Thoughts on Energy Flow through the Chakras with Flower Essence Suggestions

Divine Light floods the planet. It flow into us. It even flows from within us. The Honeybees, the Birds, the Flowers all creation welcomes it. Except sometimes us people who get caught up in the snares of illusionary separation and not deserving.

As I work each day to keep the energy flowing in my energy system, it is interesting to note that sometimes the energy gets hung up in certain chakras. This is actually a helpful thing to notice as it means I can then look at what issues this chakra represents and therefore what issues I need to address. But actually, I think this energy is so at home within us that sometimes the work is simply asking for help to let it flow.  Maybe I won’t understand the glitch in a certain chakra even if I work on dissecting the issues it represents. At this point, the momentum of vibrational change is so immense that even a small effort to figure something out is rewarded with an immense amount of help and energy.

Over the years, my requests for help from spirit have sometimes been very itemized as I consider the blockage in terms of what the chakra represents. Say for example when I broke my arms. Arms are linked to our heart chakra and the giving and receiving of love. I don’t know more than a small amount of what my arm breaks were about, but looking back, I know some of the gifts. It was a time of understanding love could flow into me even if I wasn’t frantically doing more than my share. It was a time of rebalancing the inbreath and the outbreath, the receiving and the giving.

The arm breaks necessitated a serious time out from doing. This asked of me that I let go of my puritanical family of origin’s ethos of work. I had not felt worthy of love unless I was following the family dictum of “work ‘til the work is done.” This was an insane ideology to adhere to for someone with four children, a farm and a business. The work could never be done. So there I was flat on my back with arms shattered into so many pieces and me completely out of the loop in every area of my life- And weirdly, I felt whole. I felt open to receiving love. I felt the love of Divinity for me in the middle of this.

I keep coming back to how simple it can be to receive love and light because in truth we are this love and light.  I once had a dream in which I thought I had lost the garden.  I was searching desperately for the garden and a voice said, “You are the garden.”  Someone said that to me again in my waking life this week. It made me take notice to hear this again. I asked with more intensity for help from the Divinity within me to dissolve all beliefs and ego bindings that need to be cleaned out- anything that keeps me in the illusion of separation. What can I say but thank goodness for All Ego Contracts Null & Void and Flow Free! (and a whole lot of other Flower friends!)

I remember hearing one of the early astronauts talk about his heart opening experience looking down on Earth from space. The thing that struck him most was that there were no divisions, no borders or lines of demarcation. He saw we are all one.

For all my silliness about masks, one thing I have noticed is that I look more at people’s eyes. I had not really realized how often I looked at people’s mouths when they were talking. There is something clarifying- more straightforward and true about looking at eyes. It’s trite to say something about eyes as the windows of the soul, but it seems like the energy and the eye contact is clarifying who people are and our ability to see them truly.

Hopefully we are being kind to each other with our eyes and spirit. One of my favorite people is a cashier at the Co-op I shop at. Last week when I saw her she told me it was the last time she would be at the cash register. After many years there she asked to be moved from the front end because she could no longer handle the rude, uncooperative and unkind behavior of the customers actively unwilling to comply with the few rules in place to make shopping safe for everyone. 

May we all find within us the ability to act as if we know we are all one until we truly know it!

This is a big bold journey for all of us and one that is taking us into new and unknown territory. A dear one noted, “We are like kindergarteners in the realm of spirit- Beloved ones but kindergarteners none the less.” And we are on the spiritual move! As this same dear one pointed out, about this year’s Venus Garden, “The plants being in pots makes me think of “transitional time”- and being able to be moved as required.”

And so we need to go with the flow, move as required and be kind to ourselves and each other as we stumble forward.  I am grateful for the Flowers, the Flower Essences, the Angels, Elementals and the still small voice within me that keeps rooting us on. And I am grateful for you all who have shown me we can do it.

While all Flower Essences have connections to the chakras and our electrical system, some work in particular with certain chakras. I thought it might be helpful to make some links for you to Flower Essences for specific chakras. If you go to the link for a chakra, it will show the Flowers that are specialists for this chakra. There is also information about the specific issues of the chakra and a general discussion of chakras as well.

If you want support bringing the new light energy into your crown chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the seventh chakra. Go with what calls to you but know that the Angels suggest in particular for the current energies, Fireweed, Ruby Moon Hyacinth Bean, Niella and Sunflower.

If you want support for keeping the new light energy flowing in your third eye/sixth chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the sixth chakra. The Angels suggest in particular Queen of the Night, Eyes of Mary, Breathe and Lauriana Rose

If you want support for keeping the new light energy flowing in your throat/fifth chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the fifth chakra. The Angels suggest in particular for the current energies Alex Mackenzie Rose, Cosmos, Milkweed Sacred Tobacco and Pink Yarrow from the Cliffs of Moher

If you want support for keeping the new light energy flowing in your heart/fourth chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the fourth chakra The Angels suggest in particular for the current energies Mehera, Purple Flowering Raspberry, The Mary Rose and Black Eyed Susan

If you want support for keeping the new light energy flowing in your third/solar plexus chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the third chakra. The Angels suggest in particular for the current energies All Ego Contracts Null and Void, Shrimp Plant, Self Heal and Dandelion

If you want support for keeping the new light energy flowing in your second sacral chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the second chakra The Angels suggest in particular for the current energies Bee Balm Bells of Ireland Asclepias, Corn and Pomegranate for women.

If you want support for keeping the new light energies flowing in your first /root chakra, check out the tabs for our Flower Essences linked to the first chakra. The Angels suggest in particular for the current energies Red Mangrove Inner Child, Redwood and Calendula

In closing, I also like to mention the general category of Chakra Alignment which has its own page. These Flower Essences and Flower Essence combinations help line up and integrate the whole system of chakras including those above and below our physical bodies. They are dynamos!