My apologies for the slow posting of blogs of late. I seem to be a person who never expects the Spanish Inquisition. More than a week ago I pushed the publish button on the following descriptions of the new St John Essences, then walked away without noticing that the blog hadn’t posted.
Since this has happened about four times in the last month each time with some sort of delay, you would think my serene expectation that things were going smoothly in blog land might have wilted slightly- but that’s me. If the Spanish Inquisitors arrived at my door, I would probably think they wanted a garden tour and a bottle of Senior Citizen remedy for the inquisition headquarter’s aged cat.
I am going to try to remember to sit and wait until I can see for myself that the blog has gone up on the web. Will leave myself a post it, “Expect the Spanish Inquisition” to remind myself of this.
In the meantime, I hope you enjoy the following descriptions of these lovely new Flower Essences. I hope to spend this morning beginning the process of designing this year’s gardens. Bella is out in the kitchen waiting for me, guarding the seed catalog stash.
Come to think of it, the post it should probably say, “Expect a new seed catalog in the mail every hour on the hour.”