Spritzing with Flower Essences and the Sisterhood of Custom Mixes

Thirty years into a daily life with Flower Essences in the middle of my everything and two things are mainstays: Spritzing and Custom Mixes.

It’s Monday morning.  Soon the office will be packed with Staff Goddesses.  The first thing we will do is have someone make an office Custom Mix for the day and put it in a spritzer bottle.  The second thing that will happen is we will all spritz ourselves.  We will use this mix all day. Tomorrow we will need a new mix.

In my kitchen where I begin my day a couple hours before the office opens, I always have a spritz bottle or two or three of a Custom Mix ready to share with  the people, animals and greenhouse plants of the household . They all know that  a spritz of Flower Essences will begin their days (and close their days at bedtime too).

One wonderful thing that happens to me is that when I am making a custom mix for one of you, I often fall in love with the recipe and make a custom mix bottle of the mix to share here too.  The latest mix I fell in love with was for a GHF friend named Carol. Thank you Carol!  Today I put some of your mix in the household spritz bottle. I also added another custom mix, “Rise above Rage”.  Thank you Barbara! And “Soul Retrieval” and “Forgiveness”. Thank you Tricia! (Tricia worked in the perfume industry for her life work and she now uses her talents  to make the most amazing custom mixes which I happily copy!) Another mix I am using right now was one for Maria. Thank you Maria! (Yes, I often put all of these mixes and more in the household and office custom mixes.)

The sisterhood of women and Flower Essences is a wonderful thing.  I thank you all for your insights into what is going on here on our precious planet and what Flower Essences will help us at this time.

Back to that breakfast scene, all these animals, plants and people graciously welcome the spritz treatment in the morning before they head off to work, school or ( if they are furry cats) a nap before the fire.

Once I am done spritzing everyone, I fill a quart jar with lemon water and add more Flower Essences from a shelf in the kitchen that holds a stash of Flower Essences. You’ll see Mix for Carol right in there in this slice of a long row of Flower Essence friends. Also you can just see the top of the current household spritz mix bottle poking up with its white top.

When the staff Goddesses make the mixes, they use this wall of Flower love shown below.  I will use this wall  later in the day when I am refilling my water jar during work.

These bottles are alphabetical thank goodness! Sometimes though, when picking from these shelves, I close my eyes and just “randomly” pick bottles- I love the surprise and perfection of this method.

Seven year old Grace works from this collection too, proud to be reading the labels for herself.   2 year old Henry prefers the intuitive method. He usually goes deep into the office to the shipping inventory and grabs a full bottle.  His choices are always spot on. So, for that matter, are Grace’s.  I love how much children know about Flower Essences and energy medicine.

Here is Will who is now a grown up.. He taught me a lot about Flower Essences as well as how our boxes were great for forts. ( He had the best hair.)

So why spritzing?  I do not think there is a better way to get the information of Flower Essences into our electrical system than spritzing.   Our electrical system extends out from our bodies  as do our subtle bodies. When we spritz over and around our physical body all of these energetic systems get the information of the Essence simultaneously which makes it that much easier to learn the wisdom that the Flower Essences hold.

Any of our Flower Essences, be they custom mixes or individual Flower Essences, can go in a spritz.  When I make a spritz bottle, I  put drops of Flower Essences in an empty spritz bottle then add water.  You can also use a stabilizer like our Red Shiso if you want the spritz bottle to last more than a couple days.  Once stabilized in Red Shiso, your mix should last for months!

No matter how you decide to stabilize your spritz bottle, it is a great way to stretch your Essences as only a dropperful or two is necessary in one of our 2 ounce spritzer bottles.  Flower Essences don’t dilute down in the same way as chemical remedies so a little Flower Essence carries the same electrical charge as a lot.

I hope this was helpful and that your Monday goes well!  Sending Love from all of us here!