And so begins the Fall

It seems a shame to post anything after Ben’s Irish blog, but the seasons wait for no man and after a steamy summer, we have plunged into fall with its own particular beauty.


The sassy Rudbeckias match the season’s palette.

Late season spider webs decorate the Venus Garden.

In the kitchen, I am still trying to use 5600 cherry tomatoes a day.


The stiff winds of this weekend’s cold front blew over some Sunflowers, so I cut them up and filled the house with their sunshine.

Riley thought he was driving Emily back to college for her senior year yesterday. He would not budge from the driver’s seat. We all agreed that it was hard to be parted from our Emily.

In gardens that are looking crispy due to the drought, the life force tent still is wonderfully green from the inside looking up.
The outside of the life tent is pretty darn beautiful as well with its peak covered in brilliant Morning Glories.

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