As we prepare to launch the new site tomorrow, I was asked, “Tell me one of the things you particularly like about the new site?”
There are so many things, but one change I am really looking forward to is a new link to an Ask Molly email address. This will provide you with a way to send me the questions you’d like to see me tackle in a blog.
I am certain I won’t be able to keep up with this email, but I look forward to trying. I am excited at the adventure involved in answering your questions not just in one on one correspondence but as a more general conversation with everyone reading the blog. Your questions, comments, stories and insights have always been a treasure and a surprise. I’ve often answered your emails and letters and thought I would like to share the conversation with everyone. I look forward to having a more organized way to do this.Here’s a comment that came in the mail today that I have chosen as the place to begin the Ask Molly blogs- I know it is probably not the most expected place to begin, but that is what (I hope) will be exciting about the Ask Molly blogs. I have no idea where they will take us!
So here is an excerpt from a letter received today from a long time GHF friend and customer.
“Many moons ago I ordered an Essence whose blueprint helped one with celibacy…I started using the Essence and after a few days found strangers, cash register clerks, the mailman, construction workers at the apartment complex- just all sorts of environments- well, I started getting flirtatious comments. Now, I am far, far from what I once looked like and, in fact, for years have “worked” at a dowdy appearance. So- what was going on here? Duh! Well it took me a few weeks for the thought: “The Essence? Can’t be. It’s supposed to assist someone with celibacy.”
Molly, it became also obvious to a friend as we had lunch together one day-the young waiter’s comments. I stopped using the Essence and about a week later I once again became invisible. Reading your Blog today that the website will be up and running on the 21st, I hope because the common list no longer lists celibacy the Essence definition has changed.
I was so thrown by the coincidence of taking the Essence for one reason yet experiencing the opposite reaction happening, I put the bottle away… If the Essence in question is still recommended to help with celibacy; well- I am one client it didn’t work for.
Yes, the Essence was telling me “not for you; this Essence is not for you.” Yet my story of working with the Essence is too funny to go unheard. From my experience the Essence description should include something about “attracting the opposite sex.”
The Flower Essence in question is Wood Betony from our Green Hope Farm Additional Flower Essence List. As soon as I read this letter, I went to check what the list said about this Flower Essence.
I take my conversations with the Flowers and the Angels very seriously and work very hard to convey what the Flower wants expressed about its Essence. I was worried I had gotten it wrong! Therefore, I was deeply relieved by the definition and will now contact this GHF friend to tell her that I am not sure the Essence was telling her “not for me” so much as perhaps the energy of the Essence was clarifying something about her choice of celibacy.
Well, read for yourself from the definition below to see what you think!
Wood Betony- Pedicularis canadensis The first place I visited with this Flower was in the Canterbury, NH Shaker herb gardens. Its presence in the gardens of this celibate community offers an indication of this Flower’s gifts. Wood Betony helps reconcile conflicts in how to use our sexual energy. In particular, it clarifies issues around the choice of celibacy. If celibacy is chosen, it is meant to be an experience of inner calm not agonizing struggle. This Essence helps us know if we are genuinely called to this path and if so, the Essence helps us stay peaceful in this choice. Wood Betony’s gifts are broader than this service, as one Green Hope friend commented, “Helps release on a very deep level long held old emotional trauma. Offers a feeling of being very secure and protected during the release. You feel it work and your body feels more expansive afterwards” P.L., Richmond, VA
This is the descriptions exactly as it is on the Additional Flower Essence List on the new website. I don’t know why Wood Betony is not listed on the Flower Essence Suggestions for Common Concerns List on the new website. When overworked web coder Ben has a moment, I will make sure this Essence is back listed on the list as “helpful for clarifying issues around the choice of celibacy”.
As far as the definition goes, I am going to leave it as it is……. maybe with a comment from this Green Hope friend’s letter if she okays it!!!!!
PS Tomorrow this blog will be relaunched- perhaps this is why this post is posting with a variety of fonts not of my choosing or within my abilities to correct!