Planting Days

Yesterday the planting continued. Emily and I took advantage of an overcast cool morning to begin planting the main vegetable garden.


Mishka came to inspect our progress.


So did Sophie, who joined us in the afternoon to plant the broccoli, cabbage, brussels sprouts as well as more annual Flowers.

Just as we were nearly done with what we had hoped to plant, a tractor trailer truck with 52,000 bottles, as in three palettes of 1/2 ounce cobalt blue bottles weighing a total of 4,000 pounds, arrived for us to unload into the barn.

That left us feeling like we really had used every muscle we had!

Today, Sophie and Emily are off, but Mishka and I will keep planting. Maybe I will put in some catnip to thank her for her very uncatlike willingness to see yesterday’s plantings through from start to finish.

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