Here is an email exchange I had this week. Note that the GHF friend comes back to me with questions that really improve my explanation. Thank you K.B. I appreciate so much the questions you all ask and the ways you help me understand things better and also understand how I have not been clear.
QUESTION: I feel like I’ve been having some resistance to the new energy that’s coming in. I have no idea why because it’s time for a change, but there’s upheaval going on in the world, and in me. The doctor tells me there’s nothing wrong with me, but I’ve been exhausted a lot, and light headed, like not being ground. And irritable. I’ve never been irritable! When I went to see the acupuncturist I see on and off, he said all my meridians were out of whack. Any flower essence suggestions are welcome.
MY ANSWER: Yesterday someone sent me a snapshot of the Schumann Resonance for the planet right now. While in the past there has been varying amounts of incoming energy from day to day, and the picture of the Schumann Resonance is one of intermittent light waves, right now it is almost a solid experience of immense incoming energy, because nonstop light is entering the planet for us to assimilate. This is a lot for us to accommodate, so I am not surprised by your reaction!
These steady waves of incoming energy can leave us feeling very ungrounded and anxious even irritable as this energy often sits in our crown and upper chakras where it is hard for us to manage and leaves us feeling ungrounded. I suggest to people including myself that when we feel these symptoms of irritability, headaches, anxiety and a feeling of being ungrounded or overwhelmed, we pause and move the incoming energy down from our crown chakra to our hearts, so it can move out through our entire energy field from there. Grounding this energy in our hearts makes a huge difference.
The fact is that all of us must do the work of accommodating this incoming energy right now. Some of us may be feeling symptoms that call us to this work and some of us may not. But again, all of us have to assimilate this light energy just as Earth herself has to do so too.
Today the Angels mention Hollyhock for helping us move this energy down through our chakras. I would also check out all the Flower Essences listed for working with aligning all the seven chakras to see if others jump out at you. These will help you move the energy down to the heart then out to all parts of your system along the meridians of your chakra system.
I do not feel you are alone in feeling all these things- in fact I know you are not alone! I hope these thoughts are helpful!
GHF FRIEND’S QUESTION IN RESPONSE TO MY ANSWER: I just now briefly read about the Schumann Resonance. Some call this the “heart beat of the earth.” So the incoming energy you are referring to is coming from the earth? I have thought (it seems like erroneously) that the “uptick” of energy you have written about, came from elsewhere. Where I didn’t know. But it’s from our planet? This may be a question that has no answer: Is there a plan, a reason for this? Is the earth our guide, helping us evolve?
ANSWER: Oh that is so good your wrote back for clarification- The energy is coming from the central sun to Earth- It is part of the process of shifting up the vibration of the Earth- Yes the Schumann Resonance is the heartbeat of the Earth, and it is a reflection of Earth’s vibration. The spikes indicate an uptick in vibration- Earth itself assimilating the vibration of the incoming energy. Additionally we are going through a part of the universe we have never been in- one that is higher in vibration so that too calls Earth and all of us to raise our vibrations.
TODAY’S THOUGHTS: Okay, so in rereading this GHF friend’s second email, I realize that I didn’t answer the final part of her email. I think I got distracted because I was so glad that she had asked follow up questions that were going to make for a better explanation. This GHF friend asks if there is a plan and if the Earth is helping us. So here are my thoughts on that.
It is my heartfelt experience that there is a plan. Much as I often do not understand the whys of this plan or the ways it manifests, I feel there is a plan and my job is not so much to understand but to seek in my heart what is my role in helping the light flow in. I also feel that the Earth is very much helping us. By assimilating the incoming light energy, Earth gives us an energy grid that is holding this light. This gives us a role model for holding the light too.
If you go to a place in Nature where mankind isn’t holding onto the old energies, you can ground to this rising vibration more easily. If this is not possible, our Flower Essences bring the rising vibration of Earth to you.
One of the reasons why we do not have visitors at the farm and often are asked to stay out of the gardens ourselves is because it leaves the Flowers and gardens free to hold the light energy and rising vibration of Earth without our accidental interference. By following the guidance to stay out of the gardens and do only the garden jobs asked of us, we work to help create Flower Essences that hold the highest vibrations grounded on Earth.
In closing, here is a description of Hollyhock, the Flower Essence the Angels mentioned as particularly helpful right now for moving incoming energy down from our crown chakra to be accommodated by our entire energy system. Hollyhock Flower Essence has been in the Additional Flower Essence collection section of our website, but today the Angels asked me to move Hollyhock to the main line up, because it is so helpful right now with issues of assimilating the incoming light energies.
Hollyhock– Alcea The single Flowered Hollyhocks used in this Flower Essence help us to smooth and balance all our chakras and enhances our receptivity to the incoming divine energies in all the chakras. Its overall balancing support helps steady us as our locus of consciousness moves upward. This combination of encouraging an overall balance of all the chakras while simultaneously encouraging our evolutionary upward journey through our chakras is a rarity in Essences.
On my evolutionary journey, I AM the coordinated, smooth and balanced function of my electrical system.
One more P.S. Your beloved animal companions must make these vibrational shifts too. Flower Essences help them so much to access the vibrational information they need when they are unable to move around freely in the natural world. These constraints on their movements are something they do in service to us and with their whole hearts and beings. We can serve them back by either taking them into Nature or sharing Flower Essences with them.
Final P.S. I promise. Children need support for these shifts too.