Spice Tree

Spice Tree- This Essence works to enhance all five senses and will help repair any sense if it is damaged. We ran out of this Flower Essence a few years ago, so I grew a Spice Tree in the greenhouse. It is now six feet tall and blossoming up a storm. I will restore it to its place in the Bermuda collection asap, especially as the Angels have indicated it will be so helpful post-covid.


Have you ever tried to explain something to someone and the person doesn’t get what you are saying and you try over and over again? Then suddenly, something is said and everything unlocks and becomes clear for the person. Essences can serve in that role of unlocking a misunderstanding that is preventing healing.

Wound Healing– This is a comprehensive combination remedy that seeks to bring light to anything that keeps us in a wounded place unable to move forward towards greater healing.

Coralita– The Angels call this the “missing link” Flower Essence for its ability to resolve divisions and tangles that leave us unintegrated or in poor health. Coralita unleashes a free flow of healing energy through our electrical systems.

Rose Campion– I found our description of this Essence, written at least a decade ago, really interesting in light of what we have all been through in 2020; “When it has been nearly impossible to find a bead on love in a particular circumstance, Rose Campion opens the door. The Angels describe it as a skeleton key that can open up myriad numbers of diverse ‘locked down’ situations to open us to receive a flood of forgiving, expansive, ever replenishing love.”

Larkspur– This one offers complete support for a health course correction. It is a dynamo.


Grief and Loss– Losing the bead on health even when a temporary thing is difficult. More specifically, losing a function like smell which is so central to the pleasures of life is a sorrow. This old friend of a remedy offers layered support for these times.

Redwood– Healing from this virus and other viruses requires great patience. Redwood is a great teacher of patience.

And so now I will offer up these choices to the GHF friend who contacted us and see what calls to him. I have been feeling so grateful to him today for having called me to answer this question. I have learned much that I hope will be helpful to many others.

Take precious care and stay safe!