Slightly Off Topic

The wedding was wonderful! However the month of May waits for no gardener, so I have been scrambling since the occasion to get all the gardens planted.

Today, with all but two gardens done, I pause to post a few photos from the wedding weekend. Being a bit distracted during the actual events, my photos are all about the preparations and slightly off the topic- I seem to have misplaced my camera whenever anything actually bride and groom related happened! We will have to await the bride and groom sorting through the lovely photos staff goddess, Lauren, took before there is anything else to share!


Yes, I really did mean it when I said “slightly off the topic.” Maybe I should have said “VERY off the topic.” This is Jim right after the wedding rehearsal. Two packages of honeybees that were supposed to arrive several days before the wedding were delivered right as we began the rehearsal. They really needed to go right in their new homes ASAP so Jim donned the bee suit and got to work as the rest of the group left for Lizzy and Miguel’s for the rehearsal dinner.

As we welcomed in the delightful Ramirez clan from Texas, it felt unexpected but also fitting that we were introducing new bee families to the farm at this auspicious moment.

Lolly and Cath with lanterns

If you wanted to know how the lanterns turned out, you are in luck as I managed to take pictures of this part of the occasion. Here Lauren and Catherine untangle strands while Emily and Ben fill an apple tree at Lizzy and Miguel’s house with loops.

Ben and Em hang lanterns


In this shot, on the morning of the wedding, I am getting ready to make the bouquets. I have Martha Stewart’s instructions in front of me for how to wrap Flowers with floral tape and assemble a bridal bouquet. I have plenty of hot tea and Catherine is at her station in front of the sink offering moral support. This seems to be the point at which my camera went AWOL. More photos later from other sources, I hope!

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