While Vicki got to know her new baby, while Deb kayaked the cold waters of nearby Grafton Pond, while Patricia learned how to play Mah Jong, while Jane visited with her daughter and new grandpuppy Josie, and while Rhino loafed atop a dead dishwasher, I was out with the potatoes. They were proving slightly more labor intensive than my breezy words on Friday. I hornswaggled Jim and Lizzy into helping me on Sunday morning. By noon, we had the rest of the potatoes dug up, sorted, washed, and put to cure in the open air potting area of the barn. It’s so true that thing about many hands make light work.
Lizzy looking for any rogue potatoes while May May tries to convince her that potatoes are meant only for games of catch.
Jim sorting and cleaning various piles while I take the cleaned ones into the barn to cure in a windless, sunless, frost free spot.
Was this the attractive butt shot Lizzy asked me not to post?
There was even time for some bulb planting in the afternoon. And then for supper……