This is a message I received this morning. (Please note that while taking down this message, I was confused about pronouns. For example, my use of the word “we” reflects the limitations of my understanding and not truth)
“While we may experience this country as in an extreme state of duality in which the world is populated by us and them, this has no bearing on the reality in which ALL ARE ONE.
Furthermore, not only are we all one, but our joint work is to know this as an absolute truth. So how do we accomplish this?
In each encounter, bring forward the attitude, “You and I are NOT we but one. There is no division except in illusionary ideas encouraged by a forgetfulness born at the Big Bang.
So the task right now is not to dismember or divide. The task is to avoid the pursuit of spearation or making anyone an other.
Answer: The pursuit and longing for the experience of unity consciousness necessitates not buying into illusions. The Sovereignty Set can help create an inner space in which the bindings of illusions of separation can be unknotted and released.
The path to unity consciousness does not come from joining groups of this persuasion or another. but from going within to release illusion and find the experience of unity with source.
Do you see how this is perhaps a different process than most expect? Institutions and religions may hold truths. Members of these institutions and religions may be beoved friends but nothing is gained and much can be held in abeyance by an identification with an institution or religion if it calls you to any sense of separation. Separation is not a truth. Separation is a binding.
Consider the daily task of welcoming every person you encounter, interact with, read about or hear about as no better or worse than you. Better and worse are illusions of separation.
No one is an other. Abandon judgment and division. Yes, create an inner temple for your own spiritual pursuit of unity consciousness but this temple is not meant to be a barrier of division, ever.”
Each day’s orders and emails bring new learning for us. We hear from you about what Flower Essences are helping you with specific issues and this gives the Flower Essences greater dimensionality.
Sharing how Flower Essences have helped you informs our understanding of their profound depths and helps us see the Essences differently. I appreciated so much this Green Hope Farm friend sharing. It helps us so much as we share the Essences with the whole Flower Essence community. We are in the process of updating our Flower Essences for Common Concerns document and I will put these Essences into suggestions for endometriosis. I will also ask the Angels and Elementals for their suggestions for this topic.
Also this morning, an order came in for a custom mix with the Green Hope Farm friend asking us to create a mix to help her let go of the old and birth the new. She noted that she feels stuck in between, unable to move forward. Old feminism to new feminism. Old ideas of Divinity to new awareness of Divinity. She noted she has lost hope for a future or the process of moving forward. She feels awash in feelings of despair especially about the divisions in our country.
I turned the creation of the custom mix over to the Angels who chose these Essences as their baker’s dozen.
Gorse– Gorse helps us when we feel all is lost as Gorse knows this is never the case. This one has been going out the door in a steady stream as it helps us find the bead on imperturbable optimism.
Dhuni Fire– There is so much to let go of and this Venus Garden Essence helps us burn off the burdens of our bindings and our ego illusions that keep us stuck and veiled from our true identity.
Safe Passage– This is another Venus Garden Essence bringing support for the shift humanity is making. I love how the Angels described this time and this Essence. “We walk this path of rebirth with the promise of Divinity that this will be a safe passage with not a soul forgotten. We are in this together, indivisible. Nothing is outside this shift of ages. No one can be forgotten. We are one.”
Sunflowers in Safe Passage
The Eight Garden– Yesterday a healer wrote us to say that every time she works with this Venus Garden Essence, she can feel her electrical field expand. This reflects how the Eight encourages us to flow and expand into Divinity as well as let Divinity flow into us. Sometimes our only role is to surrender to the flow.
The Eight Garden
Eyes of Mary– This beloved Essences explains that it helps us love with detachment. Love with detachment can sound sort of heartless and clinical. In actuality, the perspective offered by this Essence helps love flow without restraint and with deep faith of the divine order of all our life circumstances.
Eternity Orchid– This Essence helps us when we feel disoriented, lost in time and space or just plain lost. The Angels have suggested it a lot lately.
Queen of the Night– This powerful cactus Flower blooms at night. It is very empowering especially for women, allowing us to find clarity, hold our focus and understand our power.
Sago Palm A mysterious and powerful friend that escorts us into the mystery of what the heck we are doing here.
Swamp Candles This one is so supportive during dark night of the soul experiences. Comes forward like a candle to illuminate the dark.
Phoenix Rising- This Venus Garden Essence restores our faith even as our lives seem to be on fire. Here is part of its description, “The promise of the firebird and of this precious Essence is that you are not alone in your suffering or in a wasteland of purposeless burning but in a fire of purification.”
Ragged Robin– I am struck by the way this Flower explains itself, ” I AM order amidst chaos, the connective thread of light amidst significant upheaval. Imagine a dark night of difficulty and how birdsong right before dawn would herald new hope and remind the listener of the presence of light amidst darkness even before the dawn came. I AM that song. Consider me for faith during dark nights of the soul. I AM a strong vibration of faith. I know the divine is rooted in each event and being. I know the light in both light and dark.”
Belerephon of the Open Door I could write for days about this Flower Essence and the mysterious and wondrous ways it opens doors for us in such wildly inventive ways. If you can’t seem to cross the threshold of something, work with this Essence!
Pink Grootendorst Rose I love that the final musical note of this mix is this Rose with its vibrational energy of ONLY LOVE IS REAL.
Pink Grootendorst Rose with a La Belle Sultane Rose
A Green Hope Farm friend emailed to ask for a Custom Mix of Flower Essences to support her to clear out her family of origin’s home and let it go to the next owners.
She noted that the task has been physically grueling and emotionally overwhelming noting that “some days I cry and nothing gets done.” She recalled that when she had to sell her own home, “I remember the effect that the Gaia Knows Best drops had on me when getting my own home in order- suddenly I was a powerhouse and tasks were accomplished with ease”. She asked for a custom mix for this hurdle ahead. ” It would be more for the home itself but also for my benefit. I’d like something that will help in restoring order where needed, as well as bless the home for the young (pregnant) couple who will occupy it and support me with getting it all done without having a mental breakdown (I know that’s a tall order! LOL!) I want it to have a housewarming, welcoming and loving vibe.”
First of all, I appreciated this woman’s sense of humor amidst an enormous challenge. I was also interested to see what the Angels and Elementals would choose for the custom mix. How would they address this coming and going? As usual they chose a Baker’s dozen of Flower Essences for the custom mix. Here it is the list of ingredients in the mix with some thoughts.
Please know that we love doing custom mixes for you for any circumstance. I learn so much from the whole process of hearing what you want then seeing what is chosen for your mix!
Flow Free– Our old friend that oils every squeaky wheel and helps things flow in any situation.
Carry Less & The Letting Go Flower– A childhood home carries so many memories and when we let the home go, it’s a good time to let any memories that bind us go as well. These two Essences help us get clear on what needs to be released and help us let go of all that binds us, hopefully leaving LOVE as all that is left.
Queen of the Night– This dynamo helps us feel powerful and clear sighted even when we are in a dark and murky situation, in fact, particularly when we are in a dark and murky situation. Clearing out a family home is often this sort of situation. I think this one will address her concern about not losing her mind while doing this work!
Morning Glory and New Beginnings– These two both help welcome the new owners and also help the former owner to find her own new beginnings with an open heart and arms wide open for the next adventure. I love how Morning Glory helps us drink in new experiences with gusto. In addition this one will definitely help with the welcoming vibe.
Honeysuckle– This one really helps us not get bogged down in old memories that might overwhelm us. When my childhood home went, the Angels let me go say goodbye to the property but told me not to look in the windows of the house. I had been disinherited by then, so none of the stuff was coming to me or was my responsibility to clear out. I appreciated this clear direction from the Angels to not look. I would definitely have been triggered by looking in the house. Instead I was able to say goodbye relatively peacefully down by the lake in our backyard. My husband, Jim, first kissed me down by the lake and later proposed to me in a rowboat out on the lake, so I could remember sweet things that had happened on this property and not get engulfed in sorrows In conclusion, I am in awe of those of you who must sort through all the stuff inside a family home!
Maltese Cross- Dismantling a childhood home is a tearing apart of the very fabric of our lives. Maltese Cross helps us piece ourselves and our situation back together during and after a tear down.
Spiderwort– This one offers support for discernment. It helps whenever we have to sort out what to keep and what to let go of.
Restore Divine Order and Harmony with all Kingdoms– While the house won’t trigger the new owners with old memories, I appreciate the way this Green Hope Farm friend frames her work in the house and her desire to leave the place in Divine order for the new owners.
Maple– Maple is so centering. It helps us find the middle ground and feel the sweetness in what we are called to do. It also is deeply restorative to our physical being after an ordeal like this.
From 1997 to 2010 my family and I lived with death threats from my violent, drug addicted, mentally unstable brother. These threats did not stop until my brother died of a drug overdose.
The many years of threats left me searching for Flower Essences that would help me and my family stay calm and centered even as we lived in danger. During these years, I needed Flower Essences that would help us not be adrenalized or in a flight or fight response all the time. We needed Flower. Essences to support us to feel calm even when we were not actually safe. We sought Flower Essences that would help us live our daily lives with as much good cheer as possible, even as we had to have systems in place should things go south. It was a balance of the practical and the hopeful, and it was hard to achieve.
The threats were credible. While my family of origin wanted to soft pedal my brother’s threats, violent behavior, drug use and illegal activities, the police in our area watched my brother closely and agreed with us that my brother was a danger. While it was helpful that the police didn’t discount our concern as my family of origin did, and instead actively worked to protect us, this didn’t leave us feeling safe.
The police patrolled the farm once a night. They knew that any 911 call from us was going to be bad, and together we discussed what we should do before and after such a call. Even with this support, we were vulnerable almost all the time. We often felt isolated and misunderstood as well as unsafe. Well meaning people would say things like, “How likely is this brother to actually kill you?” I was grateful to the police who did not feel we were overreacting, but sadly being right to be concerned wasn’t a solution or a comfort.
So what Flower Essences helped us? Here are some of the many we leaned on.
Emergency Care– This is helpful whenever we feel scared or adrenalized. I carried this one with me everywhere to take when I got alarmed or in case of emergencies. There was a moment when we learned that a student at our daughter’s college had been randomly killed in a school parking lot. For a bit we didn’t know if the victim was our daughter. This was the kind of moment that Emergency Care helped us with.
Flow Free– It was important always to keep flowing- not hold my breath, not hold onto spikes of anxiety, fear and worry but just flow. I took Flow Free every day. for all those years. It was the first thing I did each day- put Flow Free in a quart of water to sip throughout my day. I don’t know how I would have gotten through those years without Flow Free.
Sanctuary– We created this for a rape crisis center, but it helped us too.
During this time the Angels had us create a Venus Garden called Don’t Worry- Bee Happy. A lot of my spiritual work was to understand that worry and fear didn’t help me. There were actions to take but to let the fever of constant worry prevail was not helpful.
So many of the Venus Gardens were to reassure and bring us closer to Divinity. That was one unexpected thing. Despite my rather puritanical upbringing, I didn’t experience these threats as some sort of punishment from an angry deity nor was I mad at my spiritual guides and teachers. Yes, I was mad at my brother and the rest of my family of origin, but I felt that spirit was in the trenches with us every second of this horrible time. Even as I couldn’t be given some guarantee that it would all turn out okay, I had their absolute support. The Roses including dear Agnes Rose with its affirmation, “You and I are not We but One.” was one reason I felt this unbreakable companionship. Roses are Divinity in form and so are their Essences. They help us feel our inseparable oneness with Divinity.
One more thought on Don’t Worry- Bee Happy and other Venus Garden beloveds like Equanimity. During this time we had to stop believing that enjoying our lives as best we could was wrong. We could legitimately have just stayed in a state of alarm all the time, but we had to set ourselves free to be happy and not feel guilty about this.
Releasing my guilt was a big process. Things happen that are beyond our control, and sometimes we want to take responsibility for them or blame others just so we don’t have to acknowledge our lack of control. I would go over and over events and think to myself, if only I hadn’t done this or that maybe the whole thing wouldn’t have happened. I had to work really hard to let this thought pattern go and acknowledge that my holding onto guilt was in some ways an effort to see myself in control of something I was never in control of.
I hope none of you find yourselves in circumstances like this one, but I am so glad there are Flower Essences there to support you through if you do. I am grateful that the journey of creating Essences has continued since then with more supportive Flower Essences like the Sovereignty Set,Safe PassageBe Fearless and Amor Fati.
If any of these Flower friends call to you, know that we send them to you with so much love.
In today’s email a Green Hope Farm friend asks if the Flower Essence wisdom her dying cat is absorbing will stay with him and be part of his next return to a body.
This is how the Green Hope Farm friend asked this question, “I have a question about the flower essences…..say the flower essences I just purchased for (my cat) are in his system for a couple days and then he passes on to Spirit, when he comes back again, will he have the flower essences information and a raised vibration? Probably a strange question, but I am a very curious being.”
For me the answer is an emphatic yes.
Here is one reason I believe this. A woman fortunate enough to know and love a God realized Perfect Master asked him what would happen in her next life. Would she find her connection to Divinity again or would she have to start from scratch? The Perfect Master said to her, “It is always a going forward.”
He went on to explain that each of us pick up wherever we left off and thus move on closer to the goal of self realization.
Things fall apart on this plane of reality. Our efforts often don’t bring the results we hoped for. It’s that conversation about Amor Fati again. Doing our best is our work and outcomes are not in our hands. Divinity wants us to wake up and know our oneness, but Divinity not our personalities knows best how to accomplish this.
And frankly, the methods of waking us up can sometimes feel so dispiriting. Our personalities can so easily get lost in thinking events define us when only Divinity defines us.
I find it a great comfort to know that whatever we have learned in this life goes with us and informs what is next. We may have to let go of pretty much everything, but we do not let go of our connection to the Divine and that is all that matters. However close we have come to understanding our oneness with source, we remain in this truth and get to pick up where we left off. I find this very comforting.
This beloved in my life knows exactly what Flower Essences she needs. Her wise choices each time she visits the office are a vast reminder of how we carry what we know from incarnation to incarnation.
As a community of Flowers, Angels, Nature Spirits, Dogs, Cats and even some People, Green Hope Farm can be a funny place……and I love telling you all about it!