Morgantina, Sicily Flower Essences



During my visit to Morgantina, I soaked in the place. I’m not sure, even now, that I can articulate what I was taking in, but I felt like a sponge absorbing Morgantina’s profound vibration of ease and harmony. It was an experience of being in a place that felt like where I wanted to take my life. In that moment in time, Morgantina represented all that my essential self craved.

On the day of my visit, Morgantina was lush and green with rolling hills surrounding its heart. It was both simple and beautiful. Mist hovered over the whole area but not in a containing or closed in way. Instead, it made me feel present right where I was. Rays of sunlight shone down onto the land, cutting through the gentle mist and drawing my eyes to certain hills in the distance. Nothing beyond Morgantina mattered or felt real. The whole world, its worries, outside people and places disappeared, and I was just there. I felt overwhelmed by a deep love for the place. It felt magic and also like home. It was a still place paradoxically moving in the right divine direction. It helped me feel on track and also able to own how I felt about my life in an articulate and tangible way. Eruca

Eruca Eruca sativa
The simple white petals of the Eruca are direct with strong purple veins. The Flower is understated but clear, calm, and assertive. It is sure of itself and open. The deep purple veins of the Flower cause the petals to look transparent, demonstrating the Flower’s truth, honesty, and forthrightness. This Flower is not harsh and aggressive but direct and strong in its truth. It supports us to be this way with our own truth. This Essence is about letting go of illusions in order to see a situation for what it truly is. It is about seeing and owning the pure, white truth and the real light of what is happening.

This is who I AM and I AM this truth.
Mallow-Leaved Bindweed

Mallow-Leaved Bindweed Convolvulus althaeoides
The bud of the Mallow-Leaved Bindweed is curled up tightly, while the blossom is open and welcoming. As the bud twists open, it throws its arms out in embrace and spins finished business and all negativity off and away. This Essence supports us in throwing off old burdens and opening our arms to the joy and possibility of all that is now available to us. It allows us to relish in things that are now in line with a more true sense of our spiritual journey, to feel wide open and willing to take in love and learning as we move forward.

I AM wide open to the joyful life awaiting me.
Tassel Hyacinth

Tassel Hyacinth Muscari comosum
This Essence is about accessing the different layers of movement forward and allowing ourselves to feel many things on many levels. It encourages us to understanding what we are feeling and how it is connected to different parts of ourselves.

For example our personalities may feel sad and hurt by unfolding events, while our souls may anchor within us a vibration of calm certainty about the divine order of what is happening. Tassel Hyacinth helps us hold a simultaneous awareness of these levels while also experiencing their purposeful unity. This Flower supports us to see ourselves and the work we are doing in overview. It also helps us not to beat ourselves up about out different responses to the same events.

This movement forward often feels more like waves of forward and back, forward and back, but in truth the momentum is forward, and Tassel Hyacinth helps us know this. This Essence helps support us in fully engaging in the whole multilayered dynamic. By giving everything, every emotion, every reaction its place and acknowledging all, we can let go and be fully open to the process of living. This Essence helps us accept that we are still one even in our diverse reactions. When we open to the many layers and pockets of our true selves we engage more fully with the intricate nature of our true self and purpose.

The profound strengths of this Flower are indicated in its structure. With this Flower there are three distinct realms blending harmoniously. The bottom is reflective of our personality and the mixed dynamic of articulation and assimilation on a surface day to day level. The middle represents the underlying dynamic of balance and connection between what can feel like two distinct realms; physical life and spiritual reality. The top represents our expanded self as it exists as one with something bigger. The pinnacle of the Flower is about our oneness with divinity.

In the diversity of creation, I AM the unity of Life.
Star Clover

Star Clover Trifolium stellatum
This Essence supports us in ascending towards a higher purpose and aligning with our real path and destiny. The petals and energy of the Star Clover funnel from deep pink and red up to white. The whole Flower faces up, seeking God’s wisdom and guidance. The Flower’s base is covered with protective spikes that keep personality and surface ideas at bay during this search for realities of higher meaning.

I AM one with God’s plan for me.

As with all our Flower Essences, each Flower Essence in this collection is available in a half ounce bottle for $7.35 as well as in a two ounce bottle for $25. A set of the entire Sicily and Santorini Flower Essence collection of 21 Flower Essences in a half ounce size is available for $136.50 plus shipping. Please contact Green Hope Farm Flower Essences, POB 125, Meriden NH 03770 603-469-3662, for more info.

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