A new Green Hope Farm friend emailed to ask for Flower Essence suggestions. Her life had taken a violent turn in an unexpected direction. All her plans for her future were gone with the wind. In the aftermath, she works to accept what happened, even as the life she had envisioned continues to feel more real to her than the one she now inhabits. She seeks a thread of meaning and purpose in what happened. She wants to find peace but also not throw in the towel, despondent and without hope. She wants to rebuild knowing her personality is not in charge but hoping for the best.
Her brave letter made me think about the concept of Amor Fati. A few years ago I began to write about my life to sort out what happened to me and make sense of it. In hashing things out for myself, I hoped to release any lingering anger or bitterness about “what people did to me.” I wanted to be in my life with gratitude for everything.
As I began to write, I stumbled on the notion of Amor Fati, the attitude in which we see everything that happens to us, even suffering and loss, as good or necessary. To keep this idea in my mind I began the document with the following description of Amor Fati. Every time I opened the document, I would reread this.
Whatever needs to be healed within us, calls to us in events we call fate. Fate brings matters to our attention. Fate serves our process of finding our authentic self. Fate calls us to unseen and unknown parts of ourselves. Instead of being bitter about our fate, love it, embrace it, see it as the perfect gift in service to us, to our wholeness and holiness.
What do we do when we realize the ego is not in charge? Do we give up? Do we turn and embrace our fate and love our fate just as it is?
So back to this Green Hope Farm friend. When she wrote, I suggested I sit with the Angels and assemble a mix that supported her, holding Amor Fati in mind. She too seemed intent on accepting her fate and finding it meaningful. She also wanted to reconcile herself to living in hope that the new life coming towards her was going to be one of grace, including some of the dreams that had recently been stripped from her.
The Angels suggested these Flower Essences for a custom mix. (After I posted this blog we got more requests for Amor Fati mix so it is now available to one and all)
Coralita, Flower from the Gardens of Taormina, Effort & Grace, Equanimity, Don’t Worry-Bee Happy, Love It & Leave It, Loving What Is, Purplemat, Redwood, Flow Free, Jade, Zubiri, Blackberry, Canary Island Broom, Fragrant Orchid, Alignment Garden, Gratitude. Through Angels’ Eyes
As I looked at the Essences they chose, it was a bit of a Eureka moment for me. The bulk of these Essences are VENUS GARDEN ESSENCES. Each Venus Garden Essence takes a year to create. First the garden is designed by the Angels in the dark of winter. Then in early spring I grow the plants for the garden with the Elementals help. Then early in June, when the danger of frost is past, the entire garden is planted while following precise directions from the Angels. Come the fall equinox, the garden becomes a combination Flower Essence mix offering timely support for our collective spiritual journey.
Even when I had never heard of the concept of Amor Fati, the work of helping us live it had been the Angels and Elementals’ focus as embodied by the Venus Garden for more than thirty years. Now all of us can get support to love our fate by choosing from the different Venus Garden Flower Essences that address this challenge over and over in different ways and from different directions. If there is interest, I will make this custom mix into one available for one and all (now available as there was interest! ).
In that Eureka moment, I realized support for Amor Fati has always been a big picture, long term and integrated project for the Angels and Elementals here. I have long thought of each Venus Garden and Essence as building on previous gardens and Essences, but I don’t really think I grasped the overall theme until now. Perhaps later there will be another big picture theme that will shimmer into view. All I know for now is that we are all getting a lot of support if we want to embrace our fate and love it.
Before I close, I want to ponder the way Amor Fati and Hope cross paths. Some might say that embracing one’s fate means hope has no place. This isn’t true. We dream our fate into being before we incarnate when we have more of an overview of what we need to learn. Our work becomes accepting what we planned even when it is not what our we consciously want now. However things turn out, we still need hope. We need to hope for our spiritual growth and to hope for the fulfillment of our destiny to know we are one with Divinity. Trust comes in when we accept that how we get there is not always easy or something our personality would choose.
If looking for Flower Essences to keep hope alive, on our Resource page there is a document called Flower Essence Suggestions for Common Concerns. This document took years to create and is a great place to go if you are looking for Flower Essence support for a specific issue or concern. Usually a topic will be followed by general suggestions then more specific suggestions for variations on the concern. You’ll see what I mean below.
Here is the listing for HOPE.
Hope: Phoenix Rising, Through Angels’ Eyes, Queen Anne’s Lace, Swamp Candles, Fragrant Orchid, Borage
Light at dawn after dark night of soul: Ragged Robin
Hope when life looks devoid of life: Epimedium (additional Essence list)
Embracing hope as a way to move towards the Golden Age: Through Angels’ Eyes
Help to bring hopes and dreams into form: Inkberry, Nicker Nut, Lady’s Mantle, Biting Stonecrop, Belerephon of the Open Door
Moving away from despair and hopelessness: Gorse, Pink Grootendorst Rose
Sometimes when looking for support for a topic I will look up its opposite so looking up DESPAIR these are the suggestions
Despair: Borage, Crab Apple, Feverfew, Gorse, Milkweed, Giant Milkweed, Montbretia
When stuck in childhood despair: Inner Child, Abandonment & Abuse
If the suggestions in this document do not feel right, there are so many other ways Flowers and their Essences call to us. Sometimes the name of the Flower will call out when we see it. Sometimes when we go to the description, a phrase in the description will feel particularly relevant or powerful. The Angels choice of words is always intentional and deeply layered. When the words resonate, the Essence will most likely bring you a helpful vibrational energy.
We also are called to Flower Essences by the appearance of the Flower. That appearance is a signal to us as well as the insect and bird kingdoms. Flowers indicating their purpose through what they look like is known as “the doctrine of signature” When explaining this concept, I always think of Snapdragon as a particularly good example as the Flower Essence is concerned with issues of the mouth, jaw and teeth as well as the spinal column. Each Flower can be plucked and made to open like a mouth. A lovely moment last summer saw a pack of little people in the Venus Garden playing with Snapdragon blossoms. The Flowers encircle a straight stalk which particularly with White Snapdragon (which is the color we use to make the Flower Essence) resemble a spinal column.
This email exchange and resulting Amor Fati Flower Essence mix happened before the LA fires though now it reads as if she could have been from LA as she too lost the life she knew. Our hearts and prayers and thoughts go out to all concerned in this sorrowful time and all who are experiencing devastating life events..
With love and hope.